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British Medical Association
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British Medical Association
On the Physiological and Curative Influence of the Saline Waters of Droitwich in Certain Forms of Disease
The Action of Diuretics
Outbreak of Yellow Fever in Sierra Leone, 1884
On the Registration of Plumbers and of Plumbing Work
Notes upon Strophanthus
On the Pathology of Bright's Disease
Acute Rheumatic Peritonitis
Operative Treatment of Squint
Shot-Silk Retina
On the Production of Heat in Fever
Suggestions as to Amendment of Public Health Law
On the Etiology and Treatment of Albuminuria
A Case of Artificial Anus Treated by Resection of the Small Intestine
A New Symptom and a New Theory of Locomotor Ataxy
On the Occasional Latency and Insidiousness of Grave Symptoms in Connection with the Puerperal State
Napier (New Zealand) as a Health-Resort
The Treatment of Intestinal Obstruction
Infectious Pneumonia
The Practice of Artificial Anæsthesia, Local and General
On the Proper Sphere of Constitutional and Topical Treatment in Certain Forms of Uterine Disease
The Immediate Improvement of Hearing following Division of Cicatrices in the Membrana Tympani
Observations on the So-Called Congenital Dislocation of the Hip-Joint
On the Distribution of Calculous Disease in Norfolk
Massage as a Means of Treatment in Chronic Dyspepsia and in Sleeplessness
The Treatment of Scarlet Fever
A Note on Ankle-Clonus, with Special Reference as to its Production under Nitrous Oxid E Gas
On the Treatment of Fibroid Tumours of the Uterus by Electrolysis
Suture of Divided Ulnar Nerve after Six Months
On the Treatment of Spinal Curvature
The Dangers of Lead-Styles in the Treatment of Lacrymal Obstruction
On Aspirators: Their Use as a Means of Diagnosis and Treatment in Disease
New Aural Inflator, Evacuator, and Injector: With Remarks on the Treatment of Common Aural Diseases
Melanotic Sarcoma of the Rectum
On “Foulbrood.”
Notes of a Case of Chronic Inversion of the Uterus
Case of Rupture of Bladder: Death from Hæmorrhage
A Case of Partial Laceration of the Urethra Successfully Treated by Continuous Dilatation
Asthma as Related to Diseases of the Skin
A Winter Visit to Davos
Sequel to a Case of Trephining
Enucleation of the Eyeball, with Obliteration of the Conjunctival Sac
The Treatment of Laryngeal Phthisis
The Treatment of Sea-Sickness
Introduction to a Discussion on the Prevention of Puerperal Fever
Some Statistics of the Operation for the Adical Cure of Hernia
On Uterine Hæmorrhage and a New Method of Treatment
Clinical Note on the Treatment of Burns and Scalds
Strangulated Umbilical Hernia: Removal of Six Inches of Small Intestine: Recovery
Puzzling Conditions of the Heart and Other Organs Dependent on Neurasthenia
Is Summer-Diarrhœa of Children One Disease or Many?
Remarks on the British Pharmacopœia of 1885
Infectious Sore-Throat, in Which Rheumatism Played a Prominent Part
Cases of Congenital Malformation of the Eyes
Nine Cases of Successful Operations for Ruptured Tubal Pregnancy
Notes on Strophanthus
Intubation of the Larynx: A Summnary
Radical Cure of Hernia by Open Injections: Results after a Year and a Half
The Influence of Malarious Disorders on Urethral Fever, with Remarks on the Treatment of Stricture
On Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Treatment at Aix-Les-Bains
The Treatment of Stricture of the Urethra by Internal Urethrotomy, with a Review of the Different Methods
So-Called Obstructive Dysmenorrhœa
The Modern Treatment of Uterine Myoma
On Gangrene of the Lung
When a Patient Dies of Exhaustion, from What Does He Die?
On the Conduction of Sound through the Bones of the Head as a Means of Diagnosis of the Seat of Ear-Disease
On the Treatment of Lumbago and Rheumatic Pains by the Percusso-Punctator
A Case of Extra-Uterine Fœtation
On Some Points Relating to the Causes, the Pathology, and the Treatment of Albuminuria
A Case of Hysterectomy for Uterine Myoma
On Atrophy of the Thyroid Body, following Pressure on the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
On the Surgical, Physiological, and Æsthetic Advantages of the Artificial Vitreous Body
The Administration of Nitrous Oxide and Ether in Combination or Succession
Some Clinical Facts in Connection with Concomitant Squint
Dislocation of the Scapula
Peculiar Case of Triplets
On the Elimination of Uric Acid by the Skin, and the Difficulty of Detecting Minute Quantities of that Acid
Radical Cure of Hernia by Torsion of the Sac
The Prognosis of Chronic Non-Suppurative Inflammation of the Middle Ear
On the Causative Relations of Phthisis
Treatment of In-Growing Toe-Nail
On the Results of the International Sanitary Conference on Cholera Lately Held at Rome
Scarlatina and Simulating Eruptions following Surgical Operations
Note on the Subcutaneous Injecation of Salts of Quinine
Note on the Prevention of Mammary Abscess
Whooping-Cough Treated by Nasal Insufflations
On the Radical Cure of Hernia
Small-Pox and Vaccination Statistics: Injuries to Health, and Deaths, Attributed to Vaccination
On Neuropathic Plica
Cases of Abdominal Surgery
Cholera Infantum and the Hydrencephaloid Condition
Experience of Sayre's Plaster Jacket
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Tumours of the Bladder
A New Method of Treating Tinea Tonsurans
The Modern Treatment of Uterine Myoma
On Pregnancy in Double Uterus; with a Successful Case of Porro's Operation
The Climate of the Kingdom of Burmah
Colour Blindness: Its Present Position in the Marcantile Marine Service
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