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Violence against women
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Violence against women
The rights of Indigenous children around the world - still far from a reality
The health of children conceived by assisted reproduction technologies
Housing reform: getting tough on poor people
Emotional wellbeing and its relation to health
In China, suicide in young women is a problem too
Medical experts and the criminal courts
Routinely asking women about domestic violence in health settings
Improving the mental health of offenders in primary care
American doctors alerted to assault
Elder abuse
Confronting the small arms pandemic
Walk-in centres are often first line contact for rape victims
Experience of domestic violence by women attending an inner city accident and emergency department
Intimate partner violence prevalence and HIV risks among women receiving care in emergency departments: implications for IPV and HIV screening
A population based study of reporting patterns and characteristics of men who abuse their female partners
Medicine and Books
Gambling with the nation's health?
Doctors could have greater role in spotting domestic violence
The population policy pendulum
Management of people who have been raped
Routinely asking women about domestic violence
Betting your life on it
Let’s go back to basics in child protection
Includes victims of domestic violence
The incidence of malaria after splenectomy in Papua New Guinea
Screening for domestic violence
Routinely asking women about domestic violence
Depression during pregnancy
Impact of Stepping Stones on incidence of HIV and HSV-2 and sexual behaviour in rural South Africa: cluster randomised controlled trial
Recurrent early childhood injuries among disadvantaged children in primary care settings
"Without work all life goes rotten".
Steroids in advanced cancer: survey of current practice.
Recent advances: Accident and emergency medicine
WHO takes up issue of child abuse
Rebuilding of Afghanistan is hampered by the Taliban
Alcohol use in South Asians in the UK
Parenting programmes
The association between domestic violence and self harm in emergency medicine patients
Ascertainment of intimate partner violence using two abuse measurement frameworks
Sex worker health: San Francisco style
Obstetricians must ask about domestic violence
In children undergoing chest radiography what is the specificity of rib fractures for non-accidental injury?
Routinely asking women about domestic violence
Address poverty to reduce mental health problems among children, says BMA
Sex and violence
The management of interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome in women
Domestic violence: the shaken adult syndrome
Improving detection of alcohol misuse in patients presenting to an accident and emergency department
Should recent dental treatment exclude potential blood donors?
The police surgeon's view Medical paternalism is unacceptable
Dutch anti-alcohol campaign is under attack
Children who kill
Hewitt accuses some Muslim GPs of betraying confidentiality
Violence against women and the risk of fetal and early childhood growth impairment: a cohort study in rural Bangladesh
Training for general practice.
Tackling violence
Violence as a public health problem
Reduced sexual desire in women
Longitudinal histories as predictors of future diagnoses of domestic abuse: modelling study
Review: meta-analysis of qualitative studies generated recommendations for healthcare professionals meeting with women who had experienced intimate partner violence
New Zealand fights domestic violence
The experiences of women who survived an attempt on their lives by an intimate partner represented a wide spectrum of previous violence and control issues in the relationship
Earthquake and tsunamis in the Indian Ocean. Why we should care
Pregnancy's toll in the developing world
Family secrets
Carrying a heavy burden
Critically appraising qualitative research
Prevention of HIV in young people in Africa
Incidence and prevalence of domestic violence in a UK emergency department
Gaining a foothold: tackling poverty, gender inequality, and HIV in Africa
Reducing the harms of alcohol in the UK
Prevalence of victims of violence admitted to an emergency department
Corticosteroids in advanced cancer.
Role of police surgeons is changing
Domestic violence and pregnancy
Mental health problems of homeless children and families: longitudinal study
The future of men and their health
The global response to mental illness
Human and animal health: strengthening the link: Child and animal abuse are linked
Empowering women protects them from domestic violence
Intimate partner violence
Swedish national study reports improved survival for extremely preterm infants
While leaving abusive male partners, women engaged in a 4 stage process of reclaiming self
Yes, Americans are often shot—and so are many others
Children affected by domestic abuse while abroad on holiday
Domestic violence: what should paediatricians do?
Characteristics of homicide followed by suicide incidents in multiple states, 2003-04
Use of, and outputs from, an assault patient questionnaire within accident and emergency departments on Merseyside
Oliver Twist, textbook of child abuse
First trimester concentrations of pregnancy associated plasma protein A and placental protein 14 in Down's syndrome.
Should sewage workers and carers for people with learning disabilities be vaccinated for hepatitis A?
Gun control: bang or whimper at March election?
Violence begins at home
Bullying: the need for an interagency response
Learning from indigenous people
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