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Combinatorial optimization
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MSC 2010
broader concept
Mathematical programming
Combinatorial optimization
Ottimizzazione combinatoria
Matroids, geometric lattices
Programming involving graphs or networks
Solving the simple plant location problem by genetic algorithm
A Derivation of Lovász' Theta via Augmented Lagrange Duality
Towards a theory of practice in metaheuristics design: A machine learning perspective
Minmax regret combinatorial optimization problems: an Algorithmic Perspective
An exact method to generate all nondominated spanning trees
Combined neighborhood tabu search for community detection in complex networks
The Polytope of m-Subspaces of a Finite Affine Space
On a dual network exterior point simplex type algorithm and its computational behavior
Two-stage robust optimization, state-space representable uncertainty and applications
Using column generation to compute lower bound sets for bi-objective combinatorial optimization problems
A note on a two dimensional knapsack problem with unloading constraints
The partial inverse minimum cut problem with L1-norm is strongly NP-hard
Vehicle routing problem with limited refueling halts using particle swarm optimization with greedy mutation operator
A Network Design Problem with Two-Edge Matching Failures
The Prize-collecting Call Control Problem on Weighted Lines and Rings
A Partheno-Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem
New conjugate gradient method for unconstrained optimization
An improved binary search algorithm for the Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem
The inverse maximum flow problem considering l∞ norm
On the Steiner 2-edge connected subgraph polytope
Reformulations in Mathematical Programming: Definitions and Systematics
Approximation algorithms for metric tree cover and generalized tour and tree covers
New algorithms for coupled tasks scheduling - a survey
Solving the Crop Allocation Problem using Hard and Soft Constraints
An exact method for solving the bi-objective Minimum Diameter-Cost Spanning Tree Problem
Logic Gate-based Evolutionary Algorithm for the multidimensional knapsack problem-wireless sensor network application
Improved approximation of the general soft-capacitated facility location problem
Lot-sizing for production planning in a recovery system with returns
Continuous reformulations and heuristics for the Euclidean travelling salesperson problem
Analysis of a near-metric TSP approximation algorithm
Online LIB problems: Heuristics for Bin Covering and lower bounds for Bin Packing
Large neighborhood improvements for solving car sequencing problems
Clique partitioning of interval graphs with submodular costs on the cliques
Greedy algorithms for optimal computing of matrix chain products involving square dense and triangular matrices
Balancing the stations of a self service “bike hire” system
A polyhedral study of a two level facility location model
A convex Hull algorithm for solving a location problem
Metaheuristics to solve a tasks scheduling problem in parallel identical machines with unavailability periods
Acyclic Orientations with Path Constraints
Partial reformulation-linearization based optimization models for the Golomb ruler problem
An improved sequential insertion algorithm and tabu search to vehicle routing problem with time windows
Metaheuristic algorithms for solving roman {2}-domination problem
Graphs obtained by disjoint unions and joins of cliques and stable sets
Complexity of inheritance of ℱ-convexity for restricted games induced by minimum partitions
Making high school students aware of optimization through games and puzzles
Near-optimal solutions and tight lower bounds for the parallel machines scheduling problem with learning effect
A heuristic for the minimum cost chromatic partition problem
A variable neighborhood search algorithm with reinforcement learning for a real-life periodic vehicle routing problem with time windows and open routes
Facets based on cycles and cliques for the acyclic coloring polytope
Hierarchical minimization of two maximum costs on a bounded serial-batching machine
An optimal solution for the budgets assignment problem
Exact and approximate algorithms for the longest induced path problem
Analysis of threat based algorithm using different performance measures
A new penalty/stochastic approach to an application of the covering problem: The gamma knife treatment
Formulation and a heuristic approach for the orienteering location-routing problem
Integer and constraint programming approaches for providing optimality to the bandwidth multicoloring problem
A BRKGA-based matheuristic for the maximum quasi-clique problem with an exact local search strategy
Using multiflow formulations to solve the Steiner tree problem in graphs
Hub location problem in round-trip service applications
A reduction heuristic for the all-colors shortest path problem
The integrated uncapacitated lot sizing and bin packing problem
An effective iterated greedy algorithm for blocking hybrid flow shop problem with due date window
Hybrid Cell Selection-based Heuristic for capacitated multi-facility Weber problem with continuous fixed costs
On the computational cost of the set cover approach for the optimal camera placement problem and possible set-cover-inspired trade-offs for surveillance infrastructure design
A construction heuristic for finding an initial solution to a very large-scale capacitated vehicle routing problem
Low-cost heuristics for matrix bandwidth reduction combined with a Hill-Climbing strategy
The integrated cutting and packing heterogeneous precast beams multiperiod production planning problem
A conjecture on a continuous optimization model for the Golomb Ruler Problem
A matheuristic approach for the maximum balanced subgraph of a signed graph
A note on “Variable Neighborhood Search Based Algorithms for Crossdock Truck Assignment”
Simultaneous optimization scheduling with two agents on an unbounded serial-batching machine
An improved heuristic algorithm for the maximum benefit Chinese postman problem
Hybrid matheuristics for the multi-capacitated clustering problem
Real time read-frequency optimization for railway monitoring system
New iterative conjugate gradient method for nonlinear unconstrained optimization
A congested capacitated location problem with continuous network demand
Optimal PMU placement problem in octahedral networks
The edge-labeled survivable network design problem: Formulations and branch-and-cut
Arc-flow formulations for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem with multiple manufacturing modes
Conflict hypergraphs to define new families of facets for the independence system polytope
An improved algorithm on unbounded parallel-batching scheduling to minimize maximum cost and makespan
Algorithms for the genome median under a restricted measure of rearrangement
A hybrid genetic algorithm for stochastic job-shop scheduling problems
A parallel lagrangian heuristic for the fractional chromatic number of a graph
A Genetic Algorithm for an inventory system under belief structure inflationary conditions
On Minimizing Total Tardiness in a Serial Batching Problem
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