| - It has been long recognized that, besides being a formidable experiment to observe the primordial cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies, Planck will also have the capability to detect galaxy clusters via their Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) imprint. In this paper constraints on cosmological parameters derivable from the Planck cluster candidate sample are examined for the first time as a function of cluster sample selection and purity obtained from realistic simulations of the microwave sky at the Planck observing frequency bands, observation process modelling and a cluster extraction pipeline. In particular, we employ a multifrequency matched filtering (MFMF) method to recover clusters from mock simulations of Planck observations. Obtainable cosmological constraints under realistic assumptions of priors and knowledge about cluster redshifts are discussed. Just relying on cluster redshift abundances without making use of recovered cluster fluxes, it is shown that from the Planck cluster catalogue cosmological constraints comparable to the ones derived from recent primordial CMB power spectrum measurements can be achieved. For example, for a concordance Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model and a redshift binning of Δz= 0.1, the 1σ uncertainties on the values of Ωm and σ8 are ΔΩm≈ 0.031 and Δσ8≈ 0.014, respectively. Furthermore, we find that the constraint of the matter density depends strongly on the prior which can be imposed on the Hubble parameter by other observational means.