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Values of the Differences of the Powers of Zero
(i) A recurence relation for the semi-invariants of Pearson curves
Approximate formulae for the percentage points of the incomplete beta function and of the x2 distribution
Mean and variance of an entry in a contingency table
Student's distribution and Rlemann's elliptic geometry
Further properties of an angular transformation of the correlation coefficient
The power of the Poisson index of dispersion
Ranking means of two normal populations with unknown variances
Studies in the history of probability and statistics. VIII. De Morgan and the Statistical study of literary style
The central sampling moments of the mean in samples from a finite population (Aty's formulae and Madow's central limit)
A note on some asymptotic properties of the logarithmic series distribution
The distance from a random point to the nearest point of a closely packed lattice
Tables of percentaǵe points of √ bl and b2 in normal samples; a roundinǵ off
Population symmetry and the regions{X≤t2/X}
A test for equality of means in the presence of correlation and missing values
Some representations of stable random variables as products
Jackknife estimation with structured data
On relative risk estimation under multiple matching
Correlation structure in iterated Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern distributions
On the covariance of two noncentral F random variables and the variance of the estimated liner discriminant function
On the classical choice of variance stabilizing transformations and an application for a Poisson variate
Unbiased estimating equations derived from statistics that are functions of a parameter
Curvature measures for multiresponse regression models
Some theory for constructing minimum aberration fractional factorial designs
Testing odds-ratio equality for several diseases
Note on the inluence of Change in Sex on the Intensity of Heredity
I. On some Dangers of Entrapolation
VI. Professor Ziegler and Gtalton's Law of Ancestral Inheritance
I. Note on Inheritance of Brachydactyly
I. Tables for estimating the Probability that the Mean of a unique Sample of Observations lies between - ∞ and any given Distance of the Mean of the Population from which the Sample is drawn
(iv) On the Time-interval between the Births of Children
On Frist Power Methods of finding Correlation
On a Betas of Quadrilateral Distributions
The characteristic function of a weighted sum of non-central squares of normal variates subject to s linear restraints
The effect of non-normality on the z-test, when used to compare the variances in two populations
Some observations on the practical aspects of weighing designs
A simple method of calculating the exact probability in 2×2 contingency tables with small marginal totals
Exact forms of some invariants for distributions admitting sufficient statistics
Likelihood function for capture-recapture samples
Some properties of the bivariate normal distribution considered in the form of a contingency table
On the number of renewals in a random interval
A note on sufficiency in regular Markov chains
On the efficiency of BAN estimates of the parameters of normal populations based on singly censored samples
Expectations and covariances of serial and cross-correlation coefficients in a complex stationary time series
Some results in the theory of inventory
Sampling variances of estimates of components of variance from a non-orthogonal two-way classification
A note on the loss of information due to grouping of observations
On Gupta's estimates of the parameters of the normal distribution
The mode of a multinomial distribution
Estimation of the parameters for a multivariate normal distribution when one variable is dichotomized
A note on estimation for quantal response data
On the percentage points of the sample coefficient of variation
On Hodges's bivariate sign test and a test for uniformity of a circular distribution
A note on finding the size of a finite population
Miscellanea: On alternative approximate F tests for hypotheses involving variance components
Error of the normal approximation to the. sum of N random variables
On Bayesian inference with incompletely specified prior distributions
Bayes estimation subject to uncertainty about parameter constraints
On the probability of correctly selecting the best of several normal populations
Runs of occupied cells
The use of U-statistics for testing normality against alternatives with both tails heavy or both tails light
Construction of regular group divisible designs
A note on the intervals between coal-mining disasters
The interpretation of forensic evidence using a likelihood ratio
Bivariate models for dependence of angular observations and a related Markov process
The equivalence of two tests of time series model adequacy
Frequentist properties of three stopping rules for comparative clinical trials
Estimation of the ratio of scale parameters in the two sample problem with arbitrary right censorship
A comparison between the U and V tests in the Behrens-Fisher problem
A note on the consistency of Kaplan-Meier least squares estimators
Maximal Simpson-disaggregations of 2×2 tables
Role of the Papadakis estimator in one- and two-dimensional field trials
Interpretation of average ranks
The probability of correct selection
Testing the equality of the smallest latent roots of a correlation matrix
On E-optimal block designs
The estimation of a location parameter when the scale parameter is confined to a finite range: The notion of a generalized ancillary statistic
A likelihood-based stopping rule for recapture debugging
Predictive discrimination and classification with mixed binary and continuous variables
Markov sampling for finite populations
A note on the relationship between parameter collinearity and local influence
Asymptotic percentage points for Siegel's test statistic for compound periodicities
Modified martingale estimation for recapture experiments with hetrogeneous capture probabilities
A note on the quadratic exponential binary distribution
Bartlett corrections to likelihood ratio tests
A modified estimating equation approach to correcting for measurement error in regression
A note on Buckley—James estimators for censored data
A conditional model for incomplete covariates in parametric regression models
A statistical method of estimation and simulation for systems of stochastic differential equations
Some hidden projection properties of orthogonal arrays with strength three
Studies in the history of probability and statistics XLVIII The Bayesian contributions of Ernest Lhoste
Least absolute deviations estimation for ARCH and GARCH models
Generalised minimum aberration construction results for symmetrical orthogonal arrays
Semiparametric transformation models for the case-cohort study
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