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The Emancipation of America
Merril D. Smith, editor. Sex and Sexuality in Early America. New York: New York University Press. 1998. Pp. ix, 341. Cloth $65.00, paper $19.50
Eugene D. Genovese. A Consuming Fire: The Fall of the Confederacy in the Mind of the White Christian South. (Mercer University Lamar Memorial Lectures, number 41.) Athens: University of Georgia Press. 1998. Pp. xvi, 180. $24.95
Wayne Flynt. Alabama Baptists: Southern Baptists in the Heart of Dixie. (Religion and American Culture.) Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. 1998. Pp. xxi, 731. $29.95
Donald L. Fixico. The Invasion of Indian Country in the Twentieth Century: American Capitalism and Tribal Natural Resources. Niwot: University Press of Colorado. 1998. Pp. xix, 258. Cloth $39.95, paper $22.50
Bryant Simon. A Fabric of Defeat: The Politics of South Carolina Millhands, 1910-1948. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1998. Pp. xiv, 345. Cloth $49.95, paper $19.95
Ben Procter. William Randolph Hearst: The Early Years, 1863-1910. New York: Oxford University Press. 1998. Pp. xiv, 345. $30.00
Nathan Godfried. WCFL: Chicago's Voice of Labor, 1926-78. (The History of Communication.) Champaign: University of Illinois Press. 1997. Pp. xix, 390. Cloth $49.95, paper $19.95
Richard English. Ernie O'Malley: IRA Intellectual. New York: Clarendon Press Oxford University. 1998. Pp. xii, 267. $45.00
Crossers of the Sea: Slaves, Freedmen, and Other Migrants in the Northwestern Indian Ocean, c. 1750-1914
Bonnie G. Smith. The Gender of History: Men, Women, and Historical Practice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1998. Pp. viii, 306. $35.00
Gerald Friedman. State-Making and Labor Movements: France and the United States, 1876-1914. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1998. Pp. xiv, 317. $55.00
Paul A. C. Koistinen. Planning War, Pursuing Peace: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1920-1939. (Modern War Studies.) Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. 1998. Pp. xix, 432. $45.00
Matthew D. Lassiter and Andrew B. Lewis, editors. The Moderates' Dilemma: Massive Resistance to School Desegregation in Virginia. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. 1998. Pp. xv, 251. Cloth $49.50, paper $18.50
Mary Stroll. The Medieval Abbey of Farfa: Target of Papal and Imperial Ambitions. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, number 74.) New York: E. J. Brill. 1997. Pp. xii, 298
Selim Deringil. The Well-Protected Domains: Ideology and the Legitimation of Power in the Ottoman Empire, 1876-1909. London: I. B. Tauris. 1998. Pp. xi, 260. $59.50
David S. Katz and Richard H. Popkin. Messianic Revolution: Radical Religious Politics to the End of the Second Millennium. New York: Hill and Wang. 1999. Pp. xxv, 303. $26.00
Jayne E. Triber. A True Republican: The Life of Paul Revere. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. 1998. Pp. x, 314. $29.95
Valeen Tippetts Avery. From Mission to Madness: Last Son of the Mormon Prophet. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press. 1998. Pp. xii, 357. Cloth $49.95, paper $19.95
Elizabeth J. Clapp. Mothers of All Children: Women Reformers and the Rise of Juvenile Courts in Progressive-Era America. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. 1998. Pp. ix, 214. Cloth $55.00, paper $18.95
Joel A. Carpenter. Revive Us Again: The Reawakening of American Fundamentalism. New York: Oxford University Press. 1997. Pp. xiv, 335. $30.00
Richard O. Davies. Main Street Blues: The Decline of Small-Town America. (Urban Life and Urban Landscape Series.) Columbus: Ohio State University Press. 1998. Pp. xiii, 234. Cloth $39.95, paper $20.00
J. Lawrence Broz. The International Origins of the Federal Reserve System. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1997. Pp. xiii, 269. $35.00
Outi Karemaa. Vihollisia, vainoojia, syöpäläisiä: Venäläisviha Suomessa 1917-1923. [Foes, Friends and Vermin: Ethnic Hatred of Russians in Finland, 1917-1923] (Bibliotheca Historica, number 30.) Helsinki: Suomen Historiallinen Seura. 1998. Pp. 221
