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Building protein diagrams on the web with the residue-based diagram editor RbDe
ExPASy: the proteomics server for in-depth protein knowledge and analysis
Phydbac (phylogenomic display of bacterial genes): an interactive resource for the annotation of bacterial genomes
mreps: efficient and flexible detection of tandem repeats in DNA
TRACTS: a program to map oligopurine.oligopyrimidine and other binary DNA tracts
Update on XplorMed: a web server for exploring scientific literature
LGA: a method for finding 3D similarities in protein structures
SLAM web server for comparative gene finding and alignment
EUGÈNE'HOM: a generic similarity-based gene finder using multiple homologous sequences
NRSAS: Nuclear Receptor Structure Analysis Servers
CODEHOP (COnsensus-DEgenerate Hybrid Oligonucleotide Primer) PCR primer design
WEB-THERMODYN: sequence analysis software for profiling DNA helical stability
Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools
Servers for sequence-structure relationship analysis and prediction
iSPOT: a web tool to infer the interaction specificity of families of protein modules
Design of oligonucleotides for microarrays and perspectives for design of multi-transcriptome arrays
CRP: Cleavage of Radiolabeled Phosphoproteins
PROTINFO: secondary and tertiary protein structure prediction
ELM server: a new resource for investigating short functional sites in modular eukaryotic proteins
WebFEATURE: an interactive web tool for identifying and visualizing functional sites on macromolecular structures
META-PP: single interface to crucial prediction servers
RNA-related tools on the Bielefeld Bioinformatics Server
EVA: evaluation of protein structure prediction servers
CLOURE: Clustal Output Reformatter, a program for reformatting ClustalX/ClustalW outputs for SNP analysis and molecular systematics
Annotation in three dimensions. PINTS: Patterns in Non-homologous Tertiary Structures
The PredictProtein server
NORSp: predictions of long regions without regular secondary structure
MAK, a computational tool kit for automated MITE analysis
Target Explorer: an automated tool for the identification of new target genes for a specified set of transcription factors
MultiPipMaker and supporting tools: alignments and analysis of multiple genomic DNA sequences
OligoDesign: optimal design of LNA (locked nucleic acid) oligonucleotide capture probes for gene expression profiling
MATRAS: a program for protein 3D structure comparison
MolSurfer: a macromolecular interface navigator
ESEfinder: a web resource to identify exonic splicing enhancers
Multiple sequence alignment with the Clustal series of programs
EnteriX 2003: visualization tools for genome alignments of Enterobacteriaceae
DNA analysis servers:,, and IS
ActionMap: a web-based software that automates loci assignments to framework maps
POPS: a fast algorithm for solvent accessible surface areas at atomic and residue level
MAVID multiple alignment server
SEM (Symmetry Equivalent Molecules): a web-based GUI to generate and visualize the macromolecules
Mfold web server for nucleic acid folding and hybridization prediction
FrameD: a flexible program for quality check and gene prediction in prokaryotic genomes and noisy matured eukaryotic sequences
ORFeus: detection of distant homology using sequence profiles and predicted secondary structure
LOC3D: annotate sub-cellular localization for protein structures
Dragon ERE Finder version 2: a tool for accurate detection and analysis of estrogen response elements in vertebrate genomes
MGAlignIt: a web service for the alignment of mRNA/EST and genomic sequences
FIE2: a program for the extraction of genomic DNA sequences around the start and translation initiation site of human genes
UniqueProt: creating representative protein sequence sets
REDUCE: an online tool for inferring cis-regulatory elements and transcriptional module activities from microarray data
SSEP: secondary structural elements of proteins
GlobPlot: exploring protein sequences for globularity and disorder
SEARCHPKS: a program for detection and analysis of polyketide synthase domains
INCLUSive: a web portal and service registry for microarray and regulatory sequence analysis
The web server of IBM's Bioinformatics and Pattern Discovery group
NEWT, a new taxonomy portal
Motif3D: relating protein sequence motifs to 3D structure
OntoBlast function: from sequence similarities directly to potential functional annotations by ontology terms
GeneSilico protein structure prediction meta-server
Scansite 2.0: proteome-wide prediction of cell signaling interactions using short sequence motifs
AMIGene: Annotation of MIcrobial Genes
SPA: simple web tool to assess statistical significance of DNA patterns
NCI: a server to identify non-canonical interactions in protein structures
PseudoViewer2: visualization of RNA pseudoknots of any type
Tools for comparative protein structure modeling and analysis
WU-Blast2 server at the European Bioinformatics Institute
Geno2pheno: estimating phenotypic drug resistance from HIV-1 genotypes
SVM-Prot: web-based support vector machine software for functional classification of a protein from its primary sequence
PSORT-B: improving protein subcellular localization prediction for Gram-negative bacteria
CASTp: Computed Atlas of Surface Topography of proteins
BLAST2SRS, a web server for flexible retrieval of related protein sequences in the SWISS-PROT and SPTrEMBL databases
Cluster-Buster: finding dense clusters of motifs in DNA sequences
3matrix and 3motif: a protein structure visualization system for conserved sequence motifs
ESTAnnotator: a tool for high throughput EST annotation
PARSESNP: a tool for the analysis of nucleotide polymorphisms
Automated Gene Ontology annotation for anonymous sequence data
SIC: a tool to detect short inverted segments in a biological sequence
FootPrinter: a program designed for phylogenetic footprinting
Signal search analysis server
ExpressYourself: a modular platform for processing and visualizing microarray data
Detection of reliable and unexpected protein fold predictions using 3D-Jury
SIFT: predicting amino acid changes that affect protein function
SWISS-MODEL: an automated protein homology-modeling server
Tools for the automatic identification and classification of RNA base pairs
JVirGel: calculation of virtual two-dimensional protein gels
Swiss EMBnet node web server
PROBEmer: a web-based software tool for selecting optimal DNA oligos
Comprehensive quantitative analyses of the effects of promoter sequence elements on mRNA transcription
YMF: a program for discovery of novel transcription factor binding sites by statistical overrepresentation
Onto-Tools, the toolkit of the modern biologist: Onto-Express, Onto-Compare, Onto-Design and Onto-Translate
SiteSeer: visualisation and analysis of transcription factor binding sites in nucleotide sequences
PromH: promoters identification using orthologous genomic sequences
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