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The Conversation Continues II
Estimation of Free Radical Ionization Energies bythe Kinetic Method and the Relationship betweenthe Kinetic Method and the Hammett Equation
Measurement of Platinum Isotope Amount Ratiosby Negative Thermal Ionization Mass SpectrometryUsing a Thermionic Quadrupole MassSpectrometer
Detection of Low Dose Radiation Induced DNADamage Using Temperature DifferentialFluorescence Assay
Stacking Neutral Analytes in CapillaryElectrokinetic Chromatography with High-SaltSample Matrixes
Radio Frequency Plasma Polymer Coatings forAffinity Capture MALDI Mass Spectrometry
Direct On-Line Method To Monitor the DynamicStructure of Noncovalent Titanium Complexes inSolution by Using Cold-Spray IonizationTime-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Development of a Highly EnantioselectiveCapacitive Immunosensor for the Detection ofα-Amino Acids
Potentiometric Immunoassay with Quantum DotLabels
Square Wave Voltcoulometry: A Tool for the Studyof Strongly adsorbed Redox Molecules
The Conversation Continues I
Detection of Individual Oligonucleotide Pairing bySingle-Molecule Microscopy
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and InfraredEvanescent Wave Spectroscopy. A ChemicalSensors Approach
Calibration of Analytical Instruments. Impact ofNonconstant Variance in Calibration Data
Direct DNA Hybridization Detection Based on theOligonucleotide-Functionalized ConductivePolymer
Quantitative Analysis of Hydroperoxyl RadicalUsing Flow Injection Analysis withChemiluminescence Detection
Silver-Induced Enhancement of Thiochrome-BasedPeroxide Measurements
Detection of Nitrogen Dioxide by CavityAttenuated Phase Shift Spectroscopy
Mass Spectrometric Determination of 234U/238URatio with Improved Precision
Polymer−Enzyme Composite Biosensor with HighGlutamate Sensitivity and Low OxygenDependence
Selective Photoelectrochemical Detection of DNAwith High-Affinity Metallointercalator and TinOxide Nanoparticle Electrode
Reagentless Ultrasensitive Specific DNA ArrayDetection Based on Responsive PolymericBiochips
Flow Photolysis for Spatiotemporal Stimulation ofSingle Cells
Observations on “Orthogonality” in ComprehensiveTwo-Dimensional Separations
Mechanism of Signal Suppression by AnionicSurfactants in CapillaryElectrophoresis−Electrospray Ionization MassSpectrometry
An Expansion for Quasi-Reversible Linear PotentialSweep Voltammetry and the Use of Euler'sTransformation of Series
Lipid Concentration Profile across the Wall ofPseudoatherosclerotic Synthetic ArterialProstheses Using FTIR Microspectroscopy
Determination of Water in NIST Reference Materialfor Mineral Oils
Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Reduction ofHydrogen/Deuterium Back Exchange inSolution-Phase Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchangewith Mass Spectrometric Analysis
Electrochemical DNA Biosensor Based onConducting Polyaniline Nanotube Array
Selective Voltammetric and AmperometricDetection of Uric Acid with Oxidized Diamond FilmElectrodes
Selective Detection of o-Diphenols onCopper-Plated Screen-Printed Electrodes
Micro X-ray Fluorescence Imaging without Scans: Toward an Element-Selective Movie
Universal Microfluidic Gradient Generator
Molecular Imprinting under Molecular CrowdingConditions: An Aid to the Synthesis of aHigh-Capacity Polymeric Sorbent for TriazineHerbicides
Ligand-Specific Temperature-Dependent Shifts inEC50 Values for the GABAA Receptor
Magnetic Permeability Measurements inBioanalysis and Biosensors
Differential Detection of Enantiomeric GaseousAnalytes Using Carbon Black−Chiral PolymerComposite, Chemically Sensitive Resistors
Amplified Chemiluminescence Surface Detectionof DNA and Telomerase Activity Using CatalyticNucleic Acid Labels
On the Absence of Evidence That the Vinland MapIs Medieval
Improving Nanoprobes Using Surface-EnhancedRaman Scattering from 30-nm Hollow GoldParticles
Comments on Total Platinum Concentration andPlatinum Oxidation States in Body Fluids, Tissue,and Explants from Women Exposed to Silicone andSaline Breast Implants by IC−ICPMS
Genotoxicity Screening Using Biocatalyst/DNAFilms and Capillary LC−MS/MS
High-Throughput, Non-Destructive Determinationof Oil Content in Intact Seeds by ContinuousWave-Free Precession NMR
Collision-Induced Dissociation Spectra Obtainedby Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron ResonanceMass Spectrometry Using a 13C,15N-DoublyDepleted Protein
The “Optical Funnel”. A Technique for Measuring aMicroorganism's Power
Electrochemistry in the Presence of ConvectiveFlow Generated by Acoustic Streaming from aFocused Ultrasonic Source
Photoelectrochemical Oxygen Sensor UsingCopper-Plated Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes
Feasibility of Formation of Hot Ions in Electrospray
Determination of Molecular Weight Distributions ofDiblock Copolymers with Conventional SizeExclusion Chromatography
