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À propos de : Ethnic differences in rates of infant mortality and sudden infant death in Sweden, 1978-1990        

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  • Ethnic differences in rates of infant mortality and sudden infant death in Sweden, 1978-1990
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  • This study examined ethnic differences in infant mortality rates (IMRs) and rates of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) among Swedish and immigrant women between 1978 and 1990 in Sweden. The study population comprised 1,265,942 single live births to women between the ages of 15 and 44 years in Sweden. Data from 3 registers In Sweden were linked to obtain medical and sociodemographic information for each mother and child in the study. Logistic regression analyses were employed to assess ethnic differences in infant mortality and SIDS while controlling for relevant confounders. This study revealed no ethnic differences in IMRs. There were also no ethnic differences in the mortality rates due to SIDS, except for immigrant women from Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands who experienced significantly higher rates of SIDS than Swedish women. This study shows that, in general, the IMRs and mortality rates due to SIDS are not a serious public health problem among immigrant women in Sweden and suggests several reasons why this is the case.
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  • 7.1.88
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