| - In the present study, diurnal structural changes in the cytoplasmic organelles of the retinular cell have been examined in the compound eye of the grapsid crab, Hemigrapsus penicillatus, cultured under a regular light cycle (L: D = 12 :12). Typical Golgi complexes were extensive in the retinular cell late in the dark period, and they appeared to be transformed into fenestrated cisternae early in the light period. Typical Golgi complexes were less frequent late in the light period, but the association of intricate tubules and various vacuoles was extensive. Early in the dark period, fenestrated cisternae again increased, but were, in turn, transformed into typical Golgi complexes. Multivesicular bodies were extensive in the retinular cell from dawn till mid-day, and some models for morphogenesis of the multivesicular bodies are presented. Various vacuoles remarkably increased late in the light period and greatly decreased early in the dark period, suggesting their assembly to photosensitive membranes. Observed changes of these organelles are discussed in relation to the turnover of photosensitive membranes.