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Golfo Alexopoulos. Stalin's Outcasts: Aliens, Citizens, and the Soviet State, 1926-1936. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 2003. Pp. xi, 243. $39.95
Joseph Mali. Mythistory: The Making of a Modern Historiography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2003. Pp. xiii, 354. $40.00
Bertrand Van Ruymbeke and Randy J. Sparks, editors. Memory and Identity: The Huguenots in France and the Atlantic Diaspora. (The Carolina Lowcountry and the Atlantic World.) Columbia: University of South Carolina Press. 2003. Pp. xvi, 335. $39.95
Brett Sheehan. Trust in Troubled Times: Money, Banks, and State-Society Relations in Republican Tianjin. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2003. Pp. xiii, 269. $59.95
Odd Arne Westad. Decisive Encounters: The Chinese Civil War, 1946-1950. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 2003. Pp. viii, 413. Cloth $65.00, paper $24.95
Hendrik Hartog. Man and Wife in America: A History. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2000. Pp. vii, 408. $29.95
Tara McPherson. Reconstructing Dixie: Race, Gender, and Nostalgia in the Imagined South. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 2003. Pp. xii, 318. $21.95
Richard F. Hamm. Murder, Honor, and Law: Four Virginia Homicides from Reconstruction to the Great Depression. (The American South Series.) Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. 2003. Pp. xi, 263. Cloth $49.50, paper $18.50
Don Graham. Kings of Texas: The 150-Year Saga of an American Ranching Empire. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2003. Pp. xiii, 289. $24.95
James B. LaGrand. Indian Metropolis: Native Americans in Chicago, 1945-75. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press. 2002. Pp. xii, 284. $34.95
Edward T. Brett. The U.S. Catholic Press on Central America: From Cold War Anticommunism to Social Justice. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. 2003. Pp. viii, 265. Cloth $45.00, paper $22.00
Claudia Guarisco. Los indios del valle de México y la construcción de una nueva sociabilidad política, 1770-1835. Zinacantepec, Mexico: El Colegio Mexiquense, A.C. 2003. Pp. 289
Marcia Kupfer. The Art of Healing: Painting for the Sick and the Sinner in a Medieval Town. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. 2003. Pp. xvii, 202
Jonathan P. Berkey. The Formation of Islam: Religion and Society in the Near East, 600-1800. (Themes in Islamic History, number 2.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 2003. Pp. xv, 286. Cloth $58.00, paper $21.00
Investing the Riches of the Poor: Servant Women and Their Last Wills
Robert Aldrich. Colonialism and Homosexuality. New York: Routledge. 2003. Pp. xii, 436. Cloth $80.00, paper $24.95
Bertrand M. Patenaude. The Big Show in Bololand: The American Relief Expedition to Soviet Russia in the Famine of 1921. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 2002. Pp. viii, 817. Cloth $70.00, paper $29.95
William A. Link. Roots of Secession: Slavery and Politics in Antebellum Virginia. (Civil War America.) Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 2003. Pp. xvii, 387. $45.00
Laura A. Lewis. Hall of Mirrors: Power, Witchcraft, and Caste in Colonial Mexico. (Latin America Otherwise: Languages, Empires, Nations.) Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 2003. Pp. xiv, 262. Cloth $79.95, paper $22.95
Churchill. Directed and produced by Lucy Carter. Great Britain. 2003; color; 150 minutes. Distributed by PBS
Nuala C. Johnson. Ireland, the Great War and the Geography of Remembrance. (Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography, number 35.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 2003. Pp. ix, 192. $60.00
Catherine Epstein. The Last Revolutionaries: German Communists and Their Century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2003. Pp. 322. $29.95
E. Thomas Ewing. The Teachers of Stalinism: Policy, Practice and Power in Soviet Schools of the 1930s. (History of Schools and Schooling, number 18.) New York: Peter Lang. 2002. Pp. xiv, 333. $29.95
Peter Kolchin. A Sphinx on the American Land: The Nineteenth-Century South in Comparative Perspective. (The Walter Lynwood Fleming Lectures in Southern History.) Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 2003. Pp. xi, 124. $22.95