Development and Validation of an LC/MS/MSProcedure for the Quantification of Endogenousmyo-Inositol Concentrations in Rat Brain TissueHomogenates
Selective and Sensitive Fluorescent Sensors forMetal Ions Based on Manipulation of Side-ChainCompositions of Poly(p-phenyleneethynylene)s
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Enhancement byRedox Magnetohydrodynamics
SPR Sensor Chip for Detection of Small MoleculesUsing Molecularly Imprinted Polymer withEmbedded Gold Nanoparticles
Hemoglobin-Based Hydrogen Peroxide BiosensorTuned by the Photovoltaic Effect of Nano TitaniumDioxide
A Poly(cyclopentadithiophene) Matrix Suitable forElectrochemically Controlled DNA Delivery
Capacitive Detection in Ultrathin ChemosensorsPrepared by Molecularly Imprinted GraftingPhotopolymerization
Improved Accuracy and Precision in theDetermination of Association Constants
Analysis of a ReactiveDimethylenedihydrothiophene in MethyleneChloride by Low-Temperature AtmosphericPressure Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Detection of Microspotted CarcinoembryonicAntigen on a Glass Substrate by ScanningElectrochemical Microscopy
Direct Chromatographic Separation of Racemateson the Basis of Isotopic Chirality
Mixture Analysis by NMR Spectroscopy
Bubble Fractionation of Enantiomers from SolutionUsing Molecularly Imprinted Polymers asCollectors
Protein Adsorption on Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films: An Immobilization Strategy for BioanalyticalDevices
Nanoliter Chemistry Combined with MassSpectrometry for Peptide Mapping of Proteins fromSingle Mammalian Cell Lysates
Single-Molecule Identification in Flowing SampleStreams by Fluorescence Burst Size and IntraburstFluorescence Decay Rate
An Au Nanoparticle/BisbipyridiniumCyclophane-Functionalized Ion-SensitiveField-Effect Transistor for the Sensing ofAdrenaline
Development of a Flow Injection CapillaryChemiluminescent ELISA Using an ImprintedPolymer Instead of the Antibody
Cryogenic Probe 13C NMR Spectroscopy of Urinefor Metabonomic Studies
Breaking the 10-7 Barrier for RI Measurements inNanoliter Volumes
Infrared Laser Desorption/Ionization on Silicon
CE in a Nonuniform Capillary Modulated by aCylindrical Insert, and Zone-Narrowing Effectsduring Sample Injection
Evidence That the Vinland Map Is Medieval
Enantiomer Separations in CapillaryElectrophoresis in the Case of Equal BindingConstants of the Enantiomers with a ChiralSelector: Commentary on the Feasibility of theConcept
Homogeneous Detection of Single Rolling CircleReplication Products
Quantitative Photoelectrochemical Detection ofBiological Affinity Reaction: Biotin−AvidinInteraction
A Two-Color Three-Photon Ionization Scheme forthe Efficient and Selective Ionization of aChlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbon
Evidence of a Systematic Deviation of the IsotopicComposition of Neon from Commercial SourcesCompared with Its Isotopic Composition in Air
Perchlorate Isotope Forensics
Stable Dioxetane Precursors as SelectiveTrap-and-Trigger Chemiluminescent Probes forSinglet Oxygen
A Method for Calculating the Spring Constant ofAtomic Force Microscopy Cantilevers with aNonrectangular Cross Section
Pt Nanoparticles: Heat Treatment-BasedPreparation and Ru(bpy)32+-Mediated Formation ofAggregates That Can Form Stable Films on BareSolid Electrode Surfaces for Solid-StateElectrochemiluminescence Detection
Simultaneous Excitation of Propagating andLocalized Surface Plasmon Resonance inNanoporous Gold Membranes
Structure-Selective Recognition by Voltammetry: Enantiomeric Determination of Amines UsingAzophenolic Crowns in Aprotic Solvent
Major Degradation Product Identified in SeveralPharmaceutical Formulations against the CommonCold
Method To Improve Linearity of Diffuse ReflectionMid-Infrared Spectroscopy
Discovery of a Significant OpticalChromatographic Difference between Spores ofBacillus anthracis and Its Close Relative, Bacillusthuringiensis
Generation of Highly Charged Peptide and ProteinIons by Atmospheric Pressure Matrix-AssistedInfrared Laser Desorption/Ionization Ion Trap MassSpectrometry
Label-Free Electrical Sensing of Small-MoleculeInhibition on Tyrosine Phosphorylation
Hydrazine-Catalyzed Ultrasensitive Detection ofDNA and Proteins
In Situ Analysis of Living Embryonic Stem Cells byCoherent Anti-Stokes Raman Microscopy
Label-Free Single-Nucleotide PolymorphismDetection Using a Cationic Tetrahedralfluoreneand Silica Nanoparticles
Streaming Potential Effects on Solute Dispersionin Nanochannels
Nanobiosensor Design Utilizing a Periplasmic E.coli Receptor Protein Immobilized within Au/Polycarbonate Nanopores
Fundamentals of Molecular Formula Assignment toUltrahigh Resolution Mass Data of Natural OrganicMatter
Effect of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons onDetection Sensitivity of Ultratrace NitroaromaticCompounds
Portable Total Reflection X-ray FluorescenceSpectrometer for Nanogram Cr Detection Limit
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