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Testis and spermatogenesis
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Testis and spermatogenesis
GP-83 and GP-39, two glycoproteins secreted by human epididymis are conjugated to spermatozoa during maturation
Cloning and characterization of a human orthologue of testis-specific succinyl CoA: 3-oxo acid CoA transferase (Scot-t) cDNA
Molecular characterization of the TCP11 gene which is the human homologue of the mouse gene encoding the receptor of fertilization promoting peptide
Presence of N-cadherin transcripts in mature spermatozoa
Presence of antibodies to sperm YLP12 synthetic peptide in sera and seminal plasma of immunoinfertile men
Sperm nuclear matrix association of the PRM1→PRM2→TNP2 domain is independent of Alu methylation
Intracellular calcium store depletion and acrosome reaction in human spermatozoa: role of calcium and plasma membrane potential
Vascular endothelial growth factor transgenic mice exhibit reduced male fertility and placental rejection
Cloning and sequencing of SOB3, a human gene coding for a sperm protein homologous to an antimicrobial protein and potentially involved in zona pellucida binding
Isolation of the human testatin gene and analysis in patients with abnormal gonadal development
Localization of the 16S mitochondrial rRNA in the nucleus of mammalian spermatogenic cells
Changes of the major sperm maturation-associated epididymal protein HE5 (CD52) on human ejaculated spermatozoa during incubation in capacitation conditions
Novel leader exons of the cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate response element modulator (CREM) gene, transcribed from promoters P3 and P4, are highly testis-specific in primates
Inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinases do not suppress progesterone-induced [Ca2+]i signalling in human spermatozoa
Prostasomes inhibit the NADPH oxidase activity of human neutrophils
An anti-actin monoclonal antibody inhibits the zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction and hyperactivated motility of human sperm
The role of insulin 3, testosterone, Müllerian inhibiting substance and relaxin in rat gubernacular growth
CREM activator and repressor isoforms in human testis: sequence variations and inaccurate splicing during impaired spermatogenesis
Tyrosine nitration in human spermatozoa: a physiological function of peroxynitrite, the reaction product of nitric oxide and superoxide
Cloning and characterization of human haspin gene encoding haploid germ cell-specific nuclear protein kinase
Teratozoospermia in mice lacking the transition protein 2 (Tnp2)
Purification and characterization of human seminal plasma α-l-fucosidase
Can mitochondrial DNA mutations cause sperm dysfunction?
Vitronectin is sequestered within human spermatozoa and liberated following the acrosome reaction
Heat stress reduces poly(ADPR)polymerase expression in rat testis
Developmental expression of Y-box protein 1 mRNA and alternatively spliced Y-box protein 3 mRNAs in spermatogenic cells in mice
Meiotic human sperm cells express a leucine-rich homologue of Caenorhabditis elegans early embryogenesis gene, Zyg-11
Expression of the TAR RNA binding protein in human testis
Identification of testis development and spermatogenesis-related genes in human and mouse testes using cDNA arrays
Zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction in human sperm: dependency on activation of pertussis toxin-sensitive Gi protein and extracellular calcium, and priming effect of progesterone and follicular fluid
Acrosome reaction of human spermatozoa is mainly mediated by α1H T-type calcium channels
Xanthine oxidase inhibitors suppress testicular germ cell apoptosis induced by experimental cryptorchidism
Partial rescue of the Dazl knockout mouse by the human DAZL gene
Molecular characterization of a voltage-gated potassium channel expressed in rat testis
Identification of human candidate genes for male infertility by digital differential display
Study of the HIV-1 receptors CD4, CXCR4, CCR5 and CCR3 in the human and rat testis
Expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and macrophage colony-stimulating factor in normal and inflamed rat testis
Y chromosome microdeletions and germinal mosaicism in infertile males
Expression of Bcl-2 family proteins and spontaneous apoptosis in normal human testis
The extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway is involved in human sperm function and modulated by the superoxide anion
Molecular cloning and characterization of the human orthologue of male germ cell-specific actin capping protein α3 (cpα3)
Expression and characterization of the human YWK-II gene, encoding a sperm membrane protein related to the Alzheimer βA4-amyloid precursor protein
Differential expression of oestrogen receptor α and β proteins in the testes and male reproductive system of human and non-human primates
AZFa deletions in Sertoli cell-only syndrome: a retrospective study
Epididymal epithelium immortalized by simian virus 40 large T antigen: a model to study epididymal gene expression
Expression of a Y-box protein, YB2/RYB-a, precedes protamine 2 expression during spermatogenesis in rodents
Characterization of the genomic organization, localization and expression of four PRY genes (PRY1, PRY2, PRY3 and PRY4)
Effects of the ion-channel blocker quinine on human sperm volume, kinematics and mucus penetration, and the involvement of potassium channels
Prolactin receptor expression in human testis and accessory tissues: localization and function
Co-localization of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor and calreticulin in the equatorial segment and in membrane bounded vesicles in the cytoplasmic droplet of human spermatozoa
Hypospadias and the androgen receptor gene: mutation screening and CAG repeat length analysis
Anti-SLIP1-reactive proteins exist on human spermatozoa and are involved in zona pellucida binding
Human tMDC III: a sperm protein with a potential role in oocyte recognition
Molecular screening of the CFTR gene in men with anomalies of the vas deferens: identification of three novel mutations
Age-dependent activin receptor expression pinpoints activin A as a physiological regulator of rat Sertoli cell proliferation
Localization of oestrogen receptors alpha and beta in human testis
Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9 activities in human seminal plasma
Cloning and characterization of the human tektin-t gene
Expression of GnRH receptor in mouse and rat testicular germ cells
Perforin-independent expression of granzyme B and proteinase inhibitor 9 in human testis and placenta suggests a role for granzyme B-mediated proteolysis in reproduction
Expression of the transmembrane carbonic anhydrases, CA IX and CA XII, in the human male excurrent ducts
Caspase activity and apoptotic markers in ejaculated human sperm
Semenogelin I and II, the predominant human seminal plasma proteins, are also expressed in non-genital tissues
Different signal transduction pathways are involved during human sperm capacitation induced by biological and pharmacological agents
A critical investigation of NADPH oxidase activity in human spermatozoa
Calcitonin, angiotensin II and FPP significantly modulate mouse sperm function
The human Y chromosome genes BPY2, CDY1 and DAZ are not essential for sustained fertility
Isolation and identification of sperm membrane antigens recognized by antisperm antibodies, and their possible role in immunological infertility disease
MUC1 in normal and impaired spermatogenesis
Expression and function of the HSD-3.8 gene encoding a testis-specific protein
Cloning, expression and characterization of mouse spermatid specific thioredoxin-1 gene and protein
CAG repeat length of the androgen receptor gene in Japanese males with cryptorchidism
Purification of GP-83, a glycoprotein secreted by the human epididymis and conjugated to mature spermatozoa
Expression of hMLH1 and hMSH2 and assessment of microsatellite instability in testicular and mediastinal germ cell tumours
Targeted expression of SV40 large tumour antigen (TAg) induces a transient enhancement of spermatocyte proliferation and apoptosis
Fas expression correlates with human germ cell degeneration in meiotic and post-meiotic arrest of spermatogenesis
Identification and characterization of the cynomolgus monkey chromodomain gene cynCDY, an orthologue of the human CDY gene family
Lactate inhibits germ cell apoptosis in the human testis
The effect of FSH on male germ cell survival and differentiation in vitro is mimicked by pentoxifylline but not insulin
Absence of mutations involving the INSL3 gene in human idiopathic cryptorchidism
Expression patterns and transcript concentrations of the autosomal DAZL gene in testes of azoospermic men
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