| - Civil society is being faced nowadays with unprecedented and global problems expressed for example by the seven societal challenges of the European research framework program. Sciences are called upon to clarify and find sustainable solutions. Yet they remain helpless in the face of the highly transverse nature of the issues. The latter concern society as a whole, including non-profit civil society organizations, who are experimenting new solutions and for whom access to research facilities is a necessity. Developing interfaces is therefore crucial. Science Shops are entities that carry out scientific research, usually free of charge, on behalf of citizens and local civil society. The term science is used in its broadest sense, including the social and human sciences, as well as natural, physical and engineering sciences. How Science Shops are structured is dependent on the local context. We describe here the creation process of our Science Shop carried out during an 18-month prefiguration study. We conducted a sociological survey followed by a participatory process where researchers and civil society organizations worked together in order to co-create the Science Shop of the Hauts-de-France region. We focused our paper on the survey results intended for researchers, students and civil society organizations in order to test their interest in the project. They demonstrated the positive response to our science shop, and more generally to this type of participatory tool among all the stakeholders.
- La société est confrontée à des problèmes inédits et globaux. Les sciences sont sollicitées pour éclairer les citoyens et trouver des solutions durables mais restent désarmées face au caractère transversal des problématiques. Ces dernières concernent l’ensemble de la société, en particulier les organisations de la société civile à but non lucratif qui expérimentent des solutions et pour qui l’accès aux moyens de recherche se pose. Le développement d’interfaces sciences-société apparaît intéressant à l’instar de la Boutique des sciences créée dans la région des Hauts-de-France. Sans occulter les difficultés de sa mise en œuvre, cet article montre comment s’est constitué cet outil en procédant en deux temps : une enquête sociologique auprès des acteurs chercheurs, étudiants et représentants des organisations de la société civile, suivie d’une élaboration par un processus de cocréation les associant.