| - Marked ethnic differences in the prevalence of anti-hepatitis A antibodies among Jews in Israel are only partly explained by variation in socioeconomic status. In this study, various soclodemographic variables were examined as possible correlates of anti-hepatitis A antibodies in a group of 522 Jewish males aged 25-44 years examined between January and Apr 1987. Among subjects aged 25-29 years, 41.5% of those of European and American origin had antibod ies as compared with 88.5% of those of Asian and North African origin (p < 0.0001), whereas by the age of 40-44 years, this difference had largely disap peared. In further univarlate analysis, number of siblings, years of education, and number of children were also significantly associated with the presence of antibodies. When multiple logistic regression was used to control simultaneously for the effects of the other variables, sibahip size emerged as the strongest correlate of anti-hepatitis A antibodies (p < 0.0001), and it appears to explain a large part of the ethnic differences in antibody status. These findings provide strong evidence for the role of siblings in the spread of hepatitis A infection.