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À propos de : Outbreak of Bordetella pertussis among oncology nurse specialists        

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  • Outbreak of Bordetella pertussis among oncology nurse specialists
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  • We describe an outbreak of pertussis with transmission between health care workers (HCWs) in a hospital oncology department and a patient identified as a possible source. Three of the four HCWs testing positive for pertusssis had received primary immunization as children, consistent with waning immunity into adulthood. The fourth health care worker was unimmunized. No evidence of onward nosocomial acquisition within the patient group was found; however, transmission within the household of one health care worker was identified. Countries differ in their approach to protecting health care staff and patients from occupational and nosocomial pertussis infection with immunization recommended for some HCWs in some countries. Surveillance for pertussis in the UK and response to suspected or confirmed cases requires further development.
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