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  • The effect of hormone replacement therapy on the immunoreactive concentrations in the endometrium of oestrogen and progesterone receptor, heat shock protein 27, and human β-lactoglobulin
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  • We determined the expression of oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), heat shock protein 27 (HSP27) and human β-lactoglobulin in the endometrium under hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The immunohistochemical expression during the late progestogenic phase of sequential HRT was compared semi-quantitatively and using image analysis, to the early, mid-, and late luteal phase of the physiological cycle. Under sequential HRT, smaller glands were positive for the ER but larger glands with more advanced secretory features were negative. ER expression was lower in the stroma under HRT, and the difference was statistically significant compared with the early luteal phase (P< 0.05). Expression of HSP27 under HRT was lower in the epithelium but higher in the stroma compared with the physiological luteal phase. Epithelial PR expression was lower under HRT compared with the early, but not the mid- or the late luteal phase. The number of PR-positive stromal cells under HRT was lower compared with the physiological cycle, and the difference was statistically significant in comparison with the early luteal phase (P< 0.05). The glandular area expressing human β-lactoglobulin during the late progestogenic phase was statistically significantly higher compared with the early, but lower in comparison with the mid- or the late luteal phase (P< 0.05). The study demonstrates a sub-physiological progestogenic response superimposed on evidence of a hypo-oestrogenism, and a differential response in the epithelium and stroma.
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