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Alcohol dependence
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Alcohol dependence
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test was not affected by ethnic and sex bias
Intravenous lorazepam reduced alcohol related seizures in patients with chronic alcohol abuse
Review: antidepressants are moderately effective in people with depression and a substance dependence disorder
IMPACT collaborative care programme reduces suicide ideation in depressed older adults
RBANS has reasonable test-retest reliability in schizophrenia
Long term citalopram prevents recurrent depression in the elderly and is well tolerated
Olanzapine reduces mania more effectively than divalproex, but has more adverse effects
Almost half of people suffering traumatic brain injury may later be diagnosed with axis I disorders
Review: acamprosate and naltrexone are safe and effective but have low compliance rates for people with alcohol dependence
Teaching patients to recognise early symptoms of relapse reduced manic relapses and improved social functioning in bipolar disorder
Review: studies with sufficient follow up do not show a clear benefit for pharmacotherapy in alcohol dependence
A community reinforcement and family training approach was effective in engaging unmotivated problem drinkers in treatment
Lifetime prevalence of social anxiety disorder in the USA is 5%
Watching a video of themselves experiencing delirium tremens reduces relapse rates for up to three months in people with severe alcohol dependence
Improving detection of alcohol misuse in patients presenting to an accident and emergency department
Life skills training and booster sessions plus drinking reduction treatment was effective in heavily drinking women
Long acting injectable naltrexone is effective and safe for treating alcohol dependence
Major depressive disorder is common in the US among Native Americans, women, the middle aged, the poor, and widowed, separated, or divorced people
Lifetime mood, anxiety, and drug use disorders are common in the United States population
Review: family or couples therapy is more effective than non-family therapy for drug abuse
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with exercise led to higher levels of continuous smoking cessation in women than did CBT without exercise
Naltrexone for 3 or 12 months in addition to psychosocial counselling did not reduce drinking in alcohol dependence
Self-harm, capacity, and refusal of treatment: implications for emergency medical practice. A prospective observational study
Integrated outpatient treatment increased abstinence in men with alcohol related illness who were ongoing drinkers
A programme for relapse prevention was effective for patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
Gradual reduction of benzodiazepines, with or without cognitive behavioural therapy, increases successful withdrawal rates compared with no support in long-term users
Behavioural family counselling reduces drug use in opioid-dependent men
Topiramate improves psychopathological symptoms and quality of life in women with borderline personality disorder
Use of antidepressants in pregnancy does not increase risk of postpartum haemorrhage
Review: some alcohol screening tests have acceptable test properties for use in general clinical populations of North American women
Behavioural couples therapy improved psychosocial functioning of children whose fathers have alcoholism or other drug abuse
Skills training programmes for significant others may encourage unmotivated drug users to seek treatment
Mental disorders are highly prevalent in Germany
Partial syndromes of eating disorders in adolescence are associated with adverse health outcome in adulthood
Parental violent crime, previous violence and substance abuse predict future violence in people with schizophrenia
Towards evidence based emergency medicine: best BETs from the Manchester Royal Infirmary
Is emergency department based brief intervention worthwhile in adults presenting with alcohol related events?
An unusual presentation of foreign-body ingestion at the emergency department
A lower minimum legal drinking age was associated with increased suicide in youths 18-23 years of age
Brief physician advice to problem drinkers resulted in economic benefits
Genetic and specific environmental risk factors affected comorbidity of major depression and alcoholism
Review: brief interventions reduce drinking in patients not seeking treatment
Valproate reduces alcohol consumption in people with comorbid alcohol dependency and bipolar disorder
Review: high rates of substance abuse or dependence in male and female prisoners
Review: Screening and intervention for alcohol misuse in emergency rooms reduces alcohol-related injuries
Comparing two different methods of identifying alcohol related problems in the emergency department: a real chance to intervene?