Denis Judd and Keith Surridge. The Boer War. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2002. Pp. xvi, 352. $29.95
Suzanne Miers. Slavery in the Twentieth Century: The Evolution of a Global Problem. Walnut Creek, Calif.: AltaMira. 2003. Pp. xx, 505. Cloth $90.00, paper $35.95
David Henry Slavin. Colonial Cinema and Imperial France, 1919-1939: White Blind Spots, Male Fantasies, Settler Myths. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 2001. Pp. xv, 300. $42.50
Gi-Wook Shin and Kyung Moon Hwang, editors. Contentious Kwangju: The May 18 Uprising in Korea's Past and Present. (Asia/Pacific/Perspectives.) Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield. 2003. Pp. xxxi, 159. Cloth $65.00, paper $22.95
David C. Hendrickson. Peace Pact: The Lost World of the American Founding. (American Political Thought.) Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. 2003. Pp. xiv, 402. $29.95
John Patrick Daly. When Slavery was Called Freedom: Evangelicalism, Proslavery, and the Causes of the Civil War. (Religion in the South.) Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. 2002. Pp. 207. $45.00
Kevin Passmore, editor. Women, Gender and Fascism in Europe, 1919-45. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 2003. Pp. xii, 275. Cloth $65.00, paper $24.95
W. John Morgan and Stephen Livingston, editors. Law and Opinion in Twentieth-Century Britain and Ireland. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2003. Pp. xiv, 222. $65.00
Linda Martz. A Network of Converso Families in Early Modern Toledo: Assimilating a Minority. (History, Languages, and Cultures of the Spanish and Portuguese Worlds.) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2003. Pp. xviii, 461. $72.50
Ernest Benz. Fertility, Wealth, and Politics in Three Southwest German Villages 1650-1900. (Studies in Central European Histories.) Boston: Humanities Press. 1999. Pp. xvii, 295
Keith Brown. The Past in Question: Modern Macedonia and the Uncertainties of Nation. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2003. Pp. xviii, 301. Cloth $55.00, paper $18.95
Slower Than a Massacre: The Multiple Sources of Racial Thought in Colonial Africa
Adversarial Literacy: How Peasant Politics Influenced Noble Governing of the Roman Countryside during the Early Modern Period
Counterfactual History: A User's Guide
Di Wang. Street Culture in Chengdu: Public Space, Urban Commoners, and Local Politics, 1870-1930. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 2003. Pp. xiv, 355. $65.00
Linsun Cheng. Banking in Modern China: Entrepreneurs, Professional Managers, and the Development of Chinese Banks, 1897-1937. (Cambridge Modern China Series.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 2003. Pp. xvi, 277. $65.00
Doris R. Jakobsh. Relocating Gender in Sikh History: Transformation, Meaning and Identity. New York: Oxford University Press. 2003. Pp. xi, 296. Rs. 1000.00
Françoise Noël. Family Life and Sociability in Upper and Lower Canada, 1780-1870: A View from Diaries and Family Correspondence. Ithaca, N.Y.: McGill-Queen's University Press. 2003. Pp. xii, 372. $49.95
Robert E. Wright. Hamilton Unbound: Finance and the Creation of the American Republic. (Contributions in Economics and Economic History, number 228.) Westport, Conn.: Greenwood. 2002. Pp. xii, 230. $62.95
Joseph R. Fornieri. Abraham Lincoln's Political Faith. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press. 2003. Pp. 209. $38.00
Richard L. Pacelle, Jr. Between Law and Politics: The Solicitor General and the Structuring of Race, Gender, and Reproductive Rights Litigation. (The Presidency and Leadership, number 14.) College Station: Texas A&M University Press. 2003. Pp. xvi, 342. $50.00
Greg Rowe. Princes and Poltical Cultures: The New Tiberian Senatorial Decrees. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2002. Pp. 195. $49.50
Raymond Van Dam. Kingdom of Snow: Roman Rule and Greek Culture in Cappadocia. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2002. Pp. viii, 290. $49.95, Raymond Van Dam. Families and Friends in Late Roman Cappadocia. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2003. Pp. 256. $45.00 and Raymond Van Dam. Becoming Christian: The Conversion of Roman Cappadocia. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2003. Pp. viii, 254. $45.00
