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Loss of Bcl-2 expression correlates with tumour recurrence in colorectal cancer
Modulation of distal colonic epithelial barrier function by dietary fibre in normal rats
Generation of reactive oxygen species by the faecal matrix
Increased colorectal cancer risk during follow-up in patients with hyperplastic polyposis syndrome: a multicentre cohort study
Effect of maternal and postweaning folic acid supplementation on colorectal cancer risk in the offspring
A population-based comparison of the survival of patients with colorectal cancer in England, Norway and Sweden between 1996 and 2004
The diagnostic performance of scoring systems to identify symptomatic colorectal cancer compared to current referral guidance
Nottingham trial of faecal occult blood testing for colorectal cancer: a 20-year follow-up
Metronomic oral topotecan prolongs survival and reduces liver metastasis in improved preclinical orthotopic and adjuvant therapy colon cancer models
In situ validation of an intestinal stem cell signature in colorectal cancer
Expression of the cathelicidin LL-37 is modulated by short chain fatty acids in colonocytes: relevance of signalling pathways
Influence of dietary factors on colorectal cancer survival
Suppression of tumour-specific CD4+ T cells by regulatory T cells is associated with progression of human colorectal cancer
Primary prevention of colorectal cancer with low-dose aspirin in combination with endoscopy: a cost-effectiveness analysis
Postmenopausal hormone therapy and colorectal cancer risk by molecularly defined subtypes among older women
Cumulative impact of common genetic variants and other risk factors on colorectal cancer risk in 42 103 individuals
MicroRNA-200c modulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in human colorectal cancer metastasis
The distal colon provides reserve storage capacity during colonic fluid overload
Biased JH usage in plasma cell immunoglobulin gene sequences from colonic mucosa in ulcerative colitis but not in Crohn’s disease
A prospective randomised study on narrow-band imaging versus conventional colonoscopy for adenoma detection: does narrow-band imaging induce a learning effect?
Dietary folate, alcohol and B vitamins in relation to LINE-1 hypomethylation in colon cancer
Colorectal cancer screening with odour material by canine scent detection
Comparison between universal molecular screening for Lynch syndrome and revised Bethesda guidelines in a large population-based cohort of patients with colorectal cancer
Salutary effects of adiponectin on colon cancer: in vivo and in vitro studies in mice
Association study of PHOX2B as a candidate gene for Hirschsprung’s disease
Transcatheter coil embolotherapy: a safe and effective option for major colonic haemorrhage
Long term efficacy, safety, and tolerabilitity of low daily doses of isosmotic polyethylene glycol electrolyte balanced solution (PMF-100) in the treatment of functional chronic constipation
Analysis of deaths occurring within the Nottingham trial of faecal occult blood screening for colorectal cancer
High sensitivity of five colorectal screening programmes with faecal immunochemical test in the Veneto Region, Italy
Five-year risk for advanced colorectal neoplasia after initial colonoscopy according to the baseline risk stratification: a prospective study in 2452 asymptomatic Koreans
Burden of colonoscopy compared to non-cathartic CT-colonography in a colorectal cancer screening programme: randomised controlled trial
TPX2 and AURKA promote 20q amplicon-driven colorectal adenoma to carcinoma progression
Interval cancers after negative colonoscopy: population-based case-control study
A novel myokine, secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC), suppresses colon tumorigenesis via regular exercise
DNA adducts, detected by 32P postlabelling, in human cholangiocarcinoma
Somatic APC mosaicism: an underestimated cause of polyposis coli
Screening colonoscopy for the detection of neoplastic lesions in asymptomatic HIV-infected subjects
Dietary haem stimulates epithelial cell turnover by downregulating feedback inhibitors of proliferation in murine colon
Molecular and functional studies of electrogenic Na+ transport in the distal colon and rectum of young and elderly subjects
Relations between amount and type of alcohol and colon and rectal cancer in a Danish population based cohort study
Colonoscopic resection of lateral spreading tumours: a prospective analysis of endoscopic mucosal resection
Stimulation of colorectal cancer cell line growth by ET-1 and its inhibition by ETA antagonists
Maternal B vitamin supplementation from preconception through weaning suppresses intestinal tumorigenesis in Apc1638N mouse offspring
Role of acute diverticulitis in the development of complicated colonic diverticular disease and 1-year mortality after diagnosis in the UK: population-based cohort study
Interval cancers in a FOBT-based colorectal cancer population screening programme: implications for stage, gender and tumour site
Detection of miR-92a and miR-21 in stool samples as potential screening biomarkers for colorectal cancer and polyps
Prognostic gene expression signature associated with two molecularly distinct subtypes of colorectal cancer
CT colonography for detection and characterisation of synchronous proximal colonic lesions in patients with stenosing colorectal cancer
