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Bringing the Natural World into History
Carmen Teresa Whalen. From Puerto Rico to Philadelphia: Puerto Rican Workers and Postwar Economies. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 2001. Pp. xiii, 309. Cloth $74.50, paper $24.95
Claude Gélinas. La Gestion de l'étranger: Les Atikamekw et la présence eurocanadienne en Haute-Mauricie 1760-1870. Sillery: Septentrion. 2000. Pp. 378. $29.95
Charles David Jacobson. Ties that Bind: Economic and Political Dilemmas of Urban Utility Networks, 1800-1990. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press. 2000. Pp. xi, 282. $35.00
Eric Arnesen. Brotherhoods of Color: Black Railroad Workers and the Struggle for Equality. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2001. Pp. 332. $39.95
Sherrie Tucker. Swing Shift: “All-Girl” Bands of the 1940s. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 2000. Pp. ix, 413. $29.95
Robert Alan Goldberg. Enemies Within: The Culture of Conspiracy of Modern America. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2001. Pp. xiv, 354. $29.95
Jeffrey M. Pilcher. Cantinflas and the Chaos of Mexican Modernity. (Latin American Silhouettes.) Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources. 2001. Pp. xxvi, 247. Cloth $55.00, paper $19.95
Simon Gunn. The Public Culture of the Victorian Middle Class: Ritual and Authority and the English Industrial City 1840-1914. New York: Manchester University Press. 2000. Pp. x, 207. $74.95
Mark Connelly. The Great War: Memory and Ritual Commemoration in the City and East London 1916-1939. (Royal Historical Society Studies in History, New Series.) Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell. 2002. Pp. xii, 259. $70.00
Maiken Umbach. Federalism and Enlightenment in Germany, 1740-1806. Rio Grande, Ohio: Hambledon Press. 2000. Pp. xi, 232
Bernd Widdig. Culture and Inflation in Weimar Germany. (Weimar and Now: German Cultural Criticism, number 26.) Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 2001. Pp. xvi, 277. $45.00
Eric A. Johnson. Nazi Terror: The Gestapo, Jews, and Ordinary Germans. New York: BasicBooks. 1999. Pp. xx, 636. $35.00
Orlando Figes and Boris Kolonitskii. Interpreting the Russian Revolution: The Language and Symbols of 1917. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1999. Pp. 198. $24.95
Paul Wheatley. The Places Where Men Pray Together: Cities in Islamic Lands Seventh through the Tenth Centuries. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2001. Pp. xviii, 572. $65.00
David Baguley. Napoleon HI and His Regime: An Extravaganza. (Modernist Studies.) Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 2000. Pp. xxii, 425. $49.95
Man Bun Kwan. The Salt Merchants of Tianjin: State-Making and Civil Society in Late Imperial China. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. 2001. Pp. viii, 239. $42.00
Tiana Norgren. Abortion before Birth Control: The Politics of Reproduction in Postwar Japan. (Studies of the East Asian Institute.) Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2001. Pp. xiii, 242. Cloth $45.00, paper $17.95
Martin Crawford. Ashe County's Civil War: Community and Society in the Appalachian South. (A Nation Divided: New Studies in Civil War History.) Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. 2001. Pp. xiv, 238. Cloth $49.50, paper $17.50
Dan Flores. The Natural West: Environmental History in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 2001. Pp. x, 285. $29.95
Jack Irby Hayes, Jr. South Carolina and the New Deal. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press. 2001. Pp. xvi, 290. $34.95
Izumi Hirobe. Japanese Pride, American Prejudice: Modifying the Exclusion Clause of the 1924 Immigration Act. (Asian America.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001. Pp. xiii, 327. $49.95
Alain Corbin. The Life of an Unknown: The Rediscovered World of a Clog Maker in Nineteenth-Century France. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. (European Perspectives.) New York: Columbia University Press. 2001. Pp. xiii, 271. $27.50
