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| - Ooplasmic injections of rabbit round spermatid nuclei or intact round spermatids from fresh, cryopreserved and cryostored samples*
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| - We compared the outcome of ooplasmic round spermatid nuclear injections (ROSNI) versus intact round spermatid injections (ROSI). Rabbit round spermatid nuclei and intact round spermatids were recovered and injected into rabbit oocytes (groups A and B, respectively). Fertilization, cleavage and embryonic development rates were compared. In additional studies, five protocols for cryopreservation of round spermatids and two protocols for cryostorage of round spermatids were applied. The outcome of ROSNI techniques using frozen-thawed or cryostored-warmed round spermatids was evaluated. The cleavage rate and the overall morula plus blastocyst development rate were significantly larger in group A than group B. ROSNI procedures are superior to ROSI techniques in the rabbit. The largest fertilization, cleavage and embryonic development rates after ROSNI techniques using cryopreserved or cryostored round spermatids were demonstrated in groups of round spermatids in which a mixture of seminal plasma plus test yolk buffer was employed as an extender, and dimethyl sulphoxide plus a high concentration of glycerol served as cryoprotectants. It appears that the seminal plasma contains factors protecting round spermatids during cryopreservation or cryostorage, and/or the employment of two cryoprotectants has a beneficial role in the maintenance of round spermatid reproductive capacity.
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