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© European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association
European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association
Is Part Of
Calcineurin-inhibitors in renal transplantation. Too precious to be abandoned
Primary vascular access in diabetic patients: an audit
Effects of haemoglobin normalization on quality of life and cardiovascular parameters in end-stage renal failure
Adequacy of dialysis with tidal and continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis in children
Z1: Transplantation: basic
Hypercalcaemia and acute interstitial nephritis associated with omeprazole therapy
Z3: Transplantation: cardiovascular aspects
F: Immunology and immunopathology
Factors influencing the course and the response to treatment in primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Ultrasound-guided compression repair of pseudoaneurysms complicating a forearm dialysis arteriovenous fistula
Importance of the bradykinin-nitric oxide synthase system in the hypersensitivity reactions of chronic haemodialysis patients
Improving the outcome of dialysis—opinion vs scientific evidence
Effect of high-flux dialysis on the anaemia of haemodialysis patients
Peritoneal catheter exit-site infections caused by rapidly-growing atypical mycobacteria
T: Clinical nephrology: miscellaneous
M: Vasculitides and systematic diseases: clinical
O: Tubulointerstitial diseases: clinical
Changing patterns of antibiotic resistance—update on antibiotic management of the infected vascular access
G protein β3 subunit 825T allele, hypertension, obesity, and diabetic nephropathy
Identification of microemboli during haemodialysis using Doppler ultrasound
Unexplained decrease of cyclosporin trough levels in a compliant renal transplant patient
U4: Dialysis: oxidative stress
K: Hypertension: clinical
The lady who had muscle cramps and developed thrombotic microangiopathy
Sincere thanks of Turkish nephrologists to their European friends
A: Renal development and genetic diseases of the kidney
U5: Dialysis: nutritional status
Y: Peritoneal dialysis
Recovery of renal function following prolonged ischaemia in a patient with Mid-Aortic Syndrome
Q: Hepatitis
Subject Index
W: Biocompatibility
L: Acute renal failure and toxic nephropathies: clinical
P: Diabetes mellitus
Immunoadsorption onto protein A induces remission in severe systemic lupus erythematosus
Determinants of haemoglobin carbamylation in haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients
Erythropoietin mimetic peptides and the future
What is ‘nephrosclerosis’? Lessons from the US, Japan, and Mexico
CAPD, swimming in Shewanella
Parvovirus B19-related acute hepatitis in an immunosuppressed kidney transplant
U7: Dialysis: vascular access
V: Haemofiltration, haemodiafiltration and other treatment modalities
Keyword Index
G: Urolithiasis, bone and mineral metabolism
Difficulties of implementing clinical guidelines in medical practice
Transferrin-mediated uptake of aluminium by human parathyroid cells results in reduced parathyroid hormone secretion
Short-term effect of atorvastatin in hypercholesterolaemic renal-transplant patients unresponsive to other statins
U8: Dialysis: outcome
Z4: Transplantation: infections
Z6: Transplantation: other clinical aspects
Evaluation of clinical guidelines for the management of end-stage renal disease in Europe: the EU BIOMED 1 Study
An elderly man with confusion, hypercalcaemia and acute renal failure—an important diagnosis not to miss
Non-clonal large granular cell lymphocytosis after renal transplantation
E: Regulators, mediators, signalling, gene expression
H: Pathophysiology of renal diseases
Vascular calcification—a passive process in need of inhibitors
G-protein β3-subunit C825T genotype and nephropathy in diabetes mellitus
U6: Dialysis: survival
J: Haemodynamics, hypertension: basic
Deregulated platelet-activating factor levels and acetylhydrolase activity in patients with idiopathic IgA nephropathy
Urinary excretion of podocytes in patients with diabetic nephropathy
Vitamin B6 supplementation can improve peripheral polyneuropathy in patients with chronic renal failure on high-flux haemodialysis and human recombinant erythropoietin
U1: Dialysis: adaquacy
Z2: Transplantation: immunosuppressive regimens
B: Biology od renal cells: inflammation, repair and progression
The ERA-EDTA Registry returns to Amsterdam
Three monocyte-related determinants of atherosclerosis in haemodialysis
The rare cause of hypokalaemia
S1: Chronic renal failure: progression
U3: Dialysis: anaemia and erythropoietin treatment
U10: Dialysis: miscellaneous
Author Index
N: Primary glomerular diseases: clinical
MHC genes, body odours, and odour preferences
Proteinuria in the transplanted patient
Renal disease in Australian Aborigines
Sonographic pattern of recessive polycystic kidney disease in young adults. Differences from the dominant form
l-Carnitine in dialysis, more than a commercial affair
U2: Dialysis: complications
Z5: Transplantation: malignancy
Human herpes virus 8 infection in kidney transplant patients in Belgium
Acute bacterial endocarditis and renal microaneurysms
GLUT-1 and TGF-β: the link between hyperglycaemia and diabetic nephropathy
Iron infusion into the arterial blood line during haemodialysis: a novel method to remove free iron and reduce oxidative damage
U9: Dialysis: devices
I: Hereditary/developmental kidney diseases
Anaemia correction—does the mode of dialysis matter?
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