Francine Muel-Dreyfus. Vichy and the Eternal Feminine: A Contribution to a Political-Sociology of Gender. Translated by Kathleen A. Johnson. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 2001. Pp. 387. Cloth $64.95, paper $21.95
Simon C. Smith. Kuwait 1950-1965: Britain, the al-Sabah and Oil. (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Monograph.) New York: Oxford University Press: published for the British Academy. 1999. Pp. 167
Rahma Bourqia and Susan Gilson Miller, editors. In the Shadow of the Sultan: Culture, Power, and Politics in Morocco. (Harvard Middle Eastern Monographs, number 31.) Cambridge: Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies; distributed by Harvard University Press, Cambridge. 1999. Pp. xi, 331. $19.95
Timothy Rawson. Changing Tracks: Predators and Politics in Mt. McKinley National Park. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press. 2001. Pp. xiv, 326. Cloth $39.95, paper $24.95
Alain Boureau. The Myth of Pope Joan. Translated by Lydia G. Cochrane. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2001. Pp. x, 385. Cloth $60.00, paper $22.50
Robert Woods. The Demography of Victorian England and Wales. (Cambridge Studies in Population, Economy and Society in Past Time, number 35.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 2000. Pp. xxv, 447. $69.95
Anthony Crubaugh. Balancing the Scales of Justice: Local Courts and Rural Society in Southwest France, 1750-1800. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. 2001. Pp. xx, 257. Cloth $65.00, paper $19.95
Jozo Tomasevich. War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945: Occupation and Collaboration. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 2001. Pp. xvii, 842. $69.50
Index to American Historical Review, June 2002
Richard J. Aldrich. The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence. London: John Murray. 2001. Pp. xv, 733. £25.00
Herbert A. Johnson. Wingless Eagle: U.S. Army Aviation through World War I. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 2001. Pp. xvi, 298. $34.95
Constance Brittain Bouchard. “Those of My Blood”: Constructing Noble Families in Medieval Francia. (The Middle Ages Series.) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2001. Pp. ix, 248. $55.00
Susan Signe Morrison. Women Pilgrims in Late Medieval England: Private Piety as Public Performance. (Routledge Research in Medieval Studies, number 3.) New York: Routledge. 2000. Pp. xii, 194
Ellis Wasson. Born to Rule: British Political Elites. New York: Sutton Publishing. 2000. Pp. xvi, 224. $34.95
Lisa Tiersten. Marianne in the Market: Envisioning Consumer Society in Fin-de-Siècle France. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 2001. Pp. xiii, 321. $45.00
Abraham David. To Come to the Land: Immigration and Settlement in Sixteenth-Century Eretz-Israel. Translated by Dena Ordan. (Judaic Studies Series.) Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. 1999. Pp. xiii, 306. $49.95
Atanarjuat the Fast Runner. Produced by Paul Apak Angilirq; directed by Zacharias Kunuk; screenplay by Paul Apak Angilirq. 2001; color; 172 minutes. Distributed by Lot 47 Films
Susan Vandiver Nicassio. Tosca's Rome: The Play and the Opera in Historical Perspective. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1999. Pp. xix, 335. $45.00
Ida Altman. Transatlantic Ties in the Spanish Empire: Brihuega, Spain, and Puebla, Mexico, 1560-1620. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 2000. Pp. viii, 254. $45.00
Sanjay Subrahmanyam. Penumbral Visions: Making Polities in Early Modern South India. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2001. Pp. ix, 295. $49.50
Susan Sessions Rugh. Our Common Country: Family Farming, Culture, and Community in the Nineteenth-Century Midwest. (Midwestern History and Culture.) Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 2001. Pp. xxi, 285. $45.00
