| - Volume 40, Number 2 (1997), in Article No. FA972383 “Rat Olfactory Mucosa Displays a High Activity in Metabolizing Methyl tert-Butyl Ether and Other Gasoline Ethers,” by Jun-Yan Hong, Yong-Yu Wang, Flordeliza Y. Bondoc, Chung S. Yang, Maojung Lee, and Wei-Qun Huang, pages: 205-210: On page 205, the first sentence of the article contains an error. The correct sentence should read “Addition of oxygenates to gasoline improves combustion by increasing the oxygen content and thereby reduces tailpipe emission of carbon monoxide (CO) and other pollutants,” instead of “Addition of oxygenates to gasoline improves combustion by increasing the octane number and thereby reduces tailpipe emission of carbon monoxide (CO) and other pollutants.” The authors thank Dr. David Cragnin (DABT) for pointing out the error.