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Approximation methods and heuristics
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MSC 2010
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Mathematical programming
Approximation methods and heuristics
Metodi di approssimazione ed euristica
Solving the simple plant location problem by genetic algorithm
MIP-based heuristics for multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times and shortage costs
A Hybrid Approach Combining Local Search and Constraint Programming for a Large Scale Energy Management Problem
Vehicle routing problem with limited refueling halts using particle swarm optimization with greedy mutation operator
A note on the hardness results for the labeled perfect matching problems in bipartite graphs
A discrete-time approximation technique for the time-cost trade-off in PERT networks
Approximation algorithms for metric tree cover and generalized tour and tree covers
New algorithms for coupled tasks scheduling - a survey
Improved approximation of the general soft-capacitated facility location problem
Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search for Discrete-Continuous Project Scheduling with Discounted Cash Flows
Lot-sizing for production planning in a recovery system with returns
Continuous reformulations and heuristics for the Euclidean travelling salesperson problem
Solving maximum independent set by asynchronous distributed hopfield-type neural networks
MEMOTS: a memetic algorithm integrating tabu search for combinatorial multiobjective optimization
Greedy algorithms for optimal computing of matrix chain products involving square dense and triangular matrices
An improved ant algorithm for Multi-mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
Metaheuristics to solve a tasks scheduling problem in parallel identical machines with unavailability periods
New approach to solve unconstrained binary quadratic problem
An improved sequential insertion algorithm and tabu search to vehicle routing problem with time windows
Approximation schemes for scheduling jobs on identical parallel machines to minimize the maximum lateness and makespan
A metaheuristic penalty approach for the starting point in nonlinear programming
Near-optimal solutions and tight lower bounds for the parallel machines scheduling problem with learning effect
General lot-sizing and scheduling for perishable food products
An optimal solution for the budgets assignment problem
Open Capacitated ARC routing problem by Hybridized Ant Colony Algorithm
A new two-stage variable neighborhood search algorithm for the nurse rostering problem
Heuristic approach applied to the optimum stratification problem
Multi-objective multi-factory scheduling
A heuristic approach for green vehicle routing
An improved Evaporation Rate-Water Cycle Algorithm based Genetic Algorithm for solving generalized ratio problems
A BRKGA-based matheuristic for the maximum quasi-clique problem with an exact local search strategy
An ils-based heuristic applied to the car renter salesman problem
Hub location problem in round-trip service applications
A reduction heuristic for the all-colors shortest path problem
Capacitated location routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery under the risk of disruption
Hybrid Cell Selection-based Heuristic for capacitated multi-facility Weber problem with continuous fixed costs
A construction heuristic for finding an initial solution to a very large-scale capacitated vehicle routing problem
The integrated cutting and packing heterogeneous precast beams multiperiod production planning problem
A matheuristic approach for the maximum balanced subgraph of a signed graph
A bilevel game model for ascertaining competitive target prices for a buyer in negotiation with multiple suppliers
Performance guarantee of the jump neighborhood for scheduling jobs on uniformly related machines
An improved heuristic algorithm for the maximum benefit Chinese postman problem
Hybrid matheuristics for the multi-capacitated clustering problem
Real time read-frequency optimization for railway monitoring system
Sustainable multi-products delivery routing network design for two-echelon supplier selection problem in B2B e-commerce platform
The effective BRKGA algorithm for the k-medoids clustering problem
A hyper-heuristic for distributed parallel machine scheduling with machine-dependent processing and sequence-dependent setup times
Fix-and-optimize metaheuristics for minmax regret binary integer programming problems under interval uncertainty
The widest k-set of disjoint paths problem
Algorithms for the genome median under a restricted measure of rearrangement
Heuristic algorithm for univariate stratification problem
Comparison of algorithms in graph partitioning
A new modified bat algorithm for global optimization
A fuzzy particle swarm optimization method with application to shape design problem
A generalized model and a heuristic algorithm for the large-scale covering tour problem
Hybrid data mining heuristics for the heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem
A genetic algorithm for the steel continuous casting with inter-sequence dependent setups and dedicated machines
The cycle shop scheduling: mathematical model, properties and solution algorithms
Solving a dynamic combinatorial auctions problem by a hybrid metaheuristic based on a fuzzy dominance relation
Grasp heuristic for time series compression with piecewise aggregate approximation
Efficient algorithms under dynamic graphs to solve the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem with feasible sparse graph
Suppliers selection problem with quantity discounts and price changes: A heuristic approach
On the problem of minimizing the cost with optical devices in Wavelength Division Multiplexing optical networks: complexity analysis, mathematical formulation and improved heuristics
Preemptive multi-skilled resource constrained project scheduling problem with hard/soft interval due dates
narrower concept
Mathematical programming
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