Julian Swann. Provincial Power and Absolute Monarchy: The Estates General of Burgundy, 1661-1790. (New Studies in European History.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 2003. Pp. xv, 460. $85.00
In This Issue
Jasna Dragović-Soso. “Saviours of the Nation”: Serbia 's Intellectual Opposition and the Revival of Nationalism. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press. 2003. Pp. viii, 293. Cloth $70.00, paper $27.95
Igal Halfin. Terror in My Soul: Communist Autobiographies on Trial. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2003. Pp. xi, 344. $45.00
George E. Brooks. Eurafricans in Western Africa: Commerce, Social Status, Gender, and Religious Observance from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century. (Western African Studies.) Athens: Ohio University Press and Oxford: James Currey. 2003. Pp. xxiii, 355. Cloth $65.00, paper $26.95
Joanna Lewis. Empire State-Building: War and Welfare in Kenya, 1925-52. (Eastern African Studies.) Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press; Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers; Oxford: James Currey. 2000. Pp. xvii, 393. $22.95
Dean Grodzins. American Heretic: Theodore Parker and Transcendentalism. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 2002. Pp. xiii, 631. $39.95
Nell Irvin Painter. Southern History Across the Color Line. (Gender & American Culture.) Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 2002. Pp. 247. Cloth $37.50, paper $17.95
Selwyn R. Cudjoe. Beyond Boundaries: The Intellectual Tradition of Trinidad and Tobago in the Nineteenth Century. Wellesley, Mass.: Calaloux Publications; distributed by University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst. 2003. Pp. xi, 393. Cloth $70.00, paper $19.95
Duncan Andrew Campbell. English Public Opinion and the American Civil War. (Studies in History New Series.) Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell, with the Royal Historical Society. 2003. Pp. vii, 266. $70.00
Michael S. Gorham. Speaking in Soviet Tongues: Language, Culture, and the Politics of Voice in Revolutionary Russia. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press. 2003. Pp. x, 266. $40.00
Jörg Baberowski. Der Feind ist überall: Stalinismus im Kaukasus. Munich: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. 2003. Pp. 882
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Rethinking Agency, Recovering Voices
Zhaojin Ji. A History of Modern Shanghai Banking: The Rise and Decline of China's Finance Capitalism. (Studies on Modern China.) Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe. 2003. Pp. xxxviii, 325. Cloth $69.95, paper $25.95
Dan Monroe. The Republican Vision of John Tyler. College Station: Texas A&M University Press. 2003. Pp. x, 252. $39.95
George I. Lovell. Legislative Deferrals: Statutory Ambiguity, Judicial Power, and American Democracy. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2003. Pp. xxi, 290. $65.00
Christos Mylonas. Serbian Orthodox Fundamentals: The Quest for an Eternal Identity. Budapest and New York: Central European University Press. 2003. Pp. xvi, 298. $41.95
Richard J. Reid. Political Power in Pre-Colonial Buganda: Economy, Society and Warfare in the Nineteenth Century. (Eastern African Studies.) London: James Currey; Kampala: Fountain Publishers; Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press. 2002. Pp. xi, 274. Cloth $49.95, paper $24.95
E. S. Atieno Odhiambo and John Lonsdale, editors. Mau Mau and Nationhood: Arms, Authority and Narration. (Eastern African Studies.) London: James Currey; Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers; Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press. 2003. Pp. xiv, 306. Cloth $49.95, paper $24.95
Documents and Bibliographies
Annabel Patterson. Nobody's Perfect: A New Whig Interpretation of History. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2002. Pp. ix, 288. $27.50
Anthony DeBlasi. Reform in the Balance: The Defense of Literary Culture in Mid-Tang China. (SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture.) Albany: State University of New York Press. 2002. Pp. viii, 214. Cloth $57.50, paper $18.95