John C. Inscoe and Robert C. Kenzer, editors. Enemies of the Country: New Perspectives on Unionists in the Civil War South. Athens: University of Georgia Press. 2001. Pp. vi, 242. $45.00
Rachel F. Moran. Interracial Intimacy: The Regulation of Race and Romance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2001. Pp. xii, 271. $30.00
Loris Zanatta. Del estado liberal a la nacion católica: Iglesia y ejército en los orígenes del peronismo; 1930-1943. Translated by Judith Farberman. (Política, Economía y Sociedad.) Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. 1996. Pp. 413 and Loris Zanatta. Perón y el mito de la nación católica: Iglesia y ejército en los orígenes del peronismo (1943-1946). Translated by Luciana Daelli. (Co1ección Historia y Cultura.) Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana. 1999. Pp. 452
Andrea Finkelstein. Harmony and the Balance: An Intellectual History of Seventeenth-Century English Economic Thought. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2000. Pp. viii, 381. $49.50
Nicola Cooper. France in Indochina: Colonial Encounters. New York: Berg. 2001. Pp. ix, 240. $19.50
Mariana Hausleitner. Die Rumänisierung der Bukowina: Die Durchsetzung des nationalstaatlichen Anspruchs Grossrumäniens 1918-1944. (Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, number 111.) Munich: R. Oldenbourg. 2001. Pp. 497. DM 120
David R. Stone. Hammer and Rifle: The Militarization of the Soviet Union, 1926-1933. (Modern War Studies.) Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. 2000. Pp. vii, 287. $39.95
Eyal Zisser. Lebanon: The Challenge of Independence. New York: I. B. Tauris. 2000. pp. xiii, 297. $59.50
Andrew Stein replies
Ottoman Orientalism
Down to Earth: Nature, Agency, and Power in History
Jean Stengers and Anne Van Neck. Masturbation: The History of a Great Terror. Translated by Kathryn A. Hoffmann. New York: Palgrave. 2001. Pp. ix, 239. $24.95
Tirthankar Roy. Traditional Industry in the Economy of Colonial India. (Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society, number 5.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 1999. Pp. xi, 252. $64.95
Mia Bay. The White Image in the Black Mind: African-American Ideas about White People, 1830-1925. New York: Oxford University Press. 2000. Pp. viii, 288. Cloth $45.00, paper $19.95
Margarete Sandelowski. Devices and Desires: Gender, Technology, and American Nursing. (Studies in Social Medicine.) Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 2000. Pp. xvii, 295. Cloth $45.00, paper $19.95
Alexander Callander Murray, editor. After Rome's Fall: Narrators and Sources of Early Medieval History. Buffalo N.Y.: University of Toronto Press. 1998. Pp. xii, 388. $55.00
J. D. Y. Peel. Religious Encounter and the Making of the Yoruba. (African Systems of Thought.) Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 2000. Pp. xi, 420. $49.95
To the Editor
Natalie Klein. “L'humanité, le christianisme, et la liberté”: Die internationale philhellenische Vereinsbewegung der 1820er Jahre. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für europäische Geschichte Mainz, Abteilung für Universalgeschichte, number 178.) Mainz: Philipp von Zabern. 2000. Pp. xii, 382. DM 88
Peter L. Schmitthenner. Telugu Resurgence: C. P. Brown and Cultural Consolidation in Nineteenth-Century South India. New Delhi: Manohar; distributed by South Asia Books, Columbia, Mo. 2001. Pp. 324. $27.50
Sayed Wiqar Ali Shah. Ethnicity, Islam and Nationalism: Muslim Politics in the North-West Frontier Province 1937-1947. New York: Oxford University Press. 1999. Pp. liv, 311. $32.00
Saverio Giovacchini. Hollywood Modernism: Film and Politics in the Age of the New Deal. (Culture and the Moving Image.) Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 2001. Pp. 292. Cloth $68.50, paper $22.95
John Callow. The Making of King James II: The Formative Years of a Fallen King. New York: Sutton Publishing. 2000. Pp. ix, 373. $32.95
Jim Smyth, editor. Revolution, Counter-revolution and Union: Ireland in the 1790s. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2000. Pp. xii, 245. $59.95
