| - A number of important processes taking place around strong shocks in supernova remnants (SNRs) depend on the shock obliquity. The measured synchrotron flux is a function of the aspect angle between interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) and the line of sight. Thus, a model of non-thermal emission from SNRs should account for the orientation of the ambient magnetic field. We develop a new method for the estimation of the aspect angle, based on the comparison between observed and synthesized radio maps of SNRs, making different assumptions about the dependence of electron injection efficiency on the shock obliquity. The method uses the azimuthal profile of radio surface brightness as a probe for orientation of ambient magnetic field because it is almost insensitive to the downstream distribution of magnetic field and emitting electrons. We apply our method to a new radio image of SN 1006 produced on the basis of archival Very Large Array and Parkes data. The image recovers emission from all spatial structures with angular scales from a few arcsec to 15 arcmin. We explore different models of injection efficiency and find the following best-fitting values for the aspect angle of SN 1006: φo= 70o± 4.2o if the injection is isotropic, φo= 64o± 2.8o for quasi-perpendicular injection (SNR has an equatorial belt in both cases) and φo= 11o± 0.8o for quasi-parallel injection (polar-cap model of SNR). In the last case, SN 1006 is expected to have a centrally peaked morphology contrary to what is observed. Therefore, our analysis provides some indication against the quasi-parallel injection model.