Lorazepam or diazepam for generalised convulsions in adults
The Community Reinforcement Approach decreased alcohol intake in homeless alcoholics
Cognitive behavioural therapy reduced distress and doctor visits in patients with medically unexplained symptoms
Lifetime prevalence of panic disorder is about 5% in the USA
Risk of death from natural causes increased in people with psychiatric admissions
Combat exposure increases risk of alcohol misuse in military personnel following deployment
Brief advice reduced drinking in non-dependent problem drinkers
Collaborative care improved the cost effectiveness of treatment for major depression in primary care
Cognitive behavioural therapy reduced cocaine abuse compared with 12 step facilitation
Oral nalmefene reduced relapse to heavy drinking and was well tolerated in patients with alcohol dependence
Naltrexone plus cognitive behavioural therapy led to fewer drinking relapses in outpatients with alcoholism
Lifetime alcohol abstainers and moderate drinkers have a lower lifetime prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders than problem drinkers
Personalised feedback on alcohol problems in young adults is more effective as part of a motivational interview
Use of blood alcohol concentration in resuscitation room patients
Brief motivational counselling does not reduce alcohol consumption in people with high alcohol intake
Cardiac tamponade due to ingested gastric foreign body
Review: benzodiazepines are more effective than neuroleptics in reducing delirium and seizures in alcohol withdrawal
Fluoxetine reduced depressive symptoms and alcohol consumption in patients with comorbid major depression and alcohol dependence
Bupropion improved symptoms in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
History of alcohol abuse reduces response to antipsychotics in people with first episode psychosis
Should emergency departments really be screening for hypertension?
Is ED-based brief intervention worthwhile in children and adolescents presenting with alcohol-related events?
Most patients returned to previous occupational level 1 year after head injury
Personality disorders commonly occur in people with alcohol and drug use disorders
Clinical assessment compared with breathalyser readings in the emergency room: concordance of ICD-10 Y90 and Y91 codes
When neurological deficit is not a stroke
A brief intervention reduced alcohol drinking for up to 48 months in problem drinkers
Cognitive behavioural therapy has short term but not long term benefits in people with residual symptoms of depression
Intoxicant use increased among Norwegian adolescents between 1992 and 2002, and attempted suicides increased among girls
Memantine led to functional improvement and reduced care dependence in severe dementia
More people with depression continued treatment with fluoxetine than with desipramine or imipramine
Antidepressants plus cognitive therapy reduced relapse in residual depression
Disulfiram was effective in patients with cocaine abuse who were also methadone treated opioid addicts
Once a day Concerta methylphenidate was equivalent to 3 times daily methylphenidate in children with ADHD
Excessive alcohol consumption is not a risk factor for anxiety and depression, nor are anxiety and depression a risk factor for excessive alcohol consumption
Alcohol related conditions represent a major psychiatric problem in emergency departments
Haloperidol, 2-3 mg/day, decreased psychosis and disruptive behaviours in Alzheimer's disease
An inverted U relation existed between unemployment and foster home placements
A depression relapse prevention programme improved adherence to medication and depressive symptoms but did not decrease relapses
At 10 year follow up, brief interventions had no effect on harmful alcohol consumption
A third of men and 15% of women discharged from medium secure forensic psychiatry services in the UK re-offend
Maternal affective or substance disorders are risk factors for subsequent pregnancy loss
Deployment with combat exposure increases the risk of new-onset PTSD
An audit of symptom triggered chlordiazepoxide treatment of alcohol withdrawal on a medical admissions unit
Pimozide was superior to haloperidol for children and adolescents with Tourette's disorder and caused fewer side effects
Risk of several psychiatric disorders was increased in relatives of anorexics and bulimics
Brief physician advice reduced drinking in older adults
Young men who do not drink, as well as those who drink heavily, have high levels of depression and distress
Enhanced primary care may encourage remission in depression
Early onset of drinking increases alcohol use in adulthood
Sudden infant death syndrome is associated with parental psychiatric admission
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