| - Abstract. We report on ROSAT and ASCA observations of the LINER NGC 1052, which is the first one where broad optical lines in polarized light have been observed. The 2-10 keV spectrum is very flat, with a Γobserved̃ 0.1. A model where a nuclear source is — partly or totally — obscured by a screen of matter with column density ̃ 1023 cm−2 is the most convincing explanation for the observed flatness. This agrees with the hypothesis that the LINERs are a population of low-luminosity AGN, to which the Seyfert unification scenario applies. The intrinsic spectral index is still rather flat (Γinstrinsic̃ 1.0-1.4), as observed in a few type 2 Seyferts so far or predicted if the accretion occurs in an advection-dominated flow.