| - When placed in the context of an organizational name, certain words ordinarily associated with American ideals, but now involved in the battle of symbols between East and West, are associated with Communism and Communist causes. The percentage of people identifying an “invented” organization as Communist increases when such words as “peace,” “equal rights,” and “world” are included in the name of the group. When the word “Women's” is used in a group's name there is less of a tendency to associate the group with Communism. Men and women do not differ significantly in their identifications of groups as Communist organizations. However, men seem more familiar with the Attorney-General's list of subversive organizations. Using rudimentary tests for informational level, no significant differences are recorded in responses of relatively high, medium, and low levels of information people to “invented” group names. Similarly, no significant differences in responses are recorded between different occupational groups. A relatively high percentage of people identify non-Communist groups as Communist.