| - Designs and Operational Characteristics of Inhalation Exposure Equipment - A Review. MacFarland, H.N. (1983). Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 3:603-613. The development of equipment for use in the experimental study of the effects of inhalable airborne materials has been reviewed. Reference is made to early descriptions of apparatus employed in the mid-nineteenth century up to the present conventional stainless steel and glass units. Whole body chambers, head only arrangements and face mask devices are described. Factors governing the operational characteristics of chambers when utilized in the static or dynamic mode are discussed. The question of uniformity of distribution of the airborne agent in chamber atmospheres has been examined at some length. It is concluded that unusual arrangements to improve distribution are ineffective or produce only marginal improvements. In addition, brief reference has been made to a number of special areas of investigation and to certain considerations of interest to the operator of inhalation equipment. A list of useful reviews and monographs is provided.