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Nonlinear programming
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MSC 2010
broader concept
Mathematical programming
Nonlinear programming
Programmazione non lineare
Methods of nonlinear programming type
Eigenvalues, eigenvectors
Global methods, including homotopy approaches
Integer Programming Formulation of the Bilevel Knapsack Problem
Analysis of M-stationary points to an EPEC modeling oligopolistic competition in an electricity spot market
Asymptotic analysis of the trajectories of the logarithmic barrier algorithm without constraint qualifications
Decrease of C1,1 property in vector optimization
New conjugate gradient method for unconstrained optimization
Nonsmooth Problems of Calculus of Variations via Codifferentiation
Unified global optimality conditions for smooth minimization problems with mixed variables
Reformulations in Mathematical Programming: Definitions and Systematics
Lead time and ordering cost reductions in budget and storage space restricted probabilistic inventory models with imperfect items
Extended VIKOR as a new method for solving Multiple Objective Large-Scale Nonlinear Programming problems
A Cooperative Sensor Network: Optimal Deployment and Functioning
Production-inventory system with finite production rate, stock-dependent demand, and variable holding cost
Fritz John type optimality and duality in nonlinear programming under weak pseudo-invexity
How much do approximate derivatives hurt filter methods?
Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search for Discrete-Continuous Project Scheduling with Discounted Cash Flows
On finding optimal parameters of an oscillatory model of handwriting
Multi-objective Optimization Problem with Bounded Parameters
On the control of ill-posed distributed parameter systems
A method for detecting pollution in dissipative systems with incomplete data.
Convergence analysis of adaptive trust region methods
Multi-objective geometric programming problem with Karush −Kuhn −Tucker condition using ϵ-constraint method
Deregulated electricity markets with thermal losses and production bounds: models and optimality conditions
Asymptotic behavior of second-order dissipative evolution equations combining potential with non-potential effects
Partial reformulation-linearization based optimization models for the Golomb ruler problem
A note on the dislocation hyperbolic transformation function
Wolfe type duality on quasidifferentiable mathematical programs with vanishing constraints
Chance constrained optimization of elliptic PDE systems with a smoothing convex approximation
Optimization with learning-informed differential equation constraints and its applications
Optimality conditions, approximate stationarity, and applications - a story beyond lipschitzness
A mathematical justification for metronomic chemotherapy in oncology
Replenishment of imperfect items in an EOQ inventory model with partial backordering
An exact minimax penalty function approach to solve multitime variational problems
The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions for multiple objective fractional interval valued optimization problems
Economic lot-size problem for a cleaner manufacturing system with warm-up period
Impact of pricing structure on supply chain coordination with cooperative advertising
A common weights model for investigating efficiency-based leadership in the russian banking industry
On the minimum-norm solution of convex quadratic programming
Estimation of portfolio efficiency considering social responsibility: evidence from the multi-horizon diversification DEA
Improved enhanced Fritz John condition and constraints qualifications using convexificators
Necessary optimality conditions for a fractional multiobjective optimization problem
Optimality and duality in nonsmooth vector optimization with non-convex feasible set
Optimality and duality for nonsmooth semi-infinite mathematical program with equilibrium constraints involving generalized invexity of order σ> 0
Existence of solution of constrained interval optimization problems with regularity concept
Tighter bound functions for nonconvex functions over simplexes
An efficient three-term conjugate gradient-type algorithm for monotone nonlinear equations
On optimality and duality in interval-valued variational problem with B-( p, r)-invexity
On derivative based bounding for simplicial branch and bound
Robust duality for generalized convex nonsmooth vector programs with uncertain data in constraints
Fuzzy reverse logistics inventory model of smart items with two warehouses of a retailer considering carbon emissions
A note on the paper “Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions using convexifactors for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints”
Economic and environmental assessment of an unreliable supply chain management
A modified Perry-type derivative-free projection method for solving large-scale nonlinear monotone equations
On the derivative-free quasi-Newton-type algorithm for separable systems of nonlinear equations
A new family of Dai-Liao conjugate gradient methods with modified secant equation for unconstrained optimization
Two new Hager-Zhang iterative schemes with improved parameter choices for monotone nonlinear systems and their applications in compressed sensing
Manufacturing/remanufacturing based supply chain management under advertisements and carbon emissions process
Regularization algorithms for linear copositive problems
On second-order radial-asymptotic proto-differentiability of the borwein perturbation maps
Optimal marketing channel and strategy in social commerce
Sustainable multi-products delivery routing network design for two-echelon supplier selection problem in B2B e-commerce platform
Estimation of portfolio efficiency via stochastic DEA
Ambulance location under temporal variation in demand using a mixed coded memetic algorithm
Carbon-emission and waste reduction of a manufacturing-remanufacturing system using green technology and autonomated inspection
Solving geometric programming problems with triangular and trapezoidal uncertainty distributions
New iterative conjugate gradient method for nonlinear unconstrained optimization
Optimality conditions for MPECs in terms of directional upper convexifactors
A modified nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm for unconstrained optimization and portfolio selection problems
Two modified conjugate gradient methods for solving unconstrained optimization and application
Optimality conditions and duality results for a robust bi-level programming problem
On convergence of exponential penalty for the multi-dimensional variational problems
Nonlinear fuzzy fractional signomial programming problem: A fuzzy geometric programming solution approach
An accelerated proximal alternating direction method of multipliers for robust fused Lasso
An optimization method to solve a fully intuitionistic fuzzy non-linear separable programming problem
Regularization method for stochastic mathematical programs with complementarity constraints
Some recent developments in nonlinear optimization algorithms
An application of a smart production system to control deteriorated inventory
Dislocation hyperbolic augmented Lagrangian algorithm for nonconvex optimization
On Frèchet normal cone for nonsmooth mathematical programming problems with switching constraints
Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of an Alternative Well-Posed Two-Layer Turbulence Model
A forward-backward dynamical approach to the minimization of the sum of a nonsmooth convex with a smooth nonconvex function
Solution uniqueness of convex piecewise affine functions based optimization with applications to constrained ℓ1 minimization
Simulation and structural optimization of 3d Timoshenko beam networks based on fully analytic network solutions
Combination of two underestimators for univariate global optimization
Optimal design of sales and maintenance under the renewable warranty
Constrained integrated inventory model for multi-item under mixture of distributions
Optimal and simple algorithms to solve integrated procurement-production-inventory problem without/with shortage
ϵ-Efficient solutions in semi-infinite multiobjective optimization
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