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Industrial workers
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Industrial workers
Updated mortality among diverse operating segments of a petroleum company
Respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation in asphalt workers
Airway inflammation in aluminium potroom asthma
Lung cancer in Yorkshire chrome platers, 1972-97
Urinary 1-hydroxypyrene in coke oven workers relative to exposure, alcohol consumption, and metabolic enzymes
Organic solvent exposure and hearing loss in a cohort of aluminium workers
Active epidemiological surveillance of musculoskeletal disorders in a shoe factory
Mortality and cancer morbidity in a cohort of Canadian petroleum workers
Do ambient noise exposure levels predict hearing loss in a modern industrial cohort?
From cross-sectional survey to cohort study
Occupational exposure to particulate air pollution and mortality due to ischaemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease
Cross sectional study on lung function of coke oven workers: a lung function surveillance system from 1978 to 1990
Mortality from non-malignant respiratory diseases among people with silicosis in Hong Kong: exposure-response analyses for exposure to silica dust
Lung cancer mortality and fibre exposures among North Carolina asbestos textile workers
Validity of empirical models of exposure in asphalt paving
Chlorpyrifos exposure and biological monitoring among manufacturing workers
Lung and bladder cancer among workers in a Norwegian aluminium reduction plant
OEM’s impact factor reaches a new high
Sixty-five years of the Journal go online
Urinary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and monohydroxy metabolites as biomarkers of exposure in coke oven workers
Exposure to electromagnetic fields and suicide among electric utility workers: a nested case-control study
Association between plasma BPDE-Alb adduct concentrations and DNA damage of peripheral blood lymphocytes among coke oven workers
Changes in rates and severity of compensation claims for asthma due to diisocyanates: a possible effect of medical surveillance measures
Respiratory disease and cardiovascular morbidity
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma among electric utility workers in Ontario: the evaluation of alternate indices of exposure to 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields
Urinary naphthalene and phenanthrene as biomarkers of occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Asbestos, lung cancer and mesothelioma in the British Journal of Industrial Medicine
Workers’ understanding of chemical risks: electroplating case study
Dust and chemical exposures, and miscarriage risk among women textile workers in Shanghai, China
Assessing workplace exposures: turning to the past for guidance
Non-malignant mortality among Norwegian silicon carbide smelter workers
Respiratory health surveillance in a toluene di-isocyanate production unit, 1967-97: clinical observations and lung function analyses
Incidence of surgically treated osteoarthritis in the hip and knee in male construction workers
Nested case-control study of lung cancer in four Chinese tin mines
Dust exposure and impairment of lung function at a small iron foundry in a rapidly developing country
Bayesian modelling of lung cancer risk and bitumen fume exposure adjusted for unmeasured confounding by smoking
Monitoring trends in occupational illness
Risk for leukaemia and brain and breast cancer among Danish utility workers: a second follow-up
Lung function changes in coke oven workers during 12 years of follow up
Mortality and cancer incidence among alachlor manufacturing workers 1968-99
Increased nitric oxide in exhaled air: an early marker of asthma in non-smoking aluminium potroom workers?
Effects on the nervous system in different groups of workers exposed to aluminium
Periportal fibrosis and other liver ultrasonography findings in vinyl chloride workers
Lung cancer risk in workers exposed to poly(vinyl chloride) dust: a nested case-referent study
Visual and ocular changes associated with exposure to two tertiary amines
Risk of fatal industrial accidents and death from other external causes among asphalt workers
Bladder cancer incidence and exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among asphalt pavers
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