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À propos de : Position dependence of the visibility of a single gold atom in silicon crystals in HAADF-STEM image simulation        

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  • Position dependence of the visibility of a single gold atom in silicon crystals in HAADF-STEM image simulation
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  • A modified multislice method was applied to simulate high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscope (HAADF-STEM) images of a single Au atom embedded in Si(100) crystals. The minimum size of the electron probe in the optimum defocus condition was small enough to resolve (400) lattice planes of Si (d = 0.136 nrn) at 200 kV accelerating voltage. The Au atom had a high image contrast even if the thickness of Si crystals increased up to 54.2 nm. The Si-thickness dependence of the contrast of the Au atom located at the entrance surface was explained in terms of the reciprocal of the image intensity of Si-atomic column. When the Au atom was located at the exit surface, the contrast was strongly affected by the intensity-modification of the probe electrons due to the channelling along Si-atomic column. It was clarified that the intensity of the probe electrons mainly affects the image contrast when the Au atom was located at various depths in the Si crystals.
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  • 46.1.33
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