| - Severe postoperative hypoxaemia during sleep may increase the risk of postoperative cardiovascular complications. We hypothesized that the severity of hypoxic episodes after surgery are related to the presence of preoperative sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). We tested this hypothesis in a multicentre study designed to elucidate the major risk factors for development of postoperative nocturnal desaturations. We performed overnight oximetry before operation and for one night between the second and fourth day after operation in 80 patients undergoing major surgery. We calculated oximetry variables such as oxygen desaturation index (ODI), defined as the number of oxygen desaturations exceeding 4% below baseline, percentage time spent at SpO2 < 90% (CT90, %) and lowest SpO2 value. After operation, although the change in ODI was not significant (P = 0.34), deterioration in CT90 and lowest SpO2 values were significant (P = 0.036 and P = 0.007, respectively). Multivariate analysis of possible risk factors for postoperative desaturations revealed that preoperative hypoxaemia and apnoea witnessed by others were highly correlated with postoperative hypoxaemia.