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Book Review
Book review
book review
Guys, Gangs and Girlfriend Abuse. By Mark Totten (Ontario, Canada: Broadview Press, 2000, 239pp. £ 10.95 pb)
Teaching and Researching Translation
Corpora in Applied Linguistics
Review: Qualitative Inquiry in TESOL
J. D. Gaisford, J. E. Hobbs, W. A. Kerr, N. Perdikis and M. D. Plunkett. The Economics of Biotechnology. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2001. ISBN: 1-84064-595-4, 264 pp., Price: £55.00
Louth, Charlie. Hölderlin and the Dynamics of Translation. Oxford: European Humanities Research Centre (Legenda/Studies in Comparative Literature 2), 1998. x+270 pp. £27.50. ISBN 1-900755-11-4.
Pizan, Christine De. Le Livre du corps de policie. Ed. Angus J. Kennedy. Paris: Champion (Études Christiniennes 1), 1998. xlii+231 pp. 265FF. ISBN 2-85203-750-5.
The Practices of Literary Translation. Ed. Jean Boase-Beier & Michael Holman. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing, 1998. ii+173 pp. ISBN 1-900650-19-3.
The Scottish Invention of English Literature. Ed. Robert Crawford. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. xii+259 pp. £35/$59.95. ISBN 0-521-59038-8.
Sur le chemin de longue étude … Actes du colloque d'Orléans - Julliet 1995. Ed. Bernard Ribémont. Paris: Champion (Études Christiniennes 3), 1998. 204 pp. 215FF. ISBN 2-85203-871-4.
Wallace, David. Chaucerian Polity: Absolutist Lineage and Associational Forms in England and Italy. Stanford University Press (Figurae: Reading Medieval Culture), 1997. xix+555 pp. £40/$65 (hardback); £14.95/$24.95 (paperback). ISBN 08047-2724-4/3661-8.
Williams, John R. The Life of Goethe. Oxford: Blackwell (Blackwell Critical Biographies 10), 1998. xiv+318 pp. £25/$44.95. ISBN 0-631-16376-X.
Corcoran, Neil. Poets of Modern Ireland. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1999. xiii+223 pp. £14.99. ISBN 0-7083-1513-5.
Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning. Ed. Eli Hinkel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (The Cambridge Applied Linguistics Series), 1999. xi+250 pp. ISBN 0-521-64490-9.
Review: Écritures et langages satiriques en Autriche (1914-1938)/Satire in Österreich (1914-1938)
Review: Wittgenstein in Vienna. A Biographical Excursion Through the City and its History Allan S. Krmerjanik, Hans Veigl
Review: The Korean Language Ho-Min Sohn
Review: Shakespeare and the Hunt: A Cultural and Social Study Edward Berry
Review: Heimat - A German Dream: Regional Loyalties and National Identity in German Culture, 1890-1990 Elizabeth Boa, Rachel Pallfreyman
Review: French Fiction in the Mitterrand Rears. Memory, Narrative, Desire Colin Davis, Elizabeth Fallaize
Review: Showing Like a Queen: Female Authority and Literary Experiment in Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton Katherine Eggert
Review: The Letters of D. H. Lawrence. Vol. 8
Review: Adam Jerzy Czartoryski. Letters to Vilna 1805
Review: Mikhail Bakhtin: An Aesthetic for Democracy Ken Hirschkop
Review: A History of English Literature Alexander Michael
Review: Angelic Echoes: Hervé Guibert and Company Ralph Sarkonak
Review: “La Chanson de Guillaume” and “La Prise d'Orange”
Review: Chantal Chawaf
A Valuable Text-Book of Animal Breeding
Eugenics Explained
Effects of Sexual Sterilization
Genetics and Fisheries
Book Review
Book review
Book Review
Book Review
Evidence-based Management a Practical Guide for Health Professionals
Non-linear Models in Medical Statistics
Book Review
Geriatric psychiatry basics
EPILEPTIC By David B 2005. London: Jonathan Cape. Price £16.99 ISBN 0-22407502-0 SATURDAY By Ian McEwan 2005. London: Jonathan Cape. Price £17.99 ISBN 0-22407299-4 THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT-TIME By Mark Haddon 2004. London: Vintage. Price £6.99 Paperback ISBN 0-09945025-9
The sensory hand
The lost domain of pain
