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À propos de : Meiotic segregation in spermatozoa of a 45,XY,-14,der(18)t(14;18)(q11;p11.3) translocation carrier: A Case Report        

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  • Meiotic segregation in spermatozoa of a 45,XY,-14,der(18)t(14;18)(q11;p11.3) translocation carrier: A Case Report
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  • A 35-year-old male was found to have a 45,XY,-14,der(18)t(14;18)(q11;p11.3) karyotype during the investigations for a couple with infertility for 8 years. Two sperm samples were obtained and analysed in triple fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with the D18Z1 and LSI IGH/BCL2 probes. The frequency of gametes exhibiting a normal or balanced chromosomal equipment was 87.26 and 90.97% in samples 1 and 2, respectively. No statistically significant difference was found between the results of meiotic segregation of both samples. These proportions are close to those observed among Robertsonian translocation carriers. They can probably be explained by the formation of trivalent in cis configuration during meiosis I between the derivative chromosome and the normal chromosomes 14 and 18, as in Robertsonian translocation carriers. These results suggest that the configuration adopted at pachytene strongly determines the segregation mode that will be preferentially followed during anaphase I.
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  • del420
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