| - Two hundred and thirty children clinically diagnosed as suffering from acute respiratory infection were tested for four major groups of viral aetiological agents, i.e. influenza para-influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and adenoviruses using indirect immunofluorescence technique. At least one of the respiratory viruses was identified in 51 (22 per cent) specimens, which included influenza A in 6 (3 per cent), influenza B in 3 (1 per cent), para-influenza type 1 in 3 (1 per cent), para-influenza type 3 in 13 (6 per cent), RSV in 11 (5 per cent) adenovirus in 12 (5 per cent), and dual virus infections in 3 (1 per cent) cases. Maximum number of virus identification was noted in children below 1 year of age, particularly infection with RSV followed by para-influenza and adenoviruses. Value of rapid diagnosis by indirect immunofluorescence technique is stressed.