| - In Mali, according to DHS III (Demographic and Health Survey) in 2001, the global rate of malnutrition (weight for age <2 sd) among under-five children was 38%. The purpose of this study was to assess the management of malnutrition in children (0-59 months old) by the professionals in the intervention areas of ‘Strategy for Accelerated Child Survival and Growth’, according to IMCI guidelines. We carried out a cross-sectional survey in three randomly selected health districts (Kolokani, Niono and Koro) and involved 27 health centres, 180 children and 180 mothers. We did direct observation of consultations and interrogated the mothers. The study found that the equipement and tools necessary for nutritional status assessment were available but seldom used in practice. Nutrition training was provided only to the health staff of Kolokani where 78% of the staff were trained in IMCI and 55% in IEC (Information Education and Communication). The indicatory weight-for-age was used to assess nutritional status of 64% children in Kolokani vs. 42% in Koro and 4% in Niono. IMCI classification was used only in Kolokani (57% of children). The management of severe malnbutrition in children was more correct in Kolokani (100%) than in Koro (33%) and Niono (0%). Twenty- eight percent of mothers/caretakers knew the appropiate duration of exclusive breastfeeding, but only 5% knew that vitamin A supplementation should be done every 6 months. Our findings suggest that nutritional status assessment is performed better in the health districts where staffs are training in IMCI. We recommend training the health staff in the other health districts and the intensification of behavioural change communication for mothers.