Esko Salminen. The Silenced Media: The Propaganda War between Russia and the West in Northern Europe. Translated by Jyri Kokkonen. New York: St. Martin's. 1999. Pp. xii, 198. $65.00
Isidore Okpewho. Once Upon a Kingdom: Myth, Hegemony, and Identity. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1998. Pp. xiii, 252. Cloth $39.95, paper $19.95
Tim Rees and Andrew Thorpe, editors. International Communism and the Communist International 1919-1943. New York: Manchester University Press. 1998. Pp. x, 323. $79.95
David La Vere. The Caddo Chiefdoms: Caddo Economics and Politics, 700-1835. (Indians of the Southeast.) Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1998. Pp. xiv, 198. $45.00
James E. Lewis, Jr., The American Union and the Problem of Neighborhood: The United States and the Collapse of the Spanish Empire, 1783-1829. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1998. Pp. xi, 304. Cloth $49.95, paper $18.95
Leon Fink. Progressive Intellectuals and the Dilemmas of Democratic Commitment. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1997. Pp. x, 374. $39.95
Nabil Matar. Islam in Britain, 1558-1685. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1998. Pp. xi, 226. $59.95
Cormac Ö Gráda. Black '47 and Beyond: The Great Irish Famine in History, Economy, and Memory. (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World.) Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1999. Pp. xii, 302. $35.00
Fabian Persson. Servants of Fortune: The Swedish Court between 1598 and 1721. Lund: Wallin and Dalholm. 1999. Pp. vi, 278. 320 KR
Christopher Ehret. An African Classical Age: Eastern and Southern Africa in World History, 1000 B.C. to A.D. 400. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. 1998. Pp. xvii, 354. $45.00
Ride with the Devil. Produced by Robert Colesberry, Ted Hope, and James Schamus; directed by Ang Lee; screenplay by James Schamus, based on the novel by Daniel Woodrell. 1999; color; 138 minutes. Distributor: Universal Pictures
Restarting Chinese History
Steven J. Dick. Life on Other Worlds: The Twentieth-Century Extraterrestrial Life Debate. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1998. Pp. xiii, 290. $24.95
Paul H. Carlson. The Plains Indians. (Elma Dill Russell Spencer Series in the West and Southwest, number 19.) College Station: Texas A&M University Press. 1998. Pp. xii, 254. Cloth $29.95, paper $15.95
Eric Caplan. Mind Games: American Culture and the Birth of Psychotherapy. (Medicine and Society, number 9.) Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1998. Pp. xiii, 242. $35.00
Gary B. Ostrower. The United Nations and the United States. (Twayne's International History Series.) New York: Twayne of Macmillan. 1998. Pp. xvi, 317. $29.95
Sarah Hart Brown. Standing Against Dragons: Three Southern Lawyers in an Era of Fear. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1998. Pp. xvii, 308. $35.00
Laurent Dubois. Les esclaves de la République: L'histoire oubliée de la première émancipation 1789-1794. Translated by Jean-François Chaix. Paris: Calmann-Lévy. 1998. Pp. 239. 120 fr
Brendan Smith. Colonisation and Conquest in Medieval Ireland: The English in Louth, 1170-1330. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 1999. Pp. xvi, 189. $54.95
Angeles Egido León. Manuel Azaeña: Entre el mito y la leyenda. Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y Leon. 1998. Pp. 469
Herrick Chapman, Mark Kesselman, and Martin a. Schain, editors. A Century of Organized Labor in France: A Union Movement for the Twenty-First Century? New York: St. Martin's. 1998. Pp. xi, 260. $49.95
David Gentilcore. Healers and Healing in Early Modern Italy. (Social and Cultural Values in Early Modern Europe.) New York: Manchester University Press: distributed by St. Martin's Press. 1998. Pp. xiii, 240. $79.95 and Gianna Pomata. Contracting a Cure: Patients, Healers, and the Law in Early Modern Bologna. Translated by the author, assisted by Rosemarie Foy and Anna Taraboletti-Segre. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 1998. Pp. xvii, 294. $42.50
Esther Kingston-Mann. In Search of the True West: Culture, Economies, and Problems of Russian Development. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1999. Pp. xiii, 301. Cloth $59.50, paper $27.95
Collected Essays
To the Editor
