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Geophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
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Geophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Geophysics, astronomy and astrophysics
Geophysics, astronomy, and astrophysics
Erratum: Multi-particle collision dynamics: Flow around a circular and a square cylinder
Time-dependent cosmological constant in the Jackiw-Teitelboim cosmology
Comment on “Observation of scalar longitudinal electrodynamic waves” by C. Monstein and J. P. Wesley
Continuum mesoscale theory inspired by plasticity
Investigating the time clustering of induced microseismicity generated by hydraulic fracturing
The far-infrared continuum spectrum of the Milky Way explained by a dust and gas model
Erratum to: Quantum coherence in an exactly solvable one-dimensional model with defects
Comment on: “Quantization of the highest levels in a molecular potential”
Comments on “Metal-insulator transition in the persistent photoconductor ${\rm Cd}_{1-x}{\rm Mn}_x{\rm Te}$: ${\rm In}$”
Specific heat and disorder in the mixed state of non-magnetic borocarbides
Global ionospheric $\chem{D}$-layer height monitoring
Reply to the Comment by P. McCulloch and M. Gulácsi on “Equivalence of the variational matrix product method and the density matrix renormalization group applied to spin chains”
Scaling and optimal coupling strength in the synchronization of relaxationally coupled integrate-and-fire oscillators
Cosmological model with non-minimally coupled fermionic field
Effect of the particle interactions on the structuration and mechanical strength of particulate materials
Broad distribution of stick-slip events in Slowly Sheared Granular Media: Table-top production of a Gutenberg-Richter-like distribution
Magnetic field reversals in an experimental turbulent dynamo
Rate- and state-dependent friction law and statistical properties of earthquakes
Instability of scalar perturbations in a phantomic cosmological scenario
Electronic structure and magnetism of EuX (X = O, S, Se and Te): A first-principles investigation
Effect of non-zero constant vorticity on the nonlinear resonances of capillary water waves
Can the Tajmar effect be explained using a modification of inertia?
Thermodynamics in quasi-spherical Szekeres space-time
Transition between phantom and non-phantom phases with time-dependent cosmological constant and Cardy-Verlinde formula
Quintessence ghost dark energy model
Statistical physics of landslides: New paradigm
Detection of X-ray galaxy clusters based on the Kolmogorov method
Comment on “Statistical physics of landslides: New paradigm” by Chen C.-c. et al.
Observations of the 18.6-year cycle effects on the sea-level oscillations in the North Atlantic Ocean
Dark energy and limit of existence of self-gravitating dark matter clusters: Fermions and bosons
Squeezing of toroidal accretion disks
Dynamo action by turbulence in absolute equilibrium
How can holonomy corrections be introduced in f(R) gravity?
Active and passive faults detection by using the PageRank algorithm
A nonextensive view of the stellar braking indices
The effect of stochastic wind on the infinite depth Ekman layer model
Proportional electroluminescence in two-phase argon and its relevance to rare-event experiments
Predicting Mercury's precession using simple relativistic Newtonian dynamics
Relativistic Newtonian Dynamics under a central force
Loop quantum cosmology gravitational baryogenesis
Chaotic behaviour in arrival times of cosmic-ray air showers
Electromagnetic interference from plasmas generated in meteoroids impacts
Mechanical selection of chiral crystals
Fractal cosmology in an open universe
Correcting the quantum clock: Conditional sojourn times
Calculation of the torque exerted by light fields on silver elliptical nanocylinders
Modification of the nuclear energy level width
Temperature at horizon in de Sitter spacetime
Reply to the Comment by A. J. Millis et al. on “Quantum Griffiths effects in metallic systems”
Deviation from Gaussianity in the cosmic microwave background temperature fluctuations
$\mth{\beta}$-exponential inflation
Effect of magnetic boundary conditions on the dynamo threshold of von Kármán swirling flows
Crossing of the phantom divided barrier with Lorentz invariance violating fields
The geodynamo as a low-dimensional deterministic system at the edge of chaos
Persistent fluctuations in the distribution of galaxies from the Two-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey
Nonextensivity in the solar magnetic activity during the increasing phase of solar cycle 23
Brane $f(\mathcal{R})$ gravity
Tachyonic spectral fits of γ-ray bursts
On the scaling properties of anisotropy of interplanetary magnetic turbulent fluctuations
Mechanism of deep-focus earthquakes anomalous statistics
Generalized second law of thermodynamics in modified FRW cosmology with corrected entropy-area relation
Reply to the Comment by L. P. Li et al.
Remarkable changes in the distribution of the order parameter of seismicity before mainshocks
Double mid-latitude dynamical reconnection at the magnetopause: An efficient mechanism allowing solar wind to enter the Earth's magnetosphere
Neutrino currents in the absolute spacetime: Relating the refractive index of the aether to the OPERA excess velocity
Has the Mediterranean Sea felt the March 11th, 2011, Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake?
Earth rotation prevents exact solid-body rotation of fluids in the laboratory
Annular cracks in thin films of nanoparticle suspensions drying on a fiber
Information theory approach to the Landers aftershock sequence
Cosmic Background Radiation and “ether-drift” experiments
Cosmological thermodynamics with Hawking temperature on the apparent horizon and Unruh temperature of the fluid: Some interesting consequences
Dark matter from the scalar sector of 3-3-1 models without exotic electric charges
Persistence of small-scale anisotropy of magnetic turbulence as observed in the solar wind
Nonlinear electrodynamics and the Pioneer 10/11 spacecraft anomaly
Semiclassical suppression of weak anisotropies of a generic Universe
Global definition and physical interpretation of the cosmological constant
Was the fine-structure constant variable over cosmological time?
A complex-scalar-field model for dark matter
A separable solution for the oscillatory structure of plasma in accretion disks
Fermionic cosmologies with Yukawa-type interactions
Ring sequence decomposition of an accretion disk: The viscoresistive approach
Asymmetric crack propagation near waterfall cliff and its influence on the waterfall lip shape
Physical models of giant subaqueous rock avalanches
Nonextensive triplet in a geological faults system
Acceleration of solar wind ions to 1 MeV by electromagnetic structures upstream of the Earth's bow shock
A single field inflation model with large local non-Gaussianity
On the direct impact of the CO 2 concentration rise to the global warming
Convective ripening and initiation of rainfall
Nonlinear oscillations of compact stars in the vicinity of the maximum mass configuration
Comment on “The Casimir effect for the Bose-gas in slabs” by P. A. Martin and V. A. Zagrebnov. Relation between the thermodynamic Casimir effect in Bose-gas slabs and critical Casimir forces
Strombolian volcanic activity as an intermittent phenomenon
Long-term memory in earthquakes and the distribution of interoccurrence times
Auroral evidence for multiple reconnection in the magnetospheric tail plasma sheet
A numerical model of the VKS experiment
About some possible empirical evidences in favor of a cosmological time variation of the speed of light
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