| - Abstract. 124Sb-labelled Astiban was given to male white mice intraperitoneally in doses of 0·25, 0·5, 1·0 and 2·0 mg. Estimates of blood, liver and heart concentrations were made at periods of 15 minutes to 21 days after injection, 6 replicates being used throughout. In addition, individual whole body counting was carried out for 19 days on 10 mice given the largest dose. Astiban is rapidly absorbed from the peritoneal cavity and antimony derived from it largely disappears from the blood during the first 2 hours. Heart muscle concentrations are low and follow those of the blood. Antimony is concentrated in the liver and there is evidence that active transport is involved in the rapid loss from the liver as well as in its entry into the organ. Excretion is very rapid and largely in the urine. It has not been possible to identify compartments within the liver or the forms in which antimony exists there.