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| - Complementary Densities of Lévy Walks: Typical and Rare Fluctuations
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| - Strong anomalous diffusion is a recurring phenomenon in many fields, ranging from the spreading of cold atoms in optical lattices to transport processes in living cells. For such processes the scaling of the moments follows ⟨| x( t)| q⟩ ∼ tqν( q) and is characterized by a bi-linear spectrum of the scaling exponents, qν( q) . Here we analyze Lévy walks, with power law distributed times of flight ψ( τ) ∼ τ−(1+ α) , demonstrating sharp bi-linear scaling. Previously we showed that for α> 1 the asymptotic behavior is characterized by two complementary densities corresponding to the bi-scaling of the moments of x( t) . The first density is the expected generalized central limit theorem which is responsible for the low-order moments 0 < q< α. The second one, a non-normalizable density (also called infinite density) is formed by rare fluctuations and determines the time evolution of higher-order moments. Here we use the Faà di Bruno formalism to derive the moments of sub-ballistic super-diffusive Lévy walks and then apply the Mellin transform technique to derive exact expressions for their infinite densities. We find a uniform approximation for the density of particles using Lévy distribution for typical fluctuations and the infinite density for the rare ones. For ballistic Lévy walks 0 < α< 1 we obtain mono-scaling behavior which is quantified.
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