Eponyms of ‘romantic science’
Promoting health: intervention strategies from social and behavioral research
The Power of Large Numbers: Population, Politics and Gender in Nineteenth-Century France
Constructing Class and Nationality in Alsace 1830-1945
Condé in Context: Ideological Change in Seventeenth-Century France
Book Review: The War for the German Mind. Re-educating Hitler's Soldiers
Book Review: Für den Gemeinen Nutzen. Politisches Handeln und Politikverständnis von Rat und Bürgerschaft in Augsburg im Spätmittelalter
Book Review: Erinnerungen
Book Review: Weber. Political Writings
Book Review: The Berlin Wall: Representations and Perspectives
Book Review: Das Lied von einer anderen Welt: Kulturelle Praxis im französischen und deutschen Arbeitermilieu, 1840-1890
Book Review: West Germany under Construction: Politics, Society, and Culture in the Adenauer Era
Book Review: Hitler
Book Review: From Post-War to Post-Wall Generations: Changing Attitudes toward the National Question and NATO in the Federal Republic of Germany
Book Review: Felix Fürst zu Schwarzenberg. Eine politische Biographie
Book Review: Preuβen und Wir. Wirtschaft, Bürgertum und Alltag im südlichen Westfalen 1800-1918
Book Review: A Hitler Youth in Poland. The Nazis' Program for Evacuating Children during World War II
Oh What a Lovely War? German Common People and the First World War
Popular Sovereignty and the Crisis of German Constitutional Law
Book Review: The German Reformation: The Essential Readings
Book Review: Sex, Religion, and the Making of Modern Madness. The Eberbach Asylum and German Society, 1815-1849
Book Review: Catholicism, Political Culture, and the Countryside. A Social History of the Nazi Party in South Germany
Book Review: Utopie als Ideologie. Geschichtsdenken und politisches Handeln im Dritten Reich
Book Review: Inszeniertes Töten. Eine Geschichte der Todesstrafe vom 17. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert
Book Review: Bausparen in Deutschland zwischen Inflation und Währungsreform 1924-1948. Wohnungsbaufinanzierung zwischen Staat und privaten und öffentlichen Bausparunternehmen
Book Review: Napoleon's Legacy: Problems of Government in Restoration Europe
Book Review: Bibliographie zum Nationalsozialismus
Book Review: Politics and Popular Opinion in East Germany 1945-68
Book Review: Dynamische Zeiten. Die 60er Jahre in den beiden deutschen Gesellschaften
Book Review: Im Dienst von Stadt und Staat: Der Rat der Stadt Herford und die preußische Zentralverwaltung im 18. Jahrhundert
Book Review: Home Fires Burning: Food, Politics, and Everyday Life in World War I Berlin
Book Review: Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany
Book Review: Philipp of Hesse and the Reformation
Book Review: Germans, Jews and the Claims of Modernity
Book Review: Krieg und Defension am Oberrhein. Die Vorderen Reichskreise und Markgraf Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden (1693-1706)
Book Review: Exclusionary Violence: Antisemitic Riots in Modern German History
Book Review: Ernst Jünger, Politische Publizistik 1919-1933; Briefwechsel Ernst Jüinger, Carl Schmitt
Book Review: Peregrinatio academica: Wanderungen und Karrieren von Gelehrten der Universitäten Rostock, Griefswald, Trier und Mainz im 15. Jahrhundert
Book Review: Ideologie und Alltag im Dritten Reich
Book Review: Nietzsche and Zion
Book Review: The Peasants of Ottobeuren, 1487-1726: A Rural Society in Early Modern Europe
Book Review: Vom Nationalismus zum Nationalsozialismus: Die Studenten der Technischen Hochschule Hannover von 1925 bis 1938
Book Review: Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die europäische Einigung 1949-2000: Politische Akteure, gesellschaftliche Kräfte und internationale Erfahrungen. Festschrift für Wolf D. Gruner zum 60. Geburtstag
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