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À propos de : Malnutrition Among Children of Adolescent Mothers in a Squatter Community of Recife, Brazil        

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  • Malnutrition Among Children of Adolescent Mothers in a Squatter Community of Recife, Brazil
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  • In a study of 357 first time mothers in a squatter community of Recife it was found that 1 in 10 were less than 15 years old and 60 per cent less than 20 at the time of their first delivery. Two groups of mothers were distinguished, viz. adolescent mothers with a mean (SD) age at first delivery of 16.7 (0.78) years and older mothers with a mean (SD) age at first delivery of 25 (0.79). More than a third were living in common-law union. Of the adolescent mothers only 58 per cent were living with the child's father. A further 23 per cent had received financial support from their own parents during the pregnancy. The rest were expelled from home. The adolescent mothers were generally worse off with a per capita income generally half of that of older mothers. About a quarter of all children studied were below the 10th centile of NCHS standards (23 per cent by weight/age; 28 per cent by height/age). The undernourished first born was 2.5 times more likely to have an adolescent mother, four times more likely to be in a household with low income, and two times more likely to have an illiterate mother as compared to the first borns who remain well nourished. The implications of these findings for urban primary health care programmes are further discussed.
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  • 36.1.14
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