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Central limit and other weak theorems
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MSC 2010
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Limit theorems
Central limit and other weak theorems
Limite centrale ed altri teoremi deboli
Brownian particles with electrostatic repulsion on the circle: Dyson's model for unitary random matrices revisited
Asymptotics for the L p-deviation of the variance estimator under diffusion
Convergence to infinitely divisible distributions with finite variance for some weakly dependent sequences
Branching random walks on binary search trees: convergence of the occupation measure
Central limit theorem for hitting times of functionals of Markov jump processes
Asymptotic normality of randomly truncated stochastic algorithms
Risk bounds for new M-estimation problems
Dependent Lindeberg central limit theorem and some applications
Process level moderate deviations for stabilizing functionals
Tail approximations for samples from a finite population with applications to permutation tests
On the asymptotic variance in the central limit theorem for particle filters
The coupon collector’s problem revisited: generalizing the double Dixie cup problem of Newman and Shepp
On a variant of random homogenization theory: convergence of the residual process and approximation of the homogenized coefficients
Large deviations and full Edgeworth expansions for finite Markov chains with applications to the analysis of genomic sequences
Central limit theorems for stochastic approximation with controlled Markov chain dynamics
On the convergence of moments in the almost sure central limit theorem for stochastic approximation algorithms
Poisson approximation of subgraph counts in stochastic block models and a graphon model
Poisson sphere counting processes with random radii
Dynamics of Stochastic Neuronal Networks and the Connections to Random Graph Theory
Multidimensional limit theorems for homogeneous sums: A survey and a general transfer principle
Minimum variance importance sampling via Population Monte Carlo
Goodness-of-fit tests in long-range dependent processes under fixed alternatives
Testing randomness of spatial point patterns with the Ripley statistic
Asymptotic results for weighted means of random variables which converge to a Dickman distribution, and some number theoretical applications
On a Szegö type limit theorem, the Hölder-Young-Brascamp-Lieb inequality, and the asymptotic theory of integrals and quadratic forms of stationary fields
Almost sure functional limit theorem for the product of partial sums
A central limit theorem for triangular arrays of weakly dependent random variables, with applications in statistics
A sharp analysis on the asymptotic behavior of the Durbin-Watson statistic for the first-order autoregressive process
Moment measures of heavy-tailed renewal point processes: asymptotics and applications
Limit theorems for some functionals with heavy tails of a discrete time Markov chain
Penultimate gamma approximation in the CLT for skewed distributions
Adaptive confidence bands for Markov chains and diffusions: Estimating the invariant measure and the drift
The law of the iterated logarithm for the multivariate kernel mode estimator
Asymptotic behavior of the hitting time, overshoot and undershoot for some Lévy processes
Bid-ask spread dynamics: large upward jump with geometric catastrophes
Weakly protected nodes in random binary search trees
Note on the exponential recursive k-ary trees
Rescaled weighted determinantal random balls
About the Stein equation for the generalized inverse Gaussian and Kummer distributions
Redundancy in Gaussian random fields
The logarithmic Zipf law in a general urn problem
Non-central limit theorems for functionals of random fields on hypersurfaces
Raking-ratio empirical process with auxiliary information learning
On the excursion area of perturbed Gaussian fields
Estimating fast mean-reverting jumps in electricity market models
Local asymptotic self-similarity for heavy tailed harmonizable fractional Lévy motions
New error bounds for Laplace approximation via Stein’s method
Poisson perturbations
Théorèmes limites avec poids pour les martingales vectorielles
Goodness-of-fit test for long range dependent processes
Limit theorems for U-statistics indexed by a one dimensional random walk
U-Statistics on bipartite exchangeable networks
Quantitative clts on a gaussian space: a survey of recent developments
Stability of precise Laplace's method under approximations; Applications
On the minimizing point of the incorrectly centered empirical process and its limit distribution in nonregular experiments
On the bounded laws of iterated logarithm in Banach space
Asymptotic behavior of differential equations driven by periodic and random processes with slowly decaying correlations
Cramér type moderate deviations for Studentized U-statistics
On the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem for hierarchical Laplacians
LAMN property for the drift and volatility parameters of a sde driven by a stable Lévy process
A Peccati-Tudor type theorem for Rademacher chaoses
Limit theorems for quadratic forms and related quantities of discretely sampled continuous-time moving averages
narrower concept
Limit theorems
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