Heterocyclic amine intake, smoking, cytochrome P450 1A2 and N-acetylation phenotypes, and risk of colorectal adenoma in a multiethnic population
Hepatic osteodystrophy in rats results mainly from portasystemic shunting
Results of national registration of familial adenomatous polyposis
Angiogenesis blockade as a new therapeutic approach to experimental colitis
Bacteroides fragilis toxin 2 damages human colonic mucosa in vitro
Concurrent drug use and the risk of perforated colonic diverticular disease: a population-based case-control study
Prediagnostic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and survival after diagnosis of colorectal cancer
Accuracy of computed tomographic colonography in a nationwide multicentre trial, and its relation to radiologist expertise
Nutritional therapy for cancer cachexia
Aetiology of colorectal cancer and relevance of monogenic inheritance
Behavioural therapy (biofeedback) for solitary rectal ulcer syndrome improves symptoms and mucosal blood flow
Colorectal visceral perception in diverticular disease
Surgery-induced reactive oxygen species enhance colon carcinoma cell binding by disrupting the liver endothelial cell lining
Comparison of the clinical prediction model PREMM1,2,6 and molecular testing for the systematic identification of Lynch syndrome in colorectal cancer
Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells promote colorectal cancer progression through paracrine neuregulin 1/HER3 signalling
Measurement and determinants of the natural history of liver fibrosis in hepatitis C virus infection: a cross sectional and longitudinal study
Octreotide induced prolongation of colonic transit increases faecal anaerobic bacteria, bile acid metabolising enzymes, and serum deoxycholic acid in patients with acromegaly
Comparison of a low dose polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution with lactulose for treatment of chronic constipation
Intratumoral T cell infiltration, MHC class I and STAT1 as biomarkers of good prognosis in colorectal cancer
Thirty-day postoperative mortality after colorectal cancer surgery in England
Outcomes of the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP) in England after the first 1 million tests
ColoGuideEx: a robust gene classifier specific for stage II colorectal cancer prognosis
5-aminosalicylic acid inhibits cell cycle progression in a phospholipase D dependent manner in colorectal cancer
The Cdx2 homeobox gene has a tumour suppressor function in the distal colon in addition to a homeotic role during gut development
Effect of a protein and energy dense n-3 fatty acid enriched oral supplement on loss of weight and lean tissue in cancer cachexia: a randomised double blind trial
G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6 controls chronicity and severity of dextran sodium sulphate-induced colitis in mice
Endoscopic screening of relatives of patients with colorectal cancer
Eicosapentaenoic acid reduces rectal polyp number and size in familial adenomatous polyposis
Higher adenoma detection rates with cap-assisted colonoscopy: a randomised controlled trial
Serrated polyposis: rapid and relentless development of colorectal neoplasia
Random comparison of repeated faecal immunochemical testing at different intervals for population-based colorectal cancer screening
Risk factors for advanced neoplasia within subcentimetric polyps: implications for diagnostic imaging
Fluorescence endoscopic detection of murine colitis-associated colon cancer by topically applied enzymatically rapid-activatable probe
Familial liver and gall bladder cancer: a nationwide epidemiological study from Sweden
Does a family history of cancer increase the risk of occurrence, growth, and recurrence of colorectal adenomas?
Radiation induced cytochrome c release causes loss of rat colonic fluid absorption by damage to crypts and pericryptal myofibroblasts
Oxaliplatin in combination with liver-specific expression of interleukin 12 reduces the immunosuppressive microenvironment of tumours and eradicates metastatic colorectal cancer in mice
The NSAID sulindac is chemopreventive in the mouse distal colon but carcinogenic in the proximal colon
Evidence for accelerated colorectal adenoma-carcinoma progression in MUTYH-associated polyposis?
Long-term risk of colorectal cancer after adenoma removal: a population-based cohort study
A combined oncogenic pathway signature of BRAF, KRAS and PI3KCA mutation improves colorectal cancer classification and cetuximab treatment prediction
Human intestinal M cells exhibit enterocyte-like intermediate filaments
Expression of a marker for colonic crypt base cells is correlated with poor prognosis in human colorectal cancer
Identification of gases responsible for the odour of human flatus and evaluation of a device purported to reduce this odour
Mucin secretion is modulated by luminal factors in the isolated vascularly perfused rat colon
Evaluation of global DNA hypomethylation in human colon cancer tissues by immunohistochemistry and image analysis
Glycoprotein 90K, downregulated in advanced colorectal cancer tissues, interacts with CD9/CD82 and suppresses the Wnt/β-catenin signal via ISGylation of β-catenin
Sequential DNA methylation changes are associated with DNMT3B overexpression in colorectal neoplastic progression
Cell surface proteomics identifies glucose transporter type 1 and prion protein as candidate biomarkers for colorectal adenoma-to-carcinoma progression
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