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Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA [2005]
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Clinical outcomes of systemic lupus erythematosus patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
To haemodialysis and back: saving a kidney graft by treatment of an arteriovenous fistula
Patient characteristics rather than the type of dialyser predict the variability of endothelial derived surface molecules in chronic haemodialysis patients
Possible role of erythropoietin in the pathogenesis of chronic cor pulmonale
The sialoadhesin (CD169) expressing a macrophage subset in human proliferative glomerulonephritis
A pilot study using mycophenolate mofetil in relapsing or resistant ANCA small vessel vasculitis
Angiotensin II sensitivity of afferent glomerular arterioles in endothelin-1 transgenic mice
The role of non-haemodynamic factors of the genesis of LVH
Therapeutic failure of cinacalcet in a renal transplant patient presenting hyperparathyroidism with severe hypercalcaemia
History of vascular access for haemodialysis
Severe theophylline intoxication: a delay in charcoal haemoperfusion solved by oral activated charcoal
Prevalence of co-morbidity in different European RRT populations and its effect on access to renal transplantation
Hypercalcaemia induced by excessive parathyroid hormone secretion in a patient with a neuroendocrine tumour
Association between tumour necrosis factor-α G-308A polymorphism and risk of nephropathy in obese Chinese type 2 diabetic patients
Klotho reduces apoptosis in experimental ischaemic acute renal failure
Infliximab and nephrotic syndrome
Pyroglutamic acidosis in a renal transplant patient
Percutaneous trans-jugular mechanical thrombectomy for the treatment of thrombosed upper arm fistulas
Fistula dysfunction secondary to a subcutaneous myelomatous deposit
The clinical course of peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis caused by Corynebacterium species
Self-reported appetite, hospitalization and death in haemodialysis patients: findings from the Hemodialysis (HEMO) Study
Beneficial effects of aminoguanidine on peritoneal microcirculation and tissue remodelling in a rat model of PD
Decision making concerning life-sustaining treatment in paediatric nephrology: professionals' experiences and values
How does leptin contribute to uraemic cachexia?
A registry of haemodialysis patients and the progress of haemodialysis services in Lithuania
Lactate in a Laubenpieper
Iron chelators do not reduce cold-induced cell injury in the isolated perfused rat kidney model
The long-term effect of serum magnesium on cyclosporin A toxicity
ESRD patients in 2004: global overview of patient numbers, treatment modalities and associated trends
Complement and the kidney: What the nephrologist needs to know in 2006?
Messenger RNA assessment in clinical nephrology: perspectives and progress of methodology
An unusual case of renovascular hypertension-renal artery stenosis of a pelvic kidney with aberrant blood supply
Role of inflammation in diabetic complications
Metastatic intracranial subdural empyema from renal cyst infection in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
Erythropoietin in the critically ill: what is the evidence?
Evaluation and treatment of penile gangrene in a chronic dialysis patient
The prevalence of tuberculin sensitivity and anergy in chronic renal failure in an endemic area: tuberculin test and the risk of post-transplant tuberculosis
Is a major psychiatric illness a contraindication to chronic dialysis?
Unusual Kaposi's sarcoma in a renal transplant recipient
Kaposi's sarcoma occurring in a young black man after kidney transplantation
Telmisartan inhibits both oxidative stress and renal fibrosis after unilateral ureteral obstruction in acatalasemic mice
Unexpected effect of haemodialysis on salivary hepatocyte growth factor
Within-session and between-session variability of haemodialysis shunt flow measurements
Advanced glycation end-product induces fractalkine gene upregulation in normal rat glomeruli
In a type 2 diabetic nephropathy rat model, the improvement of obesity by a low calorie diet reduces oxidative/carbonyl stress and prevents diabetic nephropathy
The challenge of germ cell tumour therapy in dialysis and transplantation
Synergy of low nephron number and obesity: a new focus on hyperfiltration nephropathy
Aspergillosis prostatitis post-renal transplantation
Long-term use of vitamin E-coated polysulfone membrane reduces oxidative stress markers in haemodialysis patients
Acute respiratory infection in a renal transplant recipient
Chronic allograft nephropathy: expression and localization of PAI-1 and PPAR-γ
A case of adrenal aldosteronoma with horseshoe kidney and duplicated inferior vena cava
Protein gene product 9.5 and ubiquitin are expressed in metabolically active epithelial cells of normal and pathologic human kidney
Use of cardiac troponin T in diagnosis and prognosis of cardiac events in patients on chronic haemodialysis
Racial variations in erythropoietic response to epoetin alfa in chronic kidney disease and the impact of smoking
Effects of NH4Cl intake on renal growth in rats: role of MAPK signalling pathway
Seizures and renal failure: is there a link?
The leukotriene B4 receptor antagonist ONO-4057 inhibits mesangioproliferative changes in anti-Thy-1 nephritis
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