Shmuel Almog, Jehuda Reinharz, and Anita Shapira, editors. Zionism and Religion. (The Tauber Institute for the Study of European Jewry Series, number 30.) Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England: for Brandeis University Press, in association with the Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History. 1998. Pp. xii, 352. $50.00
Craig Heron, editor. The Workers' Revolt in Canada, 1917-1925. Buffalo, N.Y.: University of Toronto Press. 1998. Pp. vi, 382. $21.95
Antonia Maioni. Parting at the Crossroads: The Emergence of Health Insurance in the United States and Canada. (Princeton Studies in American Politics.) Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1998. Pp. xiv, 205. $37.50
James Hoopes. Community Denied: The Wrong Turn of Pragmatic Liberalism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1998. Pp. 192. $32.50
Michael J. Hogan. A Cross of Iron: Harry S. Truman and the Origins of the National Security State, 1945-1954. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1998. Pp. xii, 525. $34.95
Rainer Liedtke. Jewish Welfare in Hamburg and Manchester, c. 1850-1914. (Oxford Historical Monographs.) New York: Clarendon Press Oxford University. 1998. Pp. vi, 266. $69.00
Hilda L. Smith. Women Writers and the Early Modern British Political Tradition. New York: Cambridge University Press in association with the Folger Institute, Washington, D.C. Pp. xiv, 392. $59.95
Susan Verdi Webster. Art and Ritual in Golden-Age Spain: Sevillian Confraternities and the Processional Sculpture of Holy Week. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1998. Pp. xxi, 298. $55.00
Brother, Can You Spare a Billion? The Story of Jesse H. Jones. Produced and directed by Eric Strange; written by Steven Fenberg and Eric Strange. 1998; color and black and white; 57 minutes. Distributor: Houston Public Television
Index of Advertisers
Kathryn Meyer and Terry Parssinen. Webs of Smoke: Smugglers, Warlords, Spies, and the History of the International Drug Trade. (State and Society in East Asia.) Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield. 1998. Pp. xx, 313. $29.95
Margaret Ellen Newell. From Dependency to Independence: Economic Revolution in Colonial New England. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1998. Pp. x, 329. $39.95
Larry E. Tise. The American Counterrevolution: A Retreat from Liberty, 1783-1800. Mechanicsburg, Pa.: Stackpole. 1998. Pp. 1, 634. $49.95
Nancy Isenberg. Sex and Citizenship in Antebellum America. (Gender and American Culture.) Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1998. Pp. xviii, 319. Cloth $45.00, paper $16.95
S. Charles Bolton. Arkansas, 1800-1860: Remote and Restless. (Histories of Arkansas.) Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press. 1998. Pp. xvi, 207. $28.00
Christopher Owen Lynch. Selling Catholicism: Bishop Sheen and the Power of Television. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. 1998. Pp. xii, 200. $24.95
Orrin Schwab. Defending the Free World: John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and the Vietnam War, 1961-1965. (Praeger Studies in Diplomacy and Strategic Thought.) Westport, Conn.: Praeger. 1998. Pp. x, 243. $59.95
Mavis E. Mate. Daughters, Wives and Widows after the Black Death: Women in Sussex, 1350-1535. Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell. 1998. Pp. xiii, 221. $72.00
G. R. Searle. Morality and the Market in Victorian Britain. New York: Clarendon Press Oxford University. 1998. Pp. xi, 300. $85.00
Rolande Depoortere. La question des réparations allemandes dans la politique étrangére de la Belgique après la première guerre mondiale, 1919-1925. Brussels: Académie Royale. 1997. Pp. 440. 1500 F
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc. Produced by Patrice Ledoux; directed by Luc Besson; screenplay by Andrew Birkin and Luc Besson. 1999; color; 130 minutes. Distributor: Columbia Pictures
The American Revolution
Ian Tyrrell. True Gardens of the Gods: Californian-Australian Environmental Reform, 1860-1930. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1999. Pp. xi, 313. $48.00
