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Megarectum in goitrous hypothyroidism
Fracture of an unnamed bone
Glossoplegia in a small cortical infarction
Multiple coronary artery fistulae or Thebesian veins?
Histoplasma capsulatum in peripheral blood smear
Vacuum phenomenon in a dislocated joint
Multiple giant saccular aneurysms in coronary circulation
Multiple liver lesions in a smoker
Dorsal intramedullary tuberculoma
Cardiac amyloid by cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Conus medullaris lesion causing bilateral lower limb myokymia
An unusual pacemaker related swelling
Extrinsic compression of an anomalous right coronary artery causing cardiac arrest
A rare single coronary artery with an anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the posterior atrioventricular right coronary artery
Sotalol induced QT prolongation and torsades de pointes
Wegener’s granulomatosis with progressive conduction disturbances and atrial fibrillation
An atypical pleural effusion
Oesophageal 131I uptake in a patient with achalasia
Mark of scrub typhus
Anomalous high origin of right coronary artery above the sinotubular junction: rarely diagnosed anomaly
Survival of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction with total occlusion of the left main coronary artery
Ulcerative skin lesions in a child with colitis ulcerosa after colectomy
Penile incarceration secondary to a penile ring device
Bilateral shoulder fracture, dislocation and replacement: a first presentation of epilepsy
Infected palmer and plantar pits: a rare presentation of Gorlin’s syndrome
Treatment of severe mediastinitis following cardiac surgery with omental flaps
A retrosternal retrotracheal multinodular goitre
Calcific visceral pericardial constriction
Pandora’s box: a threatening foreign body
Pott’s puffy tumour by Streptoccocus intermedius a rare complication of sinusitis
Subcutaneous fat calcinosis in adult-onset dermatomyositis
Round cell epithelioid GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumour) in an endoscopic biopsy is a diagnostic confounder
Anomalous right coronary artery originating from the left main stem
Non-contiguous spinal tuberculosis
A rare case of calcaneal tumour in a young adult
Necrotising soft-tissue infection
Epstein-Barr virus acute cholecystitis
Mesenteric cyst: drained and marsupialised laparoscopically avoiding enterectomy
Pro-coaguable states lead to a sticky situation: coronary saddle embolism in a patient with known hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and atrial fibrillation
Right heart failure caused by metastatic renal cell carcinoma masquerading as an obstructive cardiac tumour
Cytomegalovirus retinitis with a CD4+T cell count of 147
Yellow nail syndrome associated with rheumatoid arthritis, thiol-compound therapy and early gastric cancer
Silent sinus syndrome: CT and MRI findings
Pitfalls and bugs of nuclear and CT cardiac scans in an extremely obese patient: reasons for using conventional coronary angiography as first-line test
Neonatal-perforated appendix forming antibioma masquerading as duodenal duplication
Natural resolution of a herniated lumbar disc
Cervical nodal metastasis in head and neck cancer: a clinical conundrum
An incidental case of asymptomatic intracranial foreign body on CT
Steinert's disease
Lancisi sign
Congenital anterior mediastinal teratoma causing severe airway compression in a neonate
Prostate adenocarcinoma with a rectal metastasis
Giant intracranial calcification associated with new onset focal seizure
Sonography of complex splenorenal injury following blunt abdominal trauma: haemorrhage into the perinephric space obscuring FAST visualisation of the kidney
Oral lichenoid reaction due to nickel alloy contact hypersensitivity
Primary oral tuberculosis in a sexagenarian female
Clear cell HCC mimicking to hepatic adenoma
Massive pulmonary embolism and thrombophilia
Non-traumatic Page kidney
Lateral talonavicular dislocation after low-energy trauma
Migration of a fractured ventriculoperitoneal shunt into the scrotum: a rare complication
Open surgical management of a ruptured intracranial aneurysm in Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber (KTW) syndrome
Fahr's disease
Retroperitoneal ancient schwannoma: multidetector CT findings
Non-cardiac causes of cardiac tamponade
Primary ovarian non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Adrenal haematoma as a complication of adrenal vein sampling
Flail upper limb due to delayed presentation of a traumatic brachial artery pseudoaneurysm
Intradural lipoma: timely intervention is what matters
Doomed tongue twisters
An unusual presentation of a traumatic posterior hip dislocation
Foley catheter through a colovesical fistula: an unusual method of diagnosis
‘Blaschkoid’ giant wart in immunocompetent patient
A bloody painful knee: delayed presentation of haemophilic arthropathy
Ventricular tachycardia with regular capture beats
Cyst with a mural nodule: unusual imaging characteristics of a cystic meningioma
Fishbone perforation of the gastrointestinal tract in patients with acute abdominal pain: diagnosis using plain film radiography
Mucosal and cutaneous lesions in mandibular zoster
Gingival melanin de-pigmentation for aesthetic correction
Left renal vein thrombosis: a rare cause of acute scrotal pain
Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication and gastrostomy for a giant hiatal hernia in an infant with situs inversus totalis
Bilateral primary testicular lymphoma
Unexplained extensive calcification of the venae cavae extending into the right atrium causing partial obstruction of the tricuspid valve
Adolescent right axillary accessory breast with galactorrhoea
Meconium peritonitis: an interesting entity
Primary septic arthritis of talonavicular joint
Infectious pacemaker exteriorisation
Neonatal duodenoduodenostomy and missed duodenal stenosis with windsock deformity: a rare intraoperative error of technique and judgement by an unwary surgeon
Left ventricular non-compaction
An 80-year-old man with erythema, scales and pustules on the left ear auricle
Paget’s disease: a unique case snippet
A rare sequela of chronic pseudo-obstruction
Aorto-oesophageal fistula treated with emergent thoracic endovascular repair
Normal x rays in Perthes disease
Peritonitis caused by hepatic pyocyst rupture
Rapidly growing basilar dissecting aneurysm
Pneumocephalus after epidural injections
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