Joshua A. Fogel, editor. Sagacious Monks and Bloodthirsty Warriors: Chinese Views of Japan in the Ming-Qing Period. (Signature Books.) Norwalk, CT: Eastbridge. 2002. Pp. vi, 401. Cloth $34.95, paper $24.95
Judith Richardson. Possessions: The History and Uses of Haunting in the Hudson Valley. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2003. Pp. xi, 296. $29.95
Susan Zaeske. Signatures of Citizenship: Petitioning, Antislavery, and Women's Political Identity. (Gender and American Culture.) Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 2003. Pp. xiii, 253. Cloth $49.95, paper $19.95
Robert P. Swierenga. Dutch Chicago: A History of the Hollanders in the Windy City. (The Historical Series of the Reformed Church in America, number 42.) Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans. 2002. Pp. xx, 908. $49.00
David A. Lupher. Romans in a New World: Classical Models in Sixteenth-Century Spanish America. (History, Languages, and Cultures of the Spanish and Portuguese Worlds.) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2003. Pp. vi, 440. $59.50
Julia Rudolph. Revolution by Degrees: James Tyrrell and Whig Political Thought in the Late Seventeenth Century. (Studies in Modern History.) New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2002. Pp. ix, 231. $65.00
Ronald G. Musto. Apocalypse in Rome: Cola di Rienzo and the Politics of the New Age. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 2003. Pp. xx, 436. $60.00
William D. Godsey, Jr. Aristocratic Redoubt: The Austro-Hungarian Foreign Office on the Eve of the First World War. (Central European Studies.) West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press. 1999. Pp. xii, 304. $18.95
David S. Powers. Law, Society, and Culture in the Maghrib, 1300-1500. (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 2002. Pp. x, 267. $60.00
Roy Porter and David Wright, editors. The Confinement of the Insane: International Perspectives, 1800-1965. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2003. Pp. xvii, 371. $70.00
Ronald Hyam and Peter Henshaw. The Lion and the Springbok: Britain and South Africa since the Boer War. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2003. Pp. xv, 379. $60.00
P. G. A. Orders. Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the Challenge of the United States, 1939-46: A Study of International History. (Studies in Military and Strategic History.) New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2003. Pp. vii, 262. $72.00
Phillip Hamilton. The Making and Unmaking of a Revolutionary Family: The Tuckers of Virginia, 1752-1830. (Jeffersonian America.) Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. 2003. Pp. xi, 250. $35.00
C. Edward Skeen. 1816 America Rising. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. 2003. Pp. xvi, 299. $35.00
Leigh Fought. Southern Womanhood and Slavery: A Biography of Louisa S. McCord, 1810-1879. Columbia: University of Missouri Press. 2003. Pp. xiv, 216. $32.50
Giselle Roberts. The Confederate Belle. Columbia: University of Missouri Press. 2003. Pp. xi, 245. $32.50
Claudia Nelson. Little Strangers: Portrayals of Adoption and Foster Care in America, 1850-1929. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 2003. Pp. 212. $34.95
Youngsoo Bae. Labor in Retreat: Class and Community among Men's Clothing Workers of Chicago, 1871-1929. (SUNY series in American Labor History.) Albany: State University of New York Press. 2001. Pp. xiv, 295. Cloth $78.50, paper $26.95
Guy Halsall. Warfare and Society in the Barbarian West, 450-900. (Warfare and History.) New York: Routledge. 2003. Pp. xix, 320. Cloth $80.00, paper $25.95
Jeroen Duindam. Vienna and Versailles: The Courts of Europe's Dynastic Rivals, 1550-1780. (New Studies in European History.) New York: Cambridge University Press. 2003. Pp. xi, 349. $80.00
Mark Cioc. The Rhine: An Eco-Biography, 1815-2000. (Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books.) Seattle: University of Washington Press. 2002. Pp. xiii, 263. $29.95
Rebecca Messbarger. The Century of Women: Representations of Women in Eighteenth-Century Italian Public Discourse. Buffalo, N.Y.: University of Toronto Press. 2002. Pp. xi, 209
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