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© 2009 The Author. Journal compilation © 2009 RAS
© 2009 CSIRO. Journal compilation © 2009 RAS
© 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2009 RAS
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Subhaloes in scale-free cosmologies
Multifrequency study of the ring nebula SG 13
A simple model for solar isorotational contours
Gaussian process modelling of asteroseismic data
The emptiness of voids: yet another overabundance problem for the Λ cold dark matter model
How well do starlab and nbody4 compare? I. Simple models
Whistler wave cascades in solar wind plasma
Mapping the magnetosphere of PSR B1055−52
A magnetohydrodynamical model for the formation of episodic jets
Improved estimate of the detectability of gravitational radiation from a magnetically confined mountain on an accreting neutron star
Observable consequences of kinetic and thermal AGN feedback in elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters
Synchronization mechanism of sharp edges in rings of Saturn
A new detailed examination of white dwarfs in NGC 3532 and NGC 2287
The impact of non-Gaussian errors on weak lensing surveys
Dynamical evolution of Saturn's F ring dust particles
A new, efficient stellar evolution code for calculating complete evolutionary tracks
Dust formation by the colliding wind WC5+O9 binary WR 19 at periastron passage
Optical spectroscopy and Doppler tomography of Cygnus X-2
Evidence for energy injection and a fine-tuned central engine at optical wavelengths in GRB 070419A
Equilibria in the secular, non-co-planar two-planet problem
On the 2/1 resonant planetary dynamics - periodic orbits and dynamical stability
Resistive relaxation of a magnetically confined mountain on an accreting neutron star
Kolmogorov dissipation scales in weakly ionized plasmas
Gravitational waves from scattering of stellar-mass black holes in galactic nuclei
Continuous frequency spectrum of the global hydromagnetic oscillations of a magnetically confined mountain on an accreting neutron star
On the tidal evolution of Hot Jupiters on inclined orbits
The broad-band noise characteristics of selected anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma-ray repeaters
High-energy particle acceleration at the radio-lobe shock of Centaurus A
Approximate analytical solutions of the Lane-Emden equation for a self-gravitating isothermal gas sphere
The mass ratio and the orbital parameters of the sdOB binary AA Doradus
The nature and origin of low-redshift O vi absorbers
Ironing out primordial temperature fluctuations with polarization: optimal detection of cosmic structure imprints
Magnetic fields in axisymmetric neutron stars
Primordial binary evolution and blue stragglers
Interpreting the transmission windows of distant quasars
Cosmological implications and structure formation from a time varying vacuum
The effect of Poisson noise on SPH calculations
Populating the Galaxy with pulsars - II. Galactic dynamics
A single-degenerate channel for the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae with different metallicities
Evolution of X-ray cavities
Chemical differentiation in regions of high-mass star formation - II. Molecular multiline and dust continuum studies of selected objects
A submillimetre galaxy at z= 4.76 in the LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South
Lithium depletion in late-type dwarfs
Pulsar spin-velocity alignment from single and binary neutron star progenitors
57-second oscillations in Nova Centauri 1986 (V842 Cen)
Breaking halo occupation degeneracies with marked statistics
The HELLAS2XMM survey - XII. The infrared/submillimetre view of an X-ray selected type 2 quasar at z≈ 2
A large-scale CO survey of the Rosette Molecular Cloud: assessing the effects of O stars on surrounding molecular gas
A reliable cluster detection technique using photometric redshifts: introducing the 2TecX algorithm
High-resolution optical spectroscopy of Praesepe white dwarfs
Sh2-205 - II. Quiescent star-formation activity
The luminosity function, halo masses and stellar masses of luminous Lyman-break galaxies at redshifts 5 < z < 6
Heating and cooling of magnetars with accreted envelopes
Direct imaging with highly diluted apertures - II. Properties of the point spread function of a hypertelescope
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