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© 2009 The Author. Journal compilation © 2009 RAS
© 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2009 RAS
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Galaxy Zoo: the properties of merging galaxies in the nearby Universe - local environments, colours, masses, star formation rates and AGN activity
Estimating black hole masses in triaxial galaxies
The relative growth of optical and radio quasars in SDSS
Diamonds on the Hat: globular clusters in the Sombrero galaxy (M104)
A far-infrared survey at the North Galactic Pole - I. Nearby star-forming galaxies and effect of confused sources on source counts
On the formation of hot Neptunes and super-Earths
Star formation histories within the Antennae galaxies (Arp 244)
Inverse-Compton X-rays from giant radio galaxies at z∼ 1
Effects of X-ray irradiation and disc flaring on the [Ne ii] 12.8 μm emission from young stellar objects
The TexOx-1000 redshift survey of radio sources I: the TOOT00 region
Towards the properties of long gamma-ray burst progenitors with Swift data
Stars and dark matter in the spiral gravitational lens 2237+0305
Neutrino masses, dark energy and the gravitational lensing of pre-galactic H i
Galactic orbital motions in the dark matter, modified Newtonian dynamics and modified gravity scenarios
The nature of pulsar radio emission
Radiation-hydrodynamic models of X-ray and EUV photoevaporating protoplanetary discs
Chaotic star formation and the alignment of stellar rotation with disc and planetary orbital axes
On the stellar masses of IRAC detected Lyman Break Galaxies at z∼ 3
Analytical YORP torques model with an improved temperature distribution function
Simulating the effect of active galactic nuclei feedback on the metal enrichment of galaxy clusters
New observations and analysis of the bright semidetached eclipsing binary μ1 Sco
Constrained simulations of the Local Group: on the radial distribution of substructures
Super asymptotic giant branch stars. I - Evolution code comparison
Stochastic background of gravitational waves generated by pre-galactic black holes
Supernova kicks and misaligned microquasars
The nature of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies in various classes based on morphology, colour and spectral features - II. Multi-wavelength properties
On the hydrogen recombination time in Type II supernova atmospheres
Relativistic hybrid stars with super-strong toroidal magnetic fields: an evolutionary track with QCD phase transition
TeV BL Lac objects at the dawn of the Fermi era
On the nature of the Milky Way satellites
Peaks in the cosmological density field: parameter constraints from 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey data
Impact of calibration errors on CMB component separation using FastICA and ILC
2D kinematics and physical properties of z ∼ 3 star-forming galaxies
Does the Universe accelerate equally in all directions?
Two new variable sdB stars, HE 0218−3437 and LB 1516
Analysis of the fraction of clear sky at the La Palma and Mt Graham sites
Effect of pulse profile variations on measurement of eccentricity in orbits of Cen X-3 and SMC X-1
Black hole mergers: the first light
On the nature of the apparent ring galaxy SDSS J075234.33+292049.8
Shear and magnification: cosmic complementarity
Time-resolved spectroscopy of the pulsating CV GW Lib
The birth and growth of neutralino haloes
Smoothed Particle Magnetohydrodynamics - IV. Using the vector potential
The formation of high-redshift submillimetre galaxies
Evidence for two populations of Galactic globular clusters from the ratio of their half-mass to Jacobi radii
The optical emission nebulae in the vicinity of WR 48 (Θ Mus): true Wolf-Rayet ejecta or unconnected supernova remnant?
Chemodynamical analysis of bulge stars for simulated disc galaxies
A transit timing analysis of seven RISE light curves of the exoplanet system HAT-P-3
Monte Carlo simulations of the broad-band spectra of Sagittarius A* through the use of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics
GRB 070518: a gamma-ray burst with optically dim luminosity
Completing the puzzle of the 2004-2005 outburst in V0332+53: the brightening phase included
Spots structure and stratification of helium and silicon in the atmosphere of He-weak star HD 21699
Particle-based sampling of N-body simulations
A torque formula for non-isothermal type I planetary migration - I. Unsaturated horseshoe drag
Close binary progenitors of gamma-ray bursts
Studies of dissipative standing shock waves around black holes
The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: survey design and first data release
γ-rays from the IC e± pair cascade in the radiation field of an accretion disc: application to Cen A
Swift/XRT monitoring of the supergiant fast X-ray transient IGR J18483−0311 for an entire orbital period
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