Jean Allman and Victoria Tashjian. “I Will Not Eat Stone”: A Women's History of Colonial Asante. (Social History of Africa.) Portsmouth: Heinemann. 2000. Pp. xlvi, 255. Cloth $65.00, paper $24.95
Markku Ruotsila. British and American Anticommunism before the Cold War. (CASS Series: Cold War History, number 3.) Portland, Oreg.: Frank Cass. 2001. Pp. xiv, 274. Cloth $57.50, paper $26.50
Jean Edward Smith. Grant. New York: Simon and Schuster. 2001. Pp. 781. $35.00
Melani McAlister. Epic Encounters: Culture, Media, and U.S. Interests in the Middle East, 1945-2000. (American Crossroads.) Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 2001. Pp. xv, 358. Cloth $50.00, paper $19.95
Antonio Feros. Kingship and Favoritism in the Spain of Philip III, 1598-1621. (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern History.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 2000. Pp. xvi, 299. $69.95
Elena Agarossi. A Nation Collapses: The Italian Surrender of September 1943. Translated by Harvey Fergusson II. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2000. Pp. xi, 187. $44.95
The Black Death: End of a Paradigm
Peter J. Golas. Science and Civilisation in China. Volume 5, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, part 13, Mining. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1999. Pp. xxvi, 538. $150.00
Sherman Cochran. Encountering Chinese Networks: Western, Japanese, and Chinese Corporations in China, 1880-1937. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 2000. Pp. xii, 257. $40.00
María Elena Díaz. The Virgin, the King, and the Royal Slaves of El Cobre: Negotiating Freedom in Colonial Cuba, 1670-1780. (Cultural Sitings.) Stanford: Stanford University Press. 2000. Pp. xviii, 440. $49.50
Eugene L. Rogan. Frontiers of the Ottoman State, Transjordan 1850-1921. (Cambridge Middle East Studies, number 12.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 1999. Pp. xiv, 274. $64.95
Other Books Received
Manisha Sinha. The Counterrevolution of Slavery: Politics and Ideology in Antebellum South Carolina. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 2000. Pp. xiii, 362. Cloth $55.00, paper $19.95
Steven Stoll. The Fruits of Natural Advantage: Making the Industrial Countryside in California. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1998. Pp. xix, 273. $35.00
Rod Janzen. The Rise and Fall of Synanon: A California Utopia. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press in cooperation with The Center for American Places, Sante Fe, N. Mex. and Harrisonburg. 2001. Pp. ix, 300. $34.95
Will Fowler. Tornel and Santa Anna: The Writer and the Caudillo, Mexico 1795-1853. (Contributions in Latin American Studies, number 14.) Westport, Conn.: Greenwood. 2000. Pp. xv, 308. $69.50
Carlos Alberto Garcés. El cuerpo como texto: La problemática del castigo corporal en el siglo XVIII. San Salvador de Jujuy: Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. 1999. Pp. 238
Matthew Innes. State and Society in the Early Middle Ages: The Middle Rhine Valley, 400-1000. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, number 47.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 2000. Pp. xvi, 316. $64.95
Tamara L. Whited. Forests and Peasant Politics in Modern France. (Yale Agrarian Studies Series.) New Haven: Yale University Press. 2000. Pp. xii, 274. $32.50
Daniel Bourgeois. Das Geschäft mit Hitlerdeutschland: Schweizer Wirtschaft und Drittes Reich. Translated by Birgit Althaler. Zurich: Rotpunktverlag. 2000. Pp. 297
Saul Dubow, editor. Science and Society in Southern Africa. (Studies in Imperialism.) New York: Manchester University Press; distributed by St. Martin's, New York. 2000. Pp. x, 241. $74.95
Young-Tsu Wong. A Paradise Lost: The Imperial Garden Yuanming Yuan. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. 2001. Pp. x, 226. $29.95
Subrata Dasgupta. Jagadis Chandra Bose and the Indian Response to Western Science. New York: Oxford University Press. 1999. Pp. xii, 309. $29.95
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