Alan Harris Bath. Tracking the Axis Enemy: The Triumph of Anglo-American Naval Intelligence. (Modern War Studies.) Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. 1998. Pp. xii, 308. $34.95, Thomas E. Mahl. Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939-44. McLean, Va.: Brassey's. 1998. Pp. xiv, 257. $26.95 and Jay Jakub. Spies and Saboteurs: Anglo-American Collaboration and Rivalry in Human Intelligence Collection and Special Operations; 1940-45. Foreword by Douglas Dodds-Parker. New York: St. Martin's. 1999. Pp. xxix, 280. $45.00
Jonathan N. Lipman. Familiar Strangers: A History of Muslims in Northwest China. (Studies on Ethnic Groups in China.) Seattle: University of Washington Press. 1997. Pp. xxxvi, 266. $22.50
Selçuk Esenbel. Even the Gods Rebel: The Peasants of Takaino and the 1871 Nakano Uprising in Japan. (Monographs of the Association for Asian Studies, number 57.) Ann Arbor, Mich.: Association for Asian Studies. 1998. Pp. 415. $38.00
John Prados. The Blood Road: The Ho Chi Minh Trail and the Vietnam War. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1999. Pp. xvi, 432. $35.00
Louis A. Perez, Jr. The War of 1898: The United States and Cuba in History and Historiography. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1998. Pp. xvi, 171. Cloth $34.95, paper $16.95
Thomas A. J. McGinn. Prostitution, Sexuality, and the Law in Ancient Rome. New York: Oxford University Press. 1998. Pp. xvi, 416. $55.00
M. Michèle Mulchahey. “First the Bow is Bent in Study …”: Dominican Education before 1350. (Studies and Texts, number 132.) Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Pontifical Institute. 1998. Pp. xxi, 618. $110.00
J. G. Bellamy. The Criminal Trial in Later Medieval England: Felony before the Courts from Edward I to the Sixteenth Century. Buffalo, N.Y.: University of Toronto Press. 1998. Pp. 208. $50.00
Peter van Kessel and Elisja Schulte, editors. Rome and Amsterdam: Two Growing Cities in Seventeenth-Century Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press; distributed by the University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. 1998. Pp. xxiv, 333. $54.50
Jon Lawrence. Speaking for the People: Party, Language and Popular Politics in England, 1867-1914. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1998. Pp. xiii, 289. $64.95
Montserrat Carbonell i Esteller. Sobreviure a Barcelona: Dones, pobresa i assistència al segle XVIII. (Referències, number 20.) Vich, Spain: Eumo. 1997. Pp. 207
Rebecca Haidt. Embodying Enlightenment: Knowing the Body in Eighteenth-Century Spanish Literature and Culture. New York: St. Martin's. 1998. Pp. xi, 279. $45.00
Lucy Riall. Sicily and the Unification of Italy: Liberal Policy and Local Power, 1859-1866. New York: Clarendon Press Oxford University. 1998. Pp. viii, 252. $65.00
R. J. B. Bosworth and Patrizia Dogliani, editors. Italian Fascism: History, Memory and Representation. New York: St. Martin's. 1999. Pp. viii, 245. $65.00
Denise J. Youngblood. The Magic Mirror: Moviemaking in Russia, 1908-1918. (Wisconsin Studies in Film.) Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 1999. Pp. xvii, 197. Cloth $49.95, paper $19.95
Penny Summerfield. Reconstructing Women's Wartime Lives: Discourse and Subjectivity in Oral Histories of the Second World War. New York: Manchester University Press. 1998. Pp. xiii, 338. Cloth $79.95, paper $29.95
Stuart Banner. Anglo-American Securities Regulation: Cultural and Political Roots, 1690-1860. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1998. Pp. xviii, 318. $69.95
August Ibrum K. Kituai. My Gun, My Brother: The World of the Papua New Guinea Colonial Police, 1920- 1960. (Pacific Islands Monograph Series, number 15.) Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, in association with the Center for Pacific Islands Studies, School of Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Studies, Honolulu. 1998. Pp. xx, 414. $48.00
Armstrong Starkey. European and Native American Warfare, 1675-1815. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1998. Pp. viii, 208. $39.95
Dee Garceau. The Important Things of Life: Women, Work, and Family in Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1880-1929. (Women in the West.) Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1997. Pp. x, 215. $45.00
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