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Fluid electrolyte and acid-base disturbances
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Fluid electrolyte and acid-base disturbances
Nova et Vetera
Goodpasture's syndrome: survival after acute renal failure.
Measurement of Glomerular Filtration Rate by Inulin Clearance without Urine Collection
Associated autonomic dysfunction and carcinoma of the pancreas.
Antagonism of hypotensive action of bethanidine by "common cold" remedy.
131I Hippuran Renogram in Acute Renal Failure
Clinicopathological conference. A patient's life.
Tertiary hyperparathyroidism with adenoma formation after renal transplantation.
Hydrallazine-induced hepatitis?
Haemophilia and the kidney: assessment after 11-year follow-up.
Early non-radiological recognition of misplacement of central venous catheter.
Impaired renal functional reserve and albuminuria in essential hypertension
Effect of captopril on blood pressure and kidney function in normotensive insulin dependent diabetics with nephropathy.
Gadolinium contrast may be risky in kidney disease
Extreme hyponatraemia with intact neurological outcome in a young child with Addison’s disease
Gitelman or Bartter type 3 syndrome? A case of distal convoluted tubulopathy caused by CLCNKB gene mutation
Effects of Pentacynium Methylsulphate on Renal Circulation in Hypertension
Effects of Angiotensin Infusions on Aldosterone and Electrolyte Excretion in Normal Subjects and Patients with Hypertension and Adrenocortical Disorders
Acute Renal Failure
Ampicillin in Treatment of Certain Gram-negative Bacterial Infections
Methyldopa in Treatment of Hypertension Due to Chronic Renal Disease
Glomerular filtration rate.
One Hundred Years Ago
Lessons from two steering wheels.
Attenuation of hypotensive effect of propranolol and thiazide diuretics by indomethacin.
Renal transplantation in children with occult neurogenic bladders drained by intermittent self catheterisation.
Familial membranous nephropathy.
Time to scrap creatinine clearance?
Protection of kidney function and decrease in albuminuria by captopril in insulin dependent diabetics with nephropathy.
Contraindications to use of metformin
Estimated glomerular filtration rate needs UK consensus
Age should not determine treatment for anaemia in kidney disease
Kidney function and the risk of cardiovascular disease
A renal riddle
Should statins be prescribed for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease?
Autopsy report on pseudo-Bartter syndrome with renal calcification induced by diuretics and diet pills
Pulmonary oedema and hyponatraemia after an ironman triathlon
Polyurethane foam pica in a patient with excessive interdialytic weight gain
Isolated extra pontine myelinolysis presenting as acute onset parkinsonism
Retroperitoneal fibrosis causing localized portal hypertension.
Study of renal function in the differential diagnosis of kidney disease.
Oral digitalisation: choice of dose.
Heparin and infusion phlebitis.
Reversible uraemia in normotensive nephrotic syndrome.
Is serum creatinine concentration a reliable index of renal function in rheumatic diseases?
Renal insufficiency with combinations of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and diuretics.
Metronidazole and Indian kala-azar: results of a clinical trial.
Portraits from memory. 22--Dr Samuel Tertius Cowan (1905-76).
Weight loss in obese subjects on a restricted diet given BRL 26830A, a new atypical β adrenoceptor agonist
Living under pylons.
Renal protective effect of enalapril in diabetic nephropathy.
Management: diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and nitrates
Commentary: Nephrologist
Acute phosphate nephropathy after sodium phosphate preparations
Assessing the cost effectiveness of using prognostic biomarkers with decision models: case study in prioritising patients waiting for coronary artery surgery
Renal disease. II.
Relation Between Maximal Urine Concentration, Maximal Water Reabsorption Capacity, and Mannitol Clearance in Patients with Renal Disease
Renal Biopsy in Gout
Closed Chest Cardiac Massage and the Artificial Kidney
A Case of Renal Failure and Osteosclerosis
Outbreaks of conjunctivitis due to the Newcastle disease virus among workers in chicken-broiler factories.
Effect of Medical and Surgical Vagotomy on Intrinsic Factor Secretion
Mithramycin treatment of malignant hypercalcaemia.
Effect of Frusemide on Calcium Excretion
Idiopathic steatorrhoea and idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis.
Renal transplantation in leprosy.
Diseases of the urinary system. renal osteodystrophy.
Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone treated with frusemide.
Glomerular filtration rate in schoolgirls with covert bacteriuria.
Erythropoietin and renal function in sickle-cell disease.
The haemolytic uraemic syndrome and bone marrow transplantation.
Anaphylaxis induced by peanuts.
Left ventricular mass in normotensive subjects with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
Time to move forward
Statins for people with kidney disease
Metabolic Changes and Therapeutic Considerations in Bilateral Adrenalectomy
Treatment of Adrenal Cortical Insufficiency
Treatment of Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis with Oral Phenoxymethylpenicillin
Regulation of Intravascular Volume in Chronic Congestive Failure
Tram-line Calcification in Renal Cortical Necrosis
131I-“Hippuran” Renography in Detection of Unilateral Renal Disease in Patients with Hypertension
Renal involvement in human leptospirosis.
Malabsorption induced by para-aminosalicylate.
Renal Function in Analgesic Nephropathy
Haemophilus aphrophilus Endocarditis
Gall stones after peptic ulcer surgery.
Diseases of the urinary system. Drug-induced renal disorders: II.
Recurrent haematuria in 17 children.
Antidiuretic Properties of Hydrochlorothiazide in Diabetes Insipidus
Diffuse systemic sclerosis with abnormal liver and gall bladder.
Reversible Renal Tubular Defects in Gluten Enteropathy with Osteomalacia
Idiopathic Addison's disease presenting with hypercalcaemia.
Primary biliary cirrhosis, cutaneous capillaritis, and IgM-associated membranous glomerulonephritis.
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