| - To explore whether different distributions of numbness and tingling in the hand can be usefully distinguished in epidemiologic studies of disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome, the authors used a postal questionnaire, an interview, and a physical examination to collect information about risk factors, symptoms, and signs from a general population sample of 2,142 adults in Southampton, England, during 1998-2000. The authors distinguished six distributions of numbness and tingling and compared their associations with other clinical findings and with known risk factors for upper limb disorders. Distinctive relations were found for symptoms that involved most of the palmar surface of the first three digits but not the dorsum of the hand or the little finger. Such symptoms were more often associated with positive Phalen’s and Tinel’s tests and, unlike other categories of sensory disturbance, were not related to neck pain or restriction of neck movement. They also differed in showing no association with lower vitality or poorer mental health but an association with repeated wrist and finger movements at work. These findings suggest that, in the classification of numbness and tingling of the hand, it may be useful to distinguish symptoms that involve most of the sensory distribution of the median nerve but not other parts of the hand.