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Quantitative high-throughput analysis of transcription factor binding specificities
Conformational change of pseudouridine 55 synthase upon its association with RNA substrate
Using pyrrolo-deoxycytosine to probe RNA/DNA hybrids containing the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 3′ polypurine tract
Biochemical and random mutagenesis analysis of the region carrying the catalytic E152 amino acid of HIV-1 integrase
A high-throughput method to monitor the expression of microRNA precursors
Solid phase synthesis and binding affinity of peptidyl transferase transition state mimics containing 2′-OH at P-site position A76
Integration of the 5′ end of the retrotransposon, R2Bm, can be complemented by homologous recombination
5′-Untranslated regions with multiple upstream AUG codons can support low-level translation via leaky scanning and reinitiation
Sequence-specific cleavage of RNA in the absence of divalent metal ions by a DNAzyme incorporating imidazolyl and amino functionalities
DNA elements important for CAG·CTG repeat thresholds in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Processing of clustered DNA damage generates additional double-strand breaks in mammalian cells post-irradiation
Roles of AUF1 isoforms, HuR and BRF1 in ARE-dependent mRNA turnover studied by RNA interference
LEON: multiple aLignment Evaluation Of Neighbours
UV-C response of the ribonucleotide reductase large subunit involves both E2F-mediated gene transcriptional regulation and protein subcellular relocalization in tobacco cells
Chemical and biochemical strategies for the randomization of protein encoding DNA sequences: library construction methods for directed evolution
The helix-turn-helix motif of bacterial insertion sequence IS911 transposase is required for DNA binding
Evidence for a subpopulation of conserved alternative splicing events under selection pressure for protein reading frame preservation
Detection of functional DNA motifs via statistical over-representation
The involvement of Srs2 in post-replication repair and homologous recombination in fission yeast
The DNA-binding properties of the ARID-containing subunits of yeast and mammalian SWI/SNF complexes
Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila catalase gene by the DRE/DREF system
PKD1 intron 21: triplex DNA formation and effect on replication
Efficient RNA interference depends on global context of the target sequence: quantitative analysis of silencing efficiency using Eulerian graph representation of siRNA
A novel method for screening species-specific gDNA probes for species identification
HIV-1 Tat directly binds to NFκB enhancer sequence: role in viral and cellular gene expression
CTCF-dependent enhancer blockers at the upstream region of the chicken α-globin gene domain
Intensity-based analysis of two-colour microarrays enables efficient and flexible hybridization designs
ARB: a software environment for sequence data
The active form of Xp54 RNA helicase in translational repression is an RNA-mediated oligomer
Interaction of human and bacterial AlkB proteins with DNA as probed through chemical cross-linking studies
Paradigms for computational nucleic acid design
Two-hybrid Mpp10p interaction-defective Imp4 proteins are not interaction defective in vivo but do confer specific pre-rRNA processing defects in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
RING1 inhibits transactivation of RBP-J by Notch through interaction with LIM protein KyoT2
A theophylline responsive riboswitch based on helix slipping controls gene expression in vivo
Myosin light chain 1 atrial isoform (MLC1A) is expressed in pre-B cells under control of the BOB.1/OBF.1 coactivator
Identification of cellular proteins enhancing activities of internal ribosomal entry sites by competition with oligodeoxynucleotides
Modified U1 snRNA suppresses expression of a targeted endogenous RNA by inhibiting polyadenylation of the transcript
Straightforward detection of SNPs in double-stranded DNA by using exonuclease III/nuclease S1/PNA system
Influence of in vitro manipulation on the stability of methylation patterns in the Snurf/Snrpn-imprinting region in mouse embryonic stem cells
SNPWaveTM: a flexible multiplexed SNP genotyping technology
Identifying secretomes in people, pufferfish and pigs
Efficiency and pattern of UV pulse laser-induced RNA-RNA cross-linking in the ribosome
A bipolar DNA helicase gene, herA, clusters with rad50, mre11 and nurA genes in thermophilic archaea
In vivo interactions of the Acanthamoeba TBP gene promoter
DNA dynamically directs its own transcription initiation
Homologous gene targeting in Caenorhabditis elegans by biolistic transformation
Identification and handling of artifactual gene expression profiles emerging in microarray hybridization experiments
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