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Gastrointestinal Microflora Studies in Late-Onset Autism
Concurrent Oral 6 - Osteoarthritis [OP39-OP46]
BHPR Oral Presentation of Abstract [OP69]
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Aetiopathogenesis [57-64]
Concurrent Oral 2 - Osteoporosis [OP7-OP12]
Concurrent Oral 5 - Novel Autoantibodies [OP31-OP38]
Osteoarthritis [113-125]
Determinants of Health Care Use among Puerto Rican Drug Users in Puerto Rico and New York City
Population-Based Incidence of Intussusception and a Case-Control Study to Examine the Association of Intussusception with Natural Rotavirus Infection among Indian Children
Diversity of Rotavirus VP7 and VP4 Genotypes in Northwestern Nigeria
Identification of Proteins Immunologically Related to Interferon Regulatory Factor-1 That Bind with Interferon Regulatory Factor Element
Bloodborne and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Drug Abusers in the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain
Infectious Diseases Society of America/American Thoracic Society Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults
Dendritic Cell Inhibition: Memoirs from Immunosuppressive Viruses
Interferon-γ as an Antifungal
Incorporating Drug-Resistance Measurements into the Clinical Management of HIV-1 Infection
Initiating Therapy: When to Start, What to Use
Duration of Untreated Chlamydial Genital Infection and Factors Associated with Clearance: Review of Animal Studies
Characterization of Rotavirus Strains Detected in Windhoek, Namibia during 1998-1999
Rotavirus Strain Diversity in the Centre Coast of Tunisia from 2000 through 2003
The Burden of Hospitalizations and Clinic Visits for Rotavirus Disease in Children Aged <5 Years in the Philippines
Intussusception Surveillance in a Rural Demographic Surveillance Area in Bangladesh
Burden of Severe Rotavirus Diarrhea in Indonesia
Managing Antiretroviral Therapy: Changing Regimens, Resistance Testing, and the Risks from Structured Treatment Interruptions
Risk of Sequelae after Chlamydia trachomatis Genital Infection in Women
Epidemiology [299-312]
Sentinel Hospital Surveillance for Rotavirus in Latin American and Caribbean Countries
Global Rotavirus Surveillance: Determining the Need and Measuring the Impact of Rotavirus Vaccines
Cohorts for the Study of HIV-1—Exposed but Uninfected Individuals: Benefits and Limitations
BHPR - Research [417-433]
Chlamydia trachomatis Persistence In Vitro: An Overview
International Symposium on Natural Immunity to HIV: A Gathering of the HIV-Exposed Seronegative Clan
Plenary Session [OP25-OP30]
Sjogren's Syndrome and Other Connective Tissue Disorders [151-156]
Concurrent Oral 7 - Advances in Therapy [OP47-OP54]
BHPR - Audit/Service Delivery [389-416]
Adherence to Heroin Dependence Therapies and Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Infection Rates among Drug Abusers
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Treatment [5-56]
Vasculitis [178-184]
Duration of Untreated, Uncomplicated Chlamydia trachomatis Genital Infection and Factors Associated with Chlamydia Resolution: A Review of Human Studies
The Challenge of Implementation of Preventive Programs in a Developing Country: Experiences, Situations, and Perspectives in Uruguay
Epidemiology of Rotavirus Diarrhea in Mongolia and Sri Lanka, March 2005-February 2007
Underestimates of Intussusception Rates among US Infants Based on Inpatient Discharge Data: Implications for Monitoring the Safety of Rotavirus Vaccines
Multicenter Prospective Study on the Burden of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in Turkey, 2005-2006: A Hospital-Based Study
Rationale and Uses of a Public HIV Drug-Resistance Database
Epidemiology of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis among Children <5 Years of Age in Morocco during 1 Year of Sentinel Hospital Surveillance, June 2006-May 2007
Screening and Treatment to Prevent Sequelae in Women with Chlamydia trachomatis Genital Infection: How Much Do We Know?
Preventing HIV Antiretroviral Resistance through Better Monitoring of Treatment Adherence
Global Mortality Associated with Rotavirus Disease among Children in 2004
Cost-Effectiveness of Rotavirus Vaccination in Peru
Innate Immunity in Resistance to HIV Infection
Natural Resistance to HIV Infection: Lessons Learned from HIV-Exposed Uninfected Individuals
Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in Children in 4 Regions in Brazil: A Hospital-Based Surveillance Study
Rotavirus Disease Burden and Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of a Rotavirus Vaccination Program in Kenya
Incidence, Characteristics, and Economic Burden of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis Associated with Hospitalization of Israeli Children <5 Years of Age, 2007-2008
Education Research [285-298]
Soft Tissue and Regional Musculoskeletal Disease, Fibromyalgia [313-324]
Combination Vaccines: Choices or Chaos? A Practitioner's Perspective
Scrub Typhus: The Geographic Distribution of Phenotypic and Genotypic Variants of Orientia tsutsugamushi
Emergence and Characterization of Human Rotavirus G9 Strains in Tunisia
Hospital-Based Surveillance of Rotavirus and Other Viral Agents of Diarrhea in Children and Adults in Russia, 2005-2007
How Much Could Rotavirus Vaccines Reduce Diarrhea-Associated Mortality in Northern Ghana? A Model to Assess Impact
Molecular Characterization of Rotavirus Strains Circulating in Oman in 2005
Pattern of SIVagm Infection in Patas Monkeys Suggests that Host Adaptation to Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Infection May Result in Resistance to Infection and Virus Extinction
Scleroderma and Related Disorders [157-167]
The Cycle of Human Herpes Simplex Virus Infection: Virus Transport and Immune Control
Antiretroviral Therapy and Central Nervous System HIV Type 1 Infection
Hospital-Based Surveillance of Rotavirus Diarrhea in the People’s Republic of China, August 2003-July 2007
Rotavirus Burden among Children in the Newly Independent States of the Former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Literature Review and First-Year Results from the Rotavirus Surveillance Network
Assessment of Postlicensure Safety of Rotavirus Vaccines, with Emphasis on Intussusception
HIV-1 Load Quantitation: A 17-Year Perspective
Diversity, Drug Resistance, and the Epidemic of Subtype C HIV-1 in Africa
Chlamydia trachomatis Strains and Virulence: Rethinking Links to Infection Prevalence and Disease Severity
Protective Immunity to Chlamydial Genital Infection: Evidence from Animal Studies
Concurrent Oral 3 - Connective Tissue Diseases [OP13-OP18]
Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease [325-350]
Author Index
Spondylarthropathies (Including Psoriatic Arthritis) [76-112]
Case Reports (I) [126-150]
The Past and Present Threat of Rickettsial Diseases to Military Medicine and International Public Health
Significant Challenges Facing HIV Practitioners
Introduction: The Natural History and Immunobiology of Chlamydia trachomatis Genital Infection and Implications for Chlamydia Control
SLE and Antiphospholipid Syndrome [168-177]
Health Care—Associated Infection (HAI): A Critical Appraisal of the Emerging Threat—Proceedings of the HAI Summit
Bridging Generations: Understanding Pathogenesis Leads to New Infectious Diseases Therapies and Diagnostics—Introduction and Dedication
Economic Costs of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis and Cost-Effectiveness of Vaccination in Developing Countries
Oral Rotavirus Vaccines: How Well Will They Work Where They Are Needed Most?
Projected Impact of the New Rotavirus Vaccination Program on Hospitalizations for Gastroenteritis and Rotavirus Disease among US Children <5 Years of Age during 2006-2015
Costs of Diarrheal Disease and the Cost-Effectiveness of a Rotavirus Vaccination Program in Kyrgyzstan
Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Rotavirus Immunization Program in the Arab Republic of Egypt
Molecular Characterization of Rotavirus Strains Circulating among Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in Madagascar during 2004-2005
The Global Spread of Rotavirus G10 Strains: Detection in Ghanaian Children Hospitalized with Diarrhea
G and P Types of Circulating Rotavirus Strains in the United States during 1996-2005: Nine Years of Prevaccine Data
Rotavirus Vaccines for Infants in Developing Countries in Africa and Asia: Considerations from a World Health Organization-Sponsored Consultation
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Clinical Aspects [185-243]
Health Services Research, Economics and Outcomes Research [244-284]
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