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Nuclear physics
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Nuclear physics
Nuclear Physics
Evidence for pion absorption on four nucleons
α- $\bf ^{5}He$ decaying states and the ground-state rotational band of $ ^{9}Be$
Abnormal kinetic-energy fluctuations and critical behaviors in the microcanonical lattice gas model
Charge diffusion constant in hot and dense hadronic matter: A hadro-molecular-dynamics calculation
Deformation energy minima at finite mass asymmetry
Heavy flavored baryon hypernuclei in a relativistic mean-field model
Understanding of ultra-cold-neutron production in solid deuterium
Theory of nuclear half-life determination by statistical sampling
On a possibility to distinguish between sequential and prompt multifragmentation in experiments
Test of the Einstein relation in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Stern-Gerlach effect without magnetic-field gradient
Cluster-fission, a new fission mode
Observation of sub-natural linewidths for cold $\chem{Rb}$ atoms in a magneto-optic trap
Efimov states in asymmetric systems
Extraction of radioactive positive ions across the surface of superfluid helium: A new method to produce cold radioactive nuclear beams
Cooling dynamics in multi-fragmentation processes
Alpha-decay lifetimes semiempirical relationship including shell effects
Manifestation of three-body forces in $f_{7/2}$-shell nuclei
Non-monotonic potentials and vector analyzing powers of 6,7Li scattering by 12C, 26Mg, 58Ni, and 120Sn
Production of ultra-cold neutrons in solid α-oxygen
Bismuth-loaded plastic scintillators for gamma-ray spectroscopy
Nuclear reactions, induced by γ-quanta, in palladium saturated with deuterium surrounded by dense deuterium gas
Pulse height reduction effects of single-crystal CVD diamond detector for low-energy heavy ions
Pulse shape distortion of output signals from single-crystal CVD diamond detector in few-GHz broadband amplifiers
Measurement of the ionization yield of nuclear recoils in liquid argon at 80 and 233 keV
The carbon-based structures synthesized through nuclear reactions in helium at 1.1 kbar pressure under irradiation with braking γ-rays of 10 MeV threshold energy
Abilities of helium immobilization by the UO 2 surface using the “ab initio” method
The reaction ${\rm P^{12}C}\rightarrow eta {\rm X}$ from ${rm T_P=800~MeV}$ to ${\rm T_P=1500~MeV}$
A comparative study of the D0 neural-network analysis of the top quark non-leptonic decay channel
Nuclear dissipation from fission time
Classification of three-body quantum halos
Self-affinity and phase transition study in target fragmentation of $\chem{{}^{28}Si}$- $\chem{AgBr}$ interactions at 14.5 $un{\acro{\textit{A}}GeV}$
Green function hierarchy for open shells
$\mth{SD}$-pair shell model calculation of even-even $\chem{Mo}$ isotopes
Four-boson scale near a Feshbach resonance
$\mth{eta}$-mesic nuclei in relativistic mean-field theory
A quantum-mechanical description of Rotating Field Spin Echo
High-momentum components in the nuclear symmetry energy
Effects of the magnetic field on the spallation reaction implemented by BUU coupled with a phase-space coalescence afterburner
Reply to the Comment by Cleanthes A. Nicolaides
Helium release and amorphization resistance in ion irradiated nanochannel films
Intense vacuum ultraviolet and infrared scintillation of liquid Ar-Xe mixtures
High-performance diamond radiation detectors produced by lift-off method
Exploring effects of magnetic field on the hadron resonance gas
Possible evidence for “dark radiation” from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis data
Reduction of the RPA eigenvalue problem and a generalized Cholesky decomposition for real-symmetric matrices
The hyperon neutron star mean-field model
The effect of atomic electrons on nuclear fission
Color symmetrical superconductivity in a schematic nuclear quark model
Relative production rates of 6He, 9Be, 12C in astrophysical environments
Kinetics of phase transitions in quark matter
Investigating solid α- 15N 2 as a new source of ultra-cold neutrons
Temperature effect on screening effects and stopping power for low-energy d- 6Li interaction in liquid Li
Configuration transition effect in heavy-ion fusion reactions with deformed nuclei
Super-heavy nuclei with Z = 118 and their mass and charge spectrum of fission fragments
Pronounced pionic self-similarity in ring-like events in 16O-AgBr interactions
Inhomogeneous phase of a gluon plasma at finite temperature and density
Observation of the acceleration by an electromagnetic field of nuclear beta decay
Fresh look at the Hagedorn mass spectrum as seen in the experiments
Influence of the Lorentz force on the centrality dependence of the kaon flow in heavy-ion collisions
g-factor measurements at RISING: The cases of 127Sn and 128Sn
Production of ultracold neutrons from cryogenic 2H 2, O 2, and C 2H 4 converters
Precise energy measurements of the first-excited state in 197Au
Diffraction measurements with a boron-based GEM neutron detector
Screening and resonance enhancements of the 2H(d, p) 3H reaction yield in metallic environments
The 68mCu/ 68Cu isotope as a new probe for hyperfine studies: The nuclear moments
Modification of the nuclear energy level width
Projection operator formalisms and the nuclear shell model
The Hagedorn thermostat
Central depression of the charge density distributions in lead isotopes
Experimental evidence for the separability of compound-nucleus and fragment properties in fission
Analyzing power distribution in the 12C( p, pα) 8Be(g.s.) reaction at an incident energy of 100 MeV
Fluctuation force exerted by a planar self-avoiding polymer
Improved accuracy moments method for spin-dependent shell model nuclear level densities
The scintillation of liquid argon
Magnetization distribution in the tetragonal Ba(Fe 1−xCo x) 2As 2, x=0.066 probed by polarized neutron diffraction
Infrared scintillation yield in gaseous and liquid argon
Stopping in central Pb+Pb collisions at SPS energies and beyond
The influence of the χb(3P) state on the decay cascade of bottomium in PbPb collisions at LHC energies
Effective axial-vector strength and β-decay systematics
Transverse emittance-preserving arc compressor for high-brightness electron beam-based light sources and colliders
Search for non-standard radioactive decay based on distribution of activities
Helium impurity transport on grain boundaries: Enhanced or inhibited?
Attenuation of vacuum ultraviolet light in pure and xenon-doped liquid argon —An approach to an assignment of the near-infrared emission from the mixture
On the emission of the fast δ-electrons during nuclear β−-decay in few-electron atoms
Possible observation of the dineutron in the 159Tb (n, 2n) 158gTb nuclear reaction
The $\chem{{}^{2}H(d,p){}^{3}H}$ reaction in metallic media at very low energies
Applicability of shape parameterizations for giant dipole resonance in warm and rapidly rotating nuclei
Synchrotron-radiation $\hbox{--} $based perturbed angular correlations from 119Sn
Cold valleys for fission $/$fusion superheavy elements beyond Z = 118
Multipolar correlations and deformation effect on nuclear transition matrix elements of double- β decay
Nuclear symmetry energy and core-crust transition in neutron stars: A critical study
Fission diamond detectors for fast-neutron ToF spectroscopy
New stopping cell capabilities: RF carpet performance at high gas density and cryogenic operation
Is radioactive decay really exponential?
Microscopic description of the alpha-decay of a superheavy element
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