| - Traditional assays (germination and vigour), as well as biochemical assays using isozyme loci, were performed to evaluate the effect of different seed storage conditions in Coincya rupestris, Iberis pectinata, Moricandia moricandiodes and Vella pseudocytisus. Seeds had been stored for 24-30 years under long-term (LT) and short-term (ST) conditions. Fresh seeds of the same species from natural populations (NP) were also collected in 1996 and used for comparison. Isozyme loci were used as markers of genetic deterioration and to determine the genetic diversity of samples. The germinability, vigour and enzyme activity of LT samples were comparable to values obtained using freshly collected NP samples, showing the effectiveness of the long-